

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2015-01-01Constructing Social Minds: Coordination, Communication, and Cultural Transmission SOMICSparticipant9.618.2922
2014-10-01Neural basis and cognition of nest building in birds BIRDNESTcoordinator221.6061
2014-08-01"Socio-spatial inequality, deprived neighbourhoods, and neighbourhood effects" DEPRIVEDHOODSparticipant1.996.5065
2014-08-01Complex Preferences in Matching Markets and Auctions CPMMAcoordinator204.9311
2014-06-01GenoChemetics: Gene eXpression enabling selective Chemical functionalisation of natural products GCGXCparticipant1.981.2721
2014-05-01Implementing Crystalline Materials as the Active Medium in Organic Solid State Lasers: Pushing Forward the Limits of Electrically Driven Lasers LASERS FORWARDcoordinator231.2831
2014-04-01Cellular bioengineering by plasmonic enhanced laser nanosurgery LIGHT2NANOGENEcoordinator283.4891
2014-04-01"Exploiting 17O NMR Spectroscopy: Atomic-Scale Structure, Disorder and Dynamics in Solids" EXONMRparticipant1.902.1881
2014-03-01Reconstructing and Interpreting the Forcing of Climate using Sulfur and Carbon Isotopes REINFORCEcoordinator100.0001
2014-03-01New chemical biology for tailoring novel therapeutics NCB-TNTparticipant2.499.9912
2014-03-01"FLUOR21 : Synthesis, structure and function of fluorinated systems" FLUOR21participant3.301.2949
2014-01-01Concealed Objects Stand-Off Real-Time Imaging for Security CONSORTISparticipant3.953.44911
2014-01-01Energy efficient MOF-based Mixed Matrix Membranes for CO2 Capture M4CO2participant7.932.37516
2014-01-01Ultra-fast Laser Surfacing of Teeth for Resistance to Erosion LUSTREparticipant2.446.0377
2014-01-01Magnetohydrodynamics and Radiative Transfer: Development of a combined Solar Prominences modeling technique COMBINED MHD AND RTcoordinator221.6061
2013-12-01DAtacommunications based on NanophotoniC Resonators DANCERparticipant1.495.4501
2013-10-01Sustainable Biomass Conversions by Highly Efficient Catalytic Processes SUBICATcoordinator3.943.8507
2013-09-16Lithium isotopes as a tracer for changes in interglacial-glacial weathering processes LITINGcoordinator231.2831
2013-09-01Fixed Point Open Ocean Observatories Network FIXO3participant7.000.00029
2013-09-01Kinetoplastid Drug Development: strengthening the preclinical pipeline KINDREDcoordinator5.999.99114
2013-08-15Cognition and Brains of Ecological Invaders COBRAparticipant25.2003
2013-08-01"Development of Novel Biological Lasers based on Fluorescent Proteins, Live Cells, and Self-Assembled Resonators" BIOLAScoordinator100.0001
2013-05-01Post-Soviet Tensions: A Training Programme in Post-Soviet Affairs for Early Career Researchers TENSIONSparticipant3.660.6066
2013-04-01Advanced Measurement and Control of Exciton Diffusion for Next Generation Organic Semiconductor Optoelectronics EXCITONparticipant2.100.0001
2013-04-01Principles of dialect evolution in killer whales DIALECT EVOLUTIONcoordinator278.8071
2013-03-01Pulsed Dipolar Spectroscopy on Symmetric Oligomers OLIGO PELDORcoordinator100.0001
2013-03-01Synthesis of Golden Catalysts GOLDCATparticipant148.1471
2013-02-01A European Training Network for Sustainable Phosphorus Chemistry SUSPHOSparticipant3.676.69313
2013-02-01LANGUAGE–PHILOLOGY–CULTURE: Arab Cultural Semantics in Transition ARSEMparticipant1.499.5071
2013-01-01Brazilian-European partnership in Dynamical Systems BREUDSparticipant707.70021
2013-01-01"Measuring Eta_Earth: Characterization of Terrestrial Planetary Systems with Kepler, HARPS-N, and Gaia" ETAEARTHparticipant1.994.3598
2013-01-01Infection biology training network: shaping the future of infectious diseases treatments INBIONETparticipant3.968.98310
2013-01-01Power and Institutions in Medieval Islam and Christendom. An integrated training in research and diffusion for comparative history PIMICparticipant3.320.91810
2012-12-01European Consortium for Pacific Studies ECOPASparticipant1.499.9976
2012-11-01Coordinating Action Systems Medicine – Implementation of Systems Medicine across Europe CASYMparticipant2.996.47722
2012-10-01Functional anatomical molecular optical screening FAMOSparticipant10.099.99917
2012-09-01The origins of galaxy bimodality: Linking mergers, starbursts and feedback in observations and simulations SEDMORPHparticipant1.430.6221
2012-08-01BlueGenics – From gene to bioactive product: Exploiting marine genomics for an innovative and sustainable European blue biotechnology industry BlueGenicsparticipant5.999.86918
2012-05-01Persia and its Neighbours: the Archaeology of Late Antique Imperial Power in Iran PERSIAparticipant2.488.0036
2012-05-01Star Formation and the Galactic Ecology ECOGALparticipant2.210.5231
2012-03-01On-animal sound sensors: long-term sound and movement recording tags for studying how environmental noise affects animals AnimalSoundSensorscoordinator100.0001
2012-03-01"Maximising yield of fisheries while balancing ecosystem, economic and social concerns" MYFISHparticipant4.999.99931
2012-01-01"Toolbox Implementation for Removal of Anti-personnel Mines, Submunitions and UXO" TIRAMISUparticipant14.934.74526
2012-01-01Replication and Adaptation in Molecular Networks READparticipant3.036.05110
2012-01-01Analysis and Modelling of Multi-wavelength Observational Data from Protoplanetary Discs DISCANALYSIScoordinator1.993.6226
2012-01-01Solar and Heliospheric Collisionless Kinetics: Enabling Data Analysis of the Sun to Earth Plasma System with Kinetic Modelling SHOCKparticipant1.998.1047
2012-01-01The Islamisation of Anatolia, c. 1100-1500 ISLAMANATOLIAparticipant1.320.7881
2012-01-01The growth of galaxies PHIZ-EVcoordinator45.0002
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