

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2014-03-01Dependable Embedded Wireless Infrastructure DEWIparticipant6.615.38759
2014-03-01Tools for Competence-Centred, Multi-Source Learning Analytics LEAs BOXcoordinator1.379.6004
2014-02-01Clinical Intervention Modelling, Planning and Proof for Ablation Cancer Treatment ClinicIMPPACTparticipant2.843.0008
2014-02-01Securing Health.Emergency.Learning.Planning S-HELPparticipant3.496.83610
2014-01-01A Multiscale Simulation-Based Design Platform for Cost-Effective CO2 Capture Processes using Nano-Structured Materials (NanoSim) NANOSIMparticipant3.888.0008
2013-12-01Biological control manufacturers in Europe develop novel biological control products to support the implementation of Integrated Pest Management in agriculture and forestry BIOCOMESparticipant8.997.26427
2013-11-01The Future of Brain/Neural Computer Interaction: Horizon 2020 BNCI Horizon 2020coordinator948.97612
2013-11-01small Electric Passenger vehicle with maximized Safety and Integrating a Lightweight Oriented Novel body architecture EPSILONparticipant2.498.63010
2013-11-01Ingredients for Food and Beverage industry from a lignocellulosic source LIGNOFOODparticipant1.605.00010
2013-11-01Multi-entity-security using active Transmission Technology for improved Handling of Exportable security credentials Without privacy restrictions MATTHEWparticipant3.600.0008
2013-11-01European network for innovative microbioreactor applications in bioprocess development EUROMBRparticipant3.983.05612
2013-10-01SenseOCEAN: Marine sensors for the 21st Century SENSEOCEANparticipant5.924.94512
2013-10-01Wood chip feeding technology of the future for small-scale biomass boilers BIOCHIPFEEDINGparticipant1.094.1057
2013-10-01a Multimodal Authoring and Gaming Environment for Location-based coLlaborative AdveNtures MAGELLANparticipant6.748.52313
2013-10-01Nano-carbons for versatile power supply modules NANOCATEparticipant3.994.21013
2013-10-01Engine Module Validators ENOVALparticipant26.459.21537
2013-10-01The Human Brain Project HBPparticipant54.000.000114
2013-10-01Holistic Energy Management for third and fourth generation of EVs:\neDAS = efficiency powered by smart Design meaningful Architecture connected Systems eDASparticipant8.925.00015
2013-09-01Sucrose Synthase as Cost-Effective Mediator of Glycosylation Reactions SUSYparticipant5.089.6428
2013-09-01Photopatterning of Cellulose Films for Creation of 2- and 3-Dimensional Nanostructures PHOTOPATTTOCELLcoordinator75.0001
2013-09-01Thin-film Hybrid Interfaces: a training initiative for the design of next-generation energy devices THINFACEparticipant3.873.6689
2013-06-01Cloud for Europe C4Eparticipant9.865.00024
2013-06-01Interaction Trichoderma-Stenotrophomonas and its effect on plant growth and health ITRIScoordinator249.8901
2013-05-02Adolescent age estimation from magnetic resonance images YOUTHcoordinator179.1371
2013-05-01Critical System Engineering Acceleration CRYSTALparticipant13.611.91668
2013-04-01A Generic Open-end Simulation Environment for Minimally Invasive Cancer Treatment Go-Smartparticipant4.150.0009
2013-03-01Arrowhead ARROWHEADparticipant11.322.27079
2013-03-013D acquisition, processing and presentation of prehistoric European rock-art 3D-PITOTIparticipant2.899.7467
2013-02-01Z phase strengthened steels for ultra-supercritical power plants Z-ULTRAparticipant2.548.06711
2013-02-01Training Program for the Design of Resource and Energy Efficient Products by High Pressure Processes DOHIPparticipant2.970.9547
2013-01-01Culturally Enhanced Augmented Realities CultARparticipant3.400.0007
2012-11-01"Development of a high resolution, low cost, short range precipitation radar system" MARGparticipant1.028.0009
2012-11-01Learning Layers - Scaling up Technologies for Informal Learning in SME Clusters Layersparticipant9.900.00017
2012-11-01Shaping the future of electronic identity FutureIDparticipant9.992.82519
2012-11-01Cooperative Self-Organizing System for low Carbon Mobility at low Penetration Rates COLOMBOparticipant2.131.0006
2012-10-01Safe Small Electric Vehicles through Advanced Simulation Methodologies SAFEEVparticipant2.120.47211
2012-10-01A Source code analysis Toolbox for software security AssuraNCE STANCEparticipant3.800.00010
2012-10-01Modular Logistics Units in Shared Co-modal Networks MODULUSHCAparticipant2.899.66316
2012-10-01Modelling And Testing for Improved Safety of key composite StructurEs in alternatively powered vehicles MATISSEparticipant2.200.00011
2012-10-01Odour MoNitoring and Information System based on CItizEN and Technology Innovative Sensors OMNISCIENTISparticipant1.243.56610
2012-10-01Research by Experimentation for Dependability on the Internet of Things RELYonITcoordinator1.449.9096
2012-10-01Working Environment with Social and Personal Open Tools for inquiry based learning weSPOTparticipant2.899.9969
2012-10-01Enabling Science and Technology through European Electron Microscopy ESTEEM 2participant7.500.00018
2012-08-01Mastering bioprocess Integration and intensification across scales BIOINTENSEparticipant5.554.68514
2012-04-01Combined development of compact thermal energy storage technologies COMTESparticipant4.735.02111
2012-02-01REduction of COgnitive BIAses in Intelligence Analysis RECOBIAparticipant3.215.45410
2012-01-02New Materials and Control for a next generation of compact combined Solar and heat pump systems with boosted energetic and exergetic performance MACSHEEPparticipant2.259.0149
2012-01-01Brain-neural computer interfaces on track to home – Development of a practical generation of BNCI for independent home use BackHomeparticipant3.110.0007
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