

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2015-11-01BIOengineered grafts for Cartilage Healing In Patients (BIO-CHIP) BIO-CHIPcoordinator3.051.8368
2015-11-01Deciphering PI3K biology in health and disease Phdparticipant3.896.14813
2015-10-01Principles of Polarity – Integrating genetic, biophysical and computational approaches to understand cell and tissue polarity PolarNetparticipant3.935.9699
2015-09-14Temporality of permanence –material and socio-spatial practices in African urbanism TEMPEAparticipant233.1122
2015-09-01Development and implementation of Grouping and Safe-by-Design approaches within regulatory frameworks NanoREG IIparticipant9.995.70443
2015-09-01Reservoir Computing with Real-time Data for future IT RECORD-ITparticipant4.193.1479
2015-07-01The Choice for Europe since Maastricht. Member States' Preferences for Economic and Financial Integration EMU Choices (former participant2.150.79410
2015-06-01Tailored Elastin-like Recombinamers as Advanced Systems for Cell Therapies in Diabetes Mellitus: a Synthetic Biology Approach towards a Bioeffective and Immunoisolated Biosimilar Islet/Cell Niche ELASTISLETparticipant6.214.49511
2015-05-01OPtimising thERapy to prevent Avoidable hospital admissions in the Multimorbid elderly OPERAMparticipant3.735.6089
2015-04-01European Virus Archive goes global EVAgparticipant10.792.86823
2015-03-01Negotiating early job-insecurity and labour market exclusion in Europe NEGOTIATEparticipant2.476.60910
2015-01-01TBVAC2020; Advancing novel and promising TB vaccine candidates from discovery to preclinical and early clinical development TBVAC2020participant18.200.00044
2015-01-01URBan ANthrpogenic heat FLUX from Earth observation Satellites URBANFLUXESparticipant2.346.1938
2015-01-01Long-term physiological responses of herbaceous plant species from contrasting functional groups and environments to centennial climate change LEAFISOTRENDScoordinator207.9291
2015-01-01Functional and molecular characterization of excitatory layer IV neurons in mouse visual cortex Brain_Wirecoordinator199.3181
2014-10-01Paratexts of the Bible. Analysis and Edition of the Greek Textual Transmission PARATEXBIBparticipant2.496.6421
2014-09-01Evolutionary dynamics of growth factor production in cancer cell populations DUNHARROWparticipant375.8062
2014-05-01Mechanisms of Evasive Resistance in Cancer MERICparticipant11.197.8823
2014-05-01The organisation of functional microcircuits in visual cortex NEUROVISIONparticipant1.983.2891
2014-04-01Coactivator-controlled transcriptional networks regulating skeletal muscle cell plasticity MUSCLE-NETparticipant1.999.3971
2014-03-01Total Synthesis of (2R)-Hydroxy-Norneomajucin and Biological Evaluation of Neurite Outgrowth SYNEUROUTcoordinator207.9291
2014-03-01An integrative approach towards the understanding of an adaptive radiation of East African cichlid fishes CICHLIDXparticipant1.999.2382
2014-02-01"FIC-Mediated Post-Translational Modifications at the Pathogen-Host Interface: Elucidating Structure, Function and Role in Infection" FICMODFUNparticipant1.699.8581
2014-02-01The function of higher-order cortical and thalamic pathways during vision HIGHERVISIONparticipant1.499.1941
2014-02-01Enzymology of oxidative sulfur transfers ERGOXparticipant1.497.2021
2014-02-01"State Space Exploration: Principles, Algorithms and Applications" SSXparticipant1.499.7371
2014-01-01"MOLECULAR-SCALE ELECTRONICS: Concepts, Contacts and Stability ""MOLESCO""" MOLESCOparticipant3.985.37610
2013-11-01Accelerate SSL Innovation for Europe SSL-erateparticipant3.779.79625
2013-11-01Cold Molecular Ions at the Quantum Limit COMIQparticipant3.966.26110
2013-11-01Bottom-up Nanowires as Scanning Multifunctional Sensors NWSCANparticipant1.480.6801
2013-10-01The impact of chromosomal instability on health: Molecular causes and consequences of aneuploidy PLOIDYNETparticipant3.017.79011
2013-10-01The European non-coding RNA network RNATRAINparticipant3.474.40011
2013-10-01Personalised Prognostic Tools for Early Psychosis Management PRONIAparticipant6.000.00011
2013-10-01The Human Brain Project HBPparticipant54.000.000114
2013-10-01Graphene-Based Revolutions in ICT And Beyond GRAPHENEparticipant54.000.00082
2013-10-01IMAging GEnetics for MENtal Disorders IMAGEMENDparticipant6.000.00014
2013-09-01Neurobiology and Treatment of Adolescent Female Conduct Disorder: The Central Role of Emotion Processing FEMNAT-CDparticipant5.999.24117
2013-09-01DIAmond Devices Enabled Metrology and Sensing DIADEMSparticipant5.867.00017
2013-09-01Silicon Platform for Quantum Spintronics SiSPINparticipant2.980.4286
2013-09-01Memory B cell immunity in chronic viral infection IMMUNIBYparticipant1.499.9232
2013-05-01Simulators and Interfaces with Quantum Systems SIQSparticipant8.800.00032
2013-05-01Indo-European Network in Mathematics for Health and Disease INDOEUROPEAN-MATHDSparticipant294.0007
2013-05-01"Time, space and speed: cdGMP signaling in cell behavior and reproduction." CDGMPparticipant2.496.0001
2013-04-01Rapid On-site Forensic Analysis of Explosives and Narcotics ROSFENparticipant1.518.8026
2013-03-01Structural and biophysical characterization of the human mTOR kinase and its signaling complexes MTOR_COMPLEXEScoordinator184.7091
2013-03-01Decision-making within cells and differentiation entity therapies DECIDEparticipant3.313.0228
2013-01-01Nanoparticles in Quantum Experiments: Exploring the scientific basis of future innovative quantum technologies NANOQUESTFITparticipant1.994.8835
2013-01-01FaInt Supernovae and Hypernovae: Mechanism and Nucleosynthesis FISHparticipant1.929.0751
2012-12-01To decipher the optimal management of systemic sclerosis DESSCIPHERparticipant2.999.83515
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