

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2016-04-01Characterization of 7q11.23 reciprocal aneusomy syndromes: from patients to functional pathways (and back) 7DUPcoordinator158.1221
2016-03-01Biological neural networks: from structure to function NeuArc2Funcoordinator158.1221
2016-02-01Audio Commons: An Ecosystem for Creative Reuse of Audio Content AudioCommonscoordinator2.979.0556
2016-02-01Technology Enhanced Learning of Musical Instrument Performance TELMIcoordinator2.617.4255
2016-01-01Support to the Vice-Presidents of the ERC Scientific Council 2016 ERCSC-VPRES-SUP2016coordinator282.8751
2016-01-01Social Media, Political Participation, and Accountability SocialMediacoordinator1.170.6251
2016-01-01An Integrated European ‘Flagship’ Program Driving Mechanism-based Toxicity Testing and Risk Assessment for the 21st Century EU-ToxRiskparticipant27.798.29941
2016-01-01Immigrant Activity-Space Segregation: Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Assimilation and Separation in Barcelona IASScoordinator170.1221
2015-11-01Culture Aware Music Technologies CAMUTcoordinator150.0001
2015-10-30Human Brain Project Framework Partnership Agreement HBP FPAparticipant086
2015-09-01ELIXIR-EXCELERATE: Fast-track ELIXIR implementation and drive early user exploitation across the life-sciences. ELIXIR-EXCELERATEparticipant19.051.48248
2015-09-01HEIRRI (Higher Education Institutions and Responsible Research and Innovation) HEIRRIcoordinator1.498.7759
2015-09-01History of Nuclear Energy and Society HoNEStcoordinator3.052.26926
2015-02-01Innovative peptides against cancer and pathogenic bacteria, with advances in science, biopharmaceutical drug development, product market targeting, training , and communication. INPACTparticipant850.5006
2012-10-01Image processing for enhanced cinematography IP4ECparticipant1.499.1601
2012-10-01Automated analysis of opinions in a multilingual context CrossLingMindcoordinator233.7052
2012-10-01Lexical Meaning and Logical Inference LexMeancoordinator226.5481
2012-10-01Neighbourhood interventions, and social and ethnic mix: the tackling of urban inequalities DiverCitiescoordinator226.5481
2012-09-01Global Organization from Local Signals in Neural and Artificial Networks LocalToGlobalcoordinator100.0001
2012-09-01High-resolution image-based computational inner ear modelling for surgical planning of cochlear implantation HEAR-EUcoordinator3.551.2856
2012-07-01The Dynamical and Structural Basis of Human Mind Complexity: Segregation and Integration of Information and Processing in the Brain DYSTRUCTUREparticipant2.467.5301
2012-07-01Distributed Computation in Synthetic Cellular Consortia SYNCOMparticipant2.764.0001
2012-04-01New Methods For Forecast Evaluation New Forecast Methodscoordinator100.0001
2012-03-01Information transmission in language: do infants perceive communicative intent? COMINTENTcoordinator226.5481
2012-02-01Mismatched Decoding in Information Theory with Applications to Channel Modelling MDITwACMcoordinator100.0001
2012-02-01KiiCS - Knowledge Incubation in Innovation and Creation for Science KiiCSparticipant1.942.06712
2012-01-01Data Service Infrastructure for the Social Sciences and Humanities DASISHparticipant5.991.05218
2010-12-01Euro-BioImaging - Research infrastructure for imaging technologies in biological and biomedical sciences Euro-BioImagingparticipant5.198.24442
2010-12-01Identification and characterization of primate structural variation and an assessment of intra-specific patterns of selection and copy-number variation PRIMATESVsparticipant1.599.9991
2010-09-01Consumer Behavior and Market Equilibrium in Industrial Organization: Identification of Structural Parameters and Implications to Public Policy consbehaviorcoordinator145.7171
2010-07-01The European Social Survey - Data for a Changing Europe ESS-DACEparticipant4.999.9877
2010-07-01Tools and methods for in vivo electroporation TAMIVIVEcoordinator100.0001
2010-06-01Platform of Local Authorities and Cities Engaged in Science PLACESparticipant5.190.00011
2010-03-01The Molecular Maturation Mechanism of HIV-1 Protease HIVProtMolMechcoordinator146.7171
2010-03-01"Tolerance, Pluralism and Social Cohesion. Responding to the Challenges of the 21st Century in Europe" ACCEPT PLURALISMparticipant2.600.23019
2010-02-01"Membrane-active peptides across disciplines and continents: An integrated approach to find new strategies to fight bacteria, dengue virus and neurodegeneration." MEMPEPACROSSparticipant181.8002
2010-01-01Activation of vasculature associated stem cells and muscle stem cells for the repair and maintenance of muscle tissue Endostemparticipant11.997.58022
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