

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2016-07-01Structural biology of mammalian transcription regulation TRANSREGULONparticipant2.496.2501
2016-07-01Absolute Spin Dynamics in Quantum Materials ABSOLUTESPINparticipant2.469.1361
2016-07-01Imaging synaptic plasticity by ultra-high field magnetic resonance spectroscopy in health and psychiatric disease SYNAPLAST MRparticipant1.505.0001
2016-07-01SC-square - Satisfiability Checking and Symbolic Computation: uniting two communities to solve real problems SC-squareparticipant499.60411
2016-07-01REciprocal LOcal ADapatation: the genetic, behavioural and chemical study of the evolutionary maintenance of a mutualism RELOADcoordinator239.8612
2016-07-01Ultrafast spin transport and magnetic order controlled by terahertz electromagnetic pulses TERAMAGparticipant1.984.3751
2016-06-01Cloud-MicroPhysics-Turbulence-Telemetry: An inter-multidisciplinary training network for enhancing the understanding and modeling of atmospheric clouds COMPLETEparticipant3.558.4979
2016-06-01Defining the genetics of grapheme-colour synaesthesia SynGenescoordinator171.4611
2016-06-01Rydberg dressed quantum many-body systems RyD-QMBparticipant1.497.3751
2016-05-01Transgenerational regulation of glucose metabolism by noncoding RNAs TransGen RNAparticipant1.344.4981
2016-05-01Training network providing cutting-EDGE knowlEDGE on Herpes Virology and Immunology EDGEparticipant3.961.9439
2016-04-01Alzheimer Disease - gut connection AD-gutparticipant5.092.8866
2016-04-01The Elusives Enterprise: Asymmetries of the Invisible Universe ELUSIVESparticipant3.855.58112
2016-04-01Discrete Dirac Mechanics and Geometric Numerical Integration Methods for Plasma Physics DDM-GNIcoordinator181.0031
2016-04-01Chromatin targeting and remodelling by bacterial effectors in plant immunity CHERIcoordinator159.4611
2016-04-01Graphene-based disruptive technologies GrapheneCore1participant89.000.000186
2016-04-01Virus-X: Viral Metagenomics for Innovation Value Virus-Xparticipant7.964.09316
2016-04-01Logical Foundations for the Future of Safe Systems Programming RustBeltparticipant1.946.2501
2016-04-01The Physics of Galaxies 7 Gyr Ago LEGA-Cparticipant1.884.8751
2016-04-01Are social skills determined by early live experiences? ApeAttachmentparticipant1.495.0001
2016-04-01Myelinic nanochannels in neurodegenerative diseases MyeliNANOparticipant2.500.0001
2016-04-01Small Bodies: Near and Far SBNAFcoordinator1.545.0004
2016-04-01A multidisciplinary approach to cell division: From human oocyte to synthetic biology DivIDeparticipant2.802.3999
2016-04-01Decoding the DNA damage signalling in C. elegans by proteomic analyses of ADP-ribosylation InVivo_DDR_ADPRcoordinator159.4611
2016-03-19Modeling the chronology of deep ocean circulation changes during abrupt climate transitions OCTANTcoordinator159.4611
2016-03-01Chromatin and Metabolism Chromatin-metabolism interactions as targets for healthy living ChroMeparticipant3.825.12814
2016-03-01The impact of TFIID on the transcription initiation machinery – a structural perspective. POL2-TFIIDcoordinator159.4611
2016-03-01Flame retardant Nanocontainers NOFLAMEcoordinator159.4611
2016-03-01Strategies for Environmental Monitoring of Marine Carbon Capture and Storage STEMM-CCSparticipant15.918.36915
2016-03-01Towards a Complete Quantitative Model of the FOF1 ATP Synthase F-ATPasecoordinator171.4611
2016-03-01A holistic multi-actor approach towards the design of new tomato varieties and management practices to improve yield and quality in the face of climate change TomGEMparticipant4.993.50618
2016-03-01Mechanisms of protein translocation in ER-associated protein degradation and the related protein import into the apicoplast of Plasmodium falciparum ERAD_SELMAparticipant1.500.0001
2016-03-01Multi-instrument analysis of Rosetta data – Establishing a new paradigm for cometary activity MiARDparticipant984.4389
2016-02-01InvisiblesPlus InvisiblesPlusparticipant2.070.00027
2016-02-01Innovative infrastructure for astronomical research based on stratospheric balloons ORISONparticipant606.1984
2016-02-01Origins of the Molecular Cloud Structure PROMISEparticipant1.266.7501
2016-01-01Systems Biology of Alcohol Addiction: Modeling and validating disease state networks in human and animal brains for understanding pathophysiolgy, predicting outcomes and improving therapy SyBil-AAparticipant5.759.92415
2016-01-01GlucoCEST Imaging of Neoplastic Tumours GLINTparticipant5.797.7998
2016-01-01Comorbidity and Synapse Biology in Clinically Overlapping Psychiatric Disorders COSYNparticipant5.925.00014
2016-01-01The Diamond Revolution in Hyperpolarized MR Imaging – Novel Platform and Nanoparticle Targeted Probe HYPERDIAMONDparticipant4.866.05011
2016-01-01The tiny and the fast: the role of subcortical sensory structures in human communication SENSOCOMparticipant1.999.6251
2016-01-01Dynamics and transport of quantum matter --- exploring the interplay of topology, interactions and localization QUANTMATTparticipant1.500.0002
2016-01-01East European Centre for Atmospheric Remote Sensing ECARSparticipant1.000.0005
2016-01-01Transforming the future of agriculture through synthetic photorespiration FutureAgriculturecoordinator4.871.4105
2016-01-01Antibodies against Nogo-A to enhance plasticity, regeneration and functional recovery after acute spinal cord injury, a multicenter European clinical proof of concept trial NISCIparticipant4.774.44511
2016-01-01Accelerated Early staGe drug diScovery AEGISparticipant3.836.99626
2016-01-01Ion-Molecule Processes for Analytical Chemical Technologies IMPACTparticipant2.538.62822
2016-01-01Non-Noble Metal Catalysis - NoNoMeCat NoNoMeCatparticipant3.318.63415
2016-01-01Collective modes in 4d-metal compounds and heterostructures Com4Comparticipant3.176.8501
2016-01-01Crystalline and vitreous silica films and their interconversion CRYVISILparticipant2.484.3751
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