

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2012-12-01EU BON: Building the European Biodiversity Observation Network EU BONparticipant8.999.80632
2012-12-01The Aesthetics of Applied Theatre AESTAPPparticipant2.285.2951
2012-11-08Reliable quantum simulators REQScoordinator167.3901
2012-09-01Training for sustainable low cost PV technologies: development of kesterite based efficient solar cells KESTCELLSparticipant3.705.32011
2012-09-01Coordination and policy development in preparation for a European Open\nBiodiversity Knowledge Management System, addressing Acquisition,\nCuration, Synthesis, Interoperability and Dissemination pro-iBiosphereparticipant1.179.9128
2012-08-01Monitoring of Animals for Feed-related Risks in the Long Term MARLONparticipant999.59311
2012-08-01Stimuli-responsive theranostic nanogels based on hyperbranched polyglycerol Smart Nanogelscoordinator167.3901
2012-06-26Global Perspectives on Learning and Development with Digital Video-Editing Media: A Qualitative Inquiry in Everyday Lives of Marginalized Young People DIGIT-M-EDparticipant222.1003
2012-06-01GMO Risk Assessment and Communication of Evidence GRACEparticipant5.981.01319
2012-05-03A mechanistic analysis of the impact of arbuscular mycorrhiza on ammonia oxidizing community dynamics and nitrification potential rates in N-limited soils AM-nitrificationcoordinator167.3901
2012-05-01Probing the effect of Time Reversal Symmetry breaking by the application of a local magnetic field in topological insulators MAGNETOPparticipant222.9202
2012-03-01Redefining the transatlantic relationship and its role in shaping global governance TRANSWORLDparticipant2.500.12013
2012-02-01Development and scale-up of nanostructured based materials and processes for low cost high efficiency chalcogenide based photovoltaics SCALENANOparticipant7.541.46814
2012-02-01Collaborative EuropeaN Digital/Archival Infrastructure CENDARIparticipant6.500.00015
2012-01-02Nanoscale processes in soils: The role of mycorrhizal fungi in aggregation and phosphorus acquisition NanoSoilcoordinator168.8631
2012-01-01Innovative and sustainable strategies to mitigate the impact of global change on helminth infections in ruminants GLOWORMparticipant2.998.40614
2012-01-01"How to involve the European citizenry in European politics? Emotions, media discourse, and mobilisation." ENGAGING EU CITIZENScoordinator162.1631
2011-11-01Managing Risks of Nanoparticles MARINAparticipant8.999.92451
2011-10-01Community Networks Testbed for the Future Internet CONFINEparticipant4.942.00024
2011-10-01Enhancement of natural water systems and treatment methods for safe and sustainable water supply in India SAPH PANIparticipant3.499.62020
2011-09-01BioVeL - Biodiversity Virtual e-Laboratory BioVeLparticipant5.000.00016
2011-08-01"Anti-imperial metropolis: political networks of Africans, Asians and Latin Americans in interwar Paris" AIP1918coordinator100.0001
2011-07-01Dahlem Research Fellowship for Incoming Experienced Researchers DRS Fellowshipcoordinator783.8441
2011-07-01Managing AM fungi for enhancing C sequester in an agroecosystem affected by salinity MYCOCARBOSEcoordinator170.3631
2011-05-01Safe Food for Europe – Coordination of research activities and Dissemination of research results of EC funded research on food safety FOODSEGparticipant999.91535
2011-04-01Mechanisms of transport across biological membranes Biol-Transp-Computcoordinator100.0001
2011-04-01TOpology based Motion SYnthesis for dexterous manipulation TOMSYparticipant3.000.0006
2010-12-01Professional Reflection-Oriented Focus on Inquiry-based Learning and Education though Science PROFILEScoordinator3.447.91024
2010-12-01The origin of excess charge at the water/hydrophobic interfaces ExChargeHYDcoordinator216.7822
2010-12-01Early Modern European Drama and the Cultural Net DramaNetparticipant2.397.6001
2010-12-01A Geospatial Knowledge World GEOCROWDparticipant3.576.1887
2010-12-01Virtual Biodiversity Research and Access Network for Taxonomy ViBRANTparticipant4.750.00020
2010-11-01Computational Geometric Learning CG Learningparticipant2.444.7288
2010-11-01Indexing for Life i4Lifeparticipant2.450.00018
2010-10-01Small-molecule Inhibitor Leads Versus emerging and neglected RNA viruses SILVERparticipant12.000.00024
2010-10-01Multidrug resistance and the evolutionary ecology of insect immunity EvoResInparticipant1.292.5022
2010-10-01PlanetData PlanetDataparticipant3.020.00022
2010-09-01LOD2 - Creating Knowledge out of Interlinked Data LOD2participant7.249.99917
2010-09-01LOD Around The Clock LATCparticipant1.059.9996
2010-07-01Structured Discrete Models as a basis for studies in Geometry, Numerical Analysis, Topology, and Visualization SDMODELSparticipant1.854.4002
2010-06-01Cyclic-di-GMP: New Concepts in Second Messenger Signaling and Bacterial Biofilm Formation SecMessBiofilmparticipant1.998.0002
2010-06-01Food Risk Communication. Perceptions and communication of food risks/benefits across Europe: development of effective communication strategies FoodRisCparticipant2.973.85515
2010-05-26Multilingual democracy experiments in movements: from transnational activists to local decision-makers Translate democracycoordinator195.2881
2010-05-01Role of Microtubule Polarity and Polarized Membrane Traffic in Directed Cell Migration Cell Polaritycoordinator100.0001
2010-02-01Quantum Interfaces, Sensors and Communication based on Entanglement Q-ESSENCEparticipant4.700.00025
2010-01-01The FIBONACCI Project - Large scale dissemination of inquiry based science and mathematics education FIBONACCIparticipant4.784.59727
2010-01-01Effective Environmental Strategies for the Prevention of Alcohol Abuse among Adolescents in Europe AAA-PREVENTparticipant1.601.5897
2010-01-01Accelerating the transition to a toxicity pathway-based paradigm for chemical safety assessment through internationally coordinated research and technology development AXLR8coordinator555.2233
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