

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2022-10-01Ramification of braid groups and their related structures Rabgresparticipant195.9152
2022-10-01Neuroprosthetic Modulation of Large-Scale Brain Networks for Treating Memory Disorders MEMOPROSTHETICScoordinator1.499.6251
2022-10-01Ultra Frequency-Stable Laser via Spectral Hole Burning in Rare-earth Ion Doped Crystals UltraStabLaserViaSHBcoordinator211.7552
2022-10-01- addressing the challenges of high-performance solution-processed OLEDs using sustainable materials TADFsolutionsparticipant1.880.26218
2022-10-01Spins Interfaced with Light for Quantum Silicon technologies SILEQScoordinator1.500.0001
2022-10-01Nonlinear Magnons for Reservoir Computing in Reciprocal Space NIMFEIAparticipant2.957.1837
2022-10-01Spontaneous interfacial oxidant formation as a key driver for aerosol oxidation SOFAcoordinator2.726.5881
2022-10-01MIBIREM – Toolbox for Microbiome based Remediation MIBIREMparticipant5.998.17311
2022-10-01Solving Conformal Field Theories with the Functional Bootstrap FUNBOOTScoordinator1.950.6251
2022-10-01Monitoring megathrust faults with abyssal distributed acoustic sensing ABYSSparticipant2.134.9703
2022-10-01ATTOsecond Photochemistry: controlling chemical reactions with electrons ATTOPcoordinator1.496.1431
2022-10-01Neural Gradient Evaluation through Nanodevice Dynamics Grenadyncoordinator2.462.5871
2022-09-01Innovative Structural Materials for Fission and Fusion INNUMATparticipant7.815.06337
2022-09-01Scientific Large-scale Infrastructure for Computing/Communication Experimental Studies - Preparatory Phase SLICES-PPparticipant2.999.59125
2022-09-01Developing Institutional open Access publishing Models to Advance Scholarly communication DIAMASparticipant2.528.18124
2022-09-01Virus Inhibition by siRNA Optimized by NMR VISIONcoordinator150.0001
2022-09-01Open Science Impact Pathways PathOSparticipant1.999.99010
2022-09-01EUROpean Laboratories for Accelerator Based Science EURO-LABSparticipant14.174.11033
2022-09-01FAIR EArth Sciences & Environment services FAIR-EASEcoordinator4.738.12526
2022-09-01A Digital Twin for GEOphysical extremes DT-GEOparticipant11.138.28826
2022-09-01Porous Networks for Gas Sensing SENNETparticipant3.162.45619
2022-09-01Integrated SERvices supporting a sustainable AGROecological transition AgroServcoordinator14.252.87373
2022-09-01Long-term consequences of altered tree growth and physiology in the Earth System CATEScoordinator1.499.9651
2022-09-01European Spectroscopy Laboratory to model the materials of the future EUSpecLabcoordinator2.729.01623
2022-09-01n-Dimensional analysis and memorisation ecosystem for building cathedrals of knowledge in Heritage Science n-Dame_Heritagecoordinator2.468.9091
2022-09-01Probing the impact of integrity and integration on societal trust in science POIESISparticipant1.670.8757
2022-09-01leveraging the European compute infrastructures for data-intensive research guided by FAIR principles EuroScienceGatewayparticipant3.531.12418
2022-09-01Fast-response Electrically heated catalytic reactor technology for CO2 reDUCTion e-CODUCTparticipant7.022.2659
2022-09-01An interdisciplinary Digital Twin Engine for science interTwinparticipant11.731.66530
2022-09-01A European-wide foundation to accelerate Data-driven Cancer Research EOSC4Cancerparticipant7.814.54934
2022-09-01Knowledge and climate services from an African observation and Data research Infrastructure KADIparticipant1.500.00017
2022-09-01Skills for the European Open Science Commons: Creating a Training Ecosystem for Open and FAIR Science Skills4EOSCparticipant6.476.65844
2022-09-01Direct biogas conversion to green H2 and carbon materials by scalable microwave heaTed catalytIc reacTor for soil Amendment and silicon carbide production TITANcoordinator2.998.4348
2022-09-01Operationalising the International Research Cooperation on Soil Carbon ORCaSaparticipant2.989.09112
2022-09-01BIOremediation systems exploiting SYnergieS for improved removal of Mixed pOllutants BIOSYSMOparticipant4.873.33116
2022-09-01Next generation ultra-high-speed microwave Photonic integrATed circuiTs using advancE hybRid iNtegration PATTERNparticipant4.399.39513
2022-09-01Innovating New Space Frontiers: Harmonised Federated and Fractionated Systems Unlocking Fresh Perspectives for Satellite Services HARMONYparticipant2.093.2939
2022-09-01DYnamic control in hybrid plasmonic NAnopores: road to next generation multiplexed single MOlecule detection DYNAMOparticipant2.628.40311
2022-09-01Extinction, replacement and trade: Tracking 100,000 years of horse evolution in Iberia ZEPHYRUScoordinator195.9152
2022-09-01Stable Inorganic TAndem solar cell with superior device efficiency and increased durability SITAparticipant4.987.48014
2022-09-01Molecular Mechanisms for Host-Mediated Metal Poisoning Detoxification in Mycobacterium tuberculosis MTB-DETOXcoordinator195.9153
2022-09-01On the road to sustainability: paving the way for OPERAS as an efficient open Social Sciences and Humanities scholarly communication Research Infrastructure OPERAS-PLUSparticipant2.747.86416
2022-09-01Preparatory Phase for the Einstein Telescope Gravitational Wave Observatory ET-PPparticipant3.450.00016
2022-09-01Scribal Performance and Textual Standardization in Mesopotamian Lexical Lists ScriPTScoordinator195.9152
2022-09-01a wearable electromagnetic INterface for contactlesS envIronmental sensinG with HapTic feedback IN-SIGHTcoordinator195.9153
2022-09-01Around Braids, Categories and Distances ABCDcoordinator136.0732
2022-09-01Hyperfine and Antiferromagnetic Resonances Coupling with Optical Transitions in Rare Earth Crystals for quantum information Harcotreccoordinator195.9151
2022-09-01Enabling Incompatible Tandem Reactions through Spatial Separation of Reaction Layers ReLayparticipant189.6872
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