

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2011-12-01Standarization and orthogonalization of the gene expression flow for robust engineering of NTN (new-to-nature) biological properties ST-FLOWparticipant5.998.74215
2011-11-01Nano Scale Disruptive Silicon-Plasmonic Platform for Chip-to-Chip Interconnection NAVOLCHIparticipant2.400.0008
2011-10-01Developing the next generation air treatment based on replacing non-renewable resources by microbiology NEXT AIR BIOTREATcoordinator1.051.4333
2011-10-01Support action to contribute to the preparation of future community research programme in user centred Design for ECO-multimodal MOBILity DECOMOBILparticipant311.00010
2011-10-01Autonomous Control of Large-scale Water Treatment Plants based on Self-Organized Wireless BioMEM Sensor and Actuator Networks HYDROBIONETScoordinator2.350.0007
2011-09-01Nanoparticles as photocatalysts: understanding their interaction with light NANOPHOCATcoordinator75.0001
2011-06-01Next Generation Hybrid Interfaces for Spintronic Applications HINTSparticipant3.874.36014
2011-04-01Hybrid Molecule-Nanocrystal Assemblies for Photonic and Electronic Sensing Applications HYSENSparticipant3.000.0009
2011-03-01CAMAP: Computer Aided Modeling for Astrophysical Plasmas CAMAPparticipant1.497.0001
2011-03-01Nanomaterials and nanotechnology for advanced photovoltaics NanoPVparticipant3.853.31512
2011-02-01European Particle physics Latin American NETwork EPLANETparticipant3.245.40013
2011-01-01Use of genomic and proteomic tools for the development of contaminant specific biomarkers for the environmental risk assessment of aquatic ecosystems GENERAparticipant282.6005
2011-01-01Tailoring crossover properties by electric field in nano-structural and liquid crystalline molecular based magnetic materials ElectroSCOcoordinator153.4171
2011-01-01ELectric Field control Over Spin molecules ELFOSparticipant2.700.0006
2011-01-01Symbiomics: Molecular Ecology and Evolution of Bacterial Symbionts Symbiomicsparticipant3.782.4669
2011-01-01WIreless SEnsoR Networks for cognitivE sofTware radioS WISERNETScoordinator153.9171
2011-01-01Evaluating Economic Policy Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in Europe EPI-WATERparticipant3.472.43811
2010-11-18Physics of the tau lepton: from chiral dynamics to lepton flavour violation phenomena tau decaycoordinator153.5931
2010-11-01Semiconductor nanowires: from fundamental physics to device applications NANOWIRINGparticipant4.716.26112
2010-10-15"Flavour, unifications and experimental tests" FLUENTcoordinator205.8541
2010-09-01A highly integrated and sensitive PORous SIlicon based lab on a chip for multiple quantitaTIVE monitoring of Food allergies at point of care Positivecoordinator2.900.0008
2010-07-07Assessing BRDF effects of sun-induced fluorescence for quantifying canopy-level photosynthetic efficiency FluorBRDFcoordinator153.9171
2010-04-01Long Term Research on Sea Turtle Ecology and Conservation RESET-ECOcoordinator45.0001
2010-04-01Land and Ecosystem Degradation and Desertification: Assessing the Fit of Responses LEDDRAparticipant3.062.04111
2010-03-01Magnetic Molecules and Hybrid Materials for Molecular Spintronics SPINMOLparticipant1.679.7001
2010-01-18Innovative Software for Advanced PET Imaging INSPETcoordinator153.5351
2010-01-01Online Predictive Tools for Intervention in Mental Illness (OPTIMI) OPTIMIparticipant3.760.59813
2010-01-01Cost-Efficient Lighting devices based on Liquid processes and ionic Organometallic complexes CELLOcoordinator3.958.9998
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