

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2012-12-01"Integration in Southeast Asia: Trajectories of Inclusion, Dynamics of Exclusion" SEATIDEparticipant2.415.0729
2012-12-01Picosecond Infrared Laser for Scarfree Surgery with Preservation of the Tissue Structure and Recognition of Tissue Type and Boundaries SUREPIRLparticipant2.499.6003
2012-12-01Materials for a Magnetic Memory in Three Dimensions M3Dparticipant2.606.0837
2012-11-01Seasonal-to-decadal climate Prediction for the improvement of European Climate Services SPECSparticipant8.224.86220
2012-11-01North Atlantic Climate: Predictability of the climate in the North Atlantic/European sector related to North Atlantic/Arctic sea surface temperature and sea ice variability and change NACLIMcoordinator8.598.40718
2012-11-01Energy-Aware Sustainable Computing on Future\nTechnology – Paving the Road to Exascale Computing EXA2GREENparticipant2.100.0007
2012-11-01Multipurpose trees and non-wood forest products a challenge and opportunity STAR TREEparticipant5.992.81325
2012-10-01Quantum sensor technologies and applications QTeaparticipant4.179.49811
2012-10-01FORest management strategies to enhance the MITigation potential of European forests FORMITparticipant2.978.19712
2012-10-01Life-like visual information processing for robust collision detection LIVCODEparticipant724.5003
2012-06-01Cavity Quantum Optomechanics cQOMparticipant5.717.36411
2012-03-01Control and Real-Time Optimisation of Intensive Polymerisation Processes COOPOLparticipant3.392.8009
2012-03-01"Maximising yield of fisheries while balancing ecosystem, economic and social concerns" MYFISHparticipant4.999.99931
2012-02-01Increasing Resilience in Surveillance Societies IRISSparticipant2.596.77017
2012-01-01Implementation and integration of advanced Robotic systems and intelligent Environments in real scenarios for the ageing population Robot-Eraparticipant6.470.00012
2012-01-01The impact of the portrayal of the African continent in textbooks on racism against students of African ancestry in German schools IMAFREDUcoordinator162.1631
2011-12-01Robustness by Autonomous Competence Enhancement RACEcoordinator2.997.2986
2011-11-01A Modular Smart System for Infants' Rehabilitation At Home based on Mechatronic Toys CareToyparticipant2.292.9727
2011-11-01Changing Permafrost in the Arctic and its Global Effects in the 21st Century PAGE21participant6.951.89519
2011-10-01Operational Global Carbon Observing System GEOCARBONparticipant6.648.53027
2011-09-01Design of a pan-European Infrastructure for Large Apparatus studying Grand Unification, Neutrino Astrophysics and Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillations LAGUNA-LBNOparticipant4.900.00039
2011-08-01Building a Visual Brain for Fast Human Machine Interaction EYE2Eparticipant798.0002
2011-03-01Beyond National Models? Managing Immigration and Integration in Systems of Multi-level Governance – a transatlantic comparison Migration Policycoordinator109.3731
2011-02-01Vectors of Change in Oceans and Seas Marine Life, Impact on Economic Sectors VECTORSparticipant12.484.83540
2011-01-01Novel multimodal endoscopic probes for simultaneous PET/ultrasound imaging for image-guided interventions EndoTOFPET-USparticipant5.516.00115
2011-01-01Coastal Biomass Observatory Services CoBiOSparticipant2.499.02610
2011-01-01Exploring nanoscale motion and molecular alignment using ultrafast coherent diffraction X-MOTIONparticipant270.0003
2011-01-01Impact of local welfare systems on female labour force participation and social cohesion FLOWSparticipant2.697.42112
2011-01-01European Soft Matter Infrastructure ESMIparticipant7.800.00018
2010-12-31European Union Basin-scale Analysis, Synthesis and Integration (EURO-BASIN) EURO-BASINparticipant6.996.40724
2010-12-01Development and plasticity of multisensory functions to study the principles of age dependent learning plasticity in humans CriticalBrainChangesparticipant2.396.6401
2010-10-06Plasmonic Biosensors based on nanometric optical Resonators integrated with point-light-sources for label free detection of DNA PLASBIOREScoordinator245.8662
2010-10-01Small-molecule Inhibitor Leads Versus emerging and neglected RNA viruses SILVERparticipant12.000.00024
2010-09-01Thermodynamics of the Climate System NAMASTEparticipant1.393.4402
2010-07-01Physics Of Magma Propagation and Emplacement: a multi-methodological Investigation CCMPparticipant1.507.6792
2010-07-01Integrated Quantum Sensors iSenseparticipant2.451.99911
2010-03-01"Transnational Digital Networks, Migration and Gender" MIG@NETparticipant1.397.2409
2010-03-01Monitoring and Assessing Regional Climate change in High latitudes and the Arctic MONARCH-Aparticipant2.884.4848
2010-02-01Knowledgable SErvice Robots for Aging KSERAparticipant2.900.0007
2010-01-01Integrating and Developing European Asian Studies IDEASparticipant1.207.4568
2010-01-01Forage Fish Interactions FACTSparticipant2.938.37515
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