

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2014-02-01Randomised controlled trial to evaluate electronic Symptom Management using the Advanced Symptom Management System (ASyMS) Remote Technology for patients with cancers ESMARTcoordinator5.999.99112
2014-01-01User InterACTION Aware Content Generation and Distribution for Next Generation Social TeleVision ACTION-TVcoordinator2.718.0006
2014-01-01Beyond 2020 heterogeneous wireless network with millimeter wave small cell access and backhauling MiWaveSparticipant7.358.11315
2014-01-01One component waterborne barrier coatings BARRIER PLUSparticipant2.136.65110
2014-01-01Beyond Abelian T-duality T-DUALITIEScoordinator294.6931
2013-11-14Modelling space weather events and mitigating their effects on satellites SPACESTORMparticipant1.981.3015
2013-11-11A Low Cost Active Debris Removal Demonstration Mission REMOVEDEBRIScoordinator6.999.8679
2013-11-04Key factors for the SMEs competitiveness in the context of globalisation SMES COMPETITIVENESScoordinator299.5581
2013-11-01Links-on-the-fly Technology for Robust, Efficient and Smart Communication in Unpredictable Environments RESCUEparticipant3.132.0009
2013-11-01Botanical plant Protection agent from Larix by-products PROLARIXparticipant999.3815
2013-11-01Galaxy formation through the eyes of globular clusters CLUSTERSparticipant1.499.8631
2013-11-01Food-based solutions for Optimal vitamin D Nutrition and health through the life cycle ODINparticipant5.998.08431
2013-11-01RENESENG RENESENGparticipant4.195.07611
2013-11-01REduction of DIsease risk” CLAIMs on food and drinks REDICLAIMcoordinator499.8244
2013-10-01Creativity REsearch Adaptive roadmap CRe-AMcoordinator949.99114
2013-10-01Researching crowdsourcing to extend IoT testbed infrastructure for multidisciplinary experiments, with more end-user interactions, flexibility, scalability, cost efficiency and societal added value IoT Labparticipant2.565.0008
2013-10-01Integrated Control of Multiple-Motor and Multiple-Storage Fully Electric Vehicles iCOMPOSEparticipant3.996.0009
2013-10-01The Human Brain Project HBPparticipant54.000.000114
2013-10-01Techno-social platform for sustainable models and value generation in commons-based peer production in the Future Internet p2pvaluecoordinator1.981.0006
2013-09-01Premium Low weight Urban Sustainable e-MOBilitY PLUS-MOBYparticipant2.347.64810
2013-09-01Cultivate resilient smart Objects for Sustainable city applicatiOnS COSMOSparticipant3.188.00010
2013-09-01Real-Time IoT Stream Processing and Large-scale Data Analytics for Smart City Applications CityPulsecoordinator2.522.47510
2013-09-01SOCIOTAL SOCIOTALcoordinator2.811.00010
2013-09-01People Centric easy to implement e-mobility FREE-MOBYparticipant3.997.76414
2013-03-01A theoretical framework for swarms of GRN-controlled agents which display adaptive tissue-like organisation SWARM-ORGANparticipant2.221.0004
2013-02-01Protecting the health of Europeans by improving methods for the detection of pathogens in drinking water and water used in food preparation AQUAVALENSparticipant8.963.42543
2013-01-01Small and Medium Enterprise Satellite (SME-SAT) SME-SATcoordinator1.420.86710
2013-01-01Brazilian-European partnership in Dynamical Systems BREUDSparticipant707.70021
2013-01-01Demining tool-BOX for humanitarian clearing of large scale area from anti-personal landmines and cluster munitions D-BOXparticipant6.898.08621
2013-01-01The development of in silico process models for roll compaction IPROCOMcoordinator3.816.54710
2013-01-01Space Research Road-mapping and Planning for Europe SPACEPLAN 2020coordinator486.1303
2013-01-01Methodology and assessment for the applicability of ARINC-664 (AFDX) in Satellite/Spacecraft on-board communicatION networks MISSIONparticipant1.332.6745
2013-01-01"Development of smart machines, tools and processes for the precision synthesis of nanomaterials with tailored properties for Organic Electronics" SMARTONICSparticipant7.987.00020
2013-01-01Supporting Postgraduate Research with Internships in industry and Training Excellence SPRITEcoordinator3.537.03712
2012-11-01Low EMF Exposure Future Networks LEXNETparticipant7.319.93418
2012-11-01"Multimodular biomarker analysis workflow for diagnosis, prognosis and monitoring of drug treatment response in bladder cancer" DIPROMONcoordinator3.492.2176
2012-11-01Cognitive Radio Standardization-initiative - From FP7 research to global standards CRS-iparticipant907.0006
2012-11-01Interworking and JOINt Design of an Open Access and Backhaul Network Architecture for Small Cells based on Cloud Networks iJOINparticipant3.689.00012
2012-11-01Intelligent Management Platform for Advanced Real-Time media processes IMPARTparticipant3.600.0006
2012-11-01Full-Duplex Radios for Local Access DUPLOparticipant3.341.0006
2012-10-01C-DAX: Cyber-secure Data and Control Cloud for Power Grids C-DAXparticipant2.931.00010
2012-10-01Broadband Access via Integrated Terrestrial & Satellite Systems BATSparticipant8.317.51216
2012-10-01COgnitive RAdio for SATellite Communications CoRaSatparticipant2.479.7426
2012-10-01Novel Diagnostics and Biomarkers for Early Identification of Chronic Inflammatory Joint Diseases D-BOARDcoordinator5.993.45914
2012-10-01The Global Dynamics of Extortion Racket Systems GLODERScoordinator1.671.0004
2012-10-01Fully integratable lasers and optical amplifiers in silicon FILOScoordinator149.1811
2012-09-01Role of health-related claims and symbols in consumer behaviour CLYMBOLparticipant2.999.10314
2012-09-01Cortical neuronal mechanisms of behavioural and cognitive deficits after sleep deprivation SleepNeedparticipant100.0002
2012-09-01Study on the need for food and health research infrastructures in Europe EURO DISHparticipant1.997.94616
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