

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2013-03-01Genetics of mosquito resistance to pathogens ANOPATHparticipant2.307.8001
2013-03-01Bacteria with Multiple Chromosomes: Interplay between genome architecture and cell physilogy BMCcoordinator201.9321
2013-02-01Deciphering the Oncogenic Lesions and Pathways of B and T Cell Cancers LYMPHOONCOGENOMICSparticipant1.498.9401
2013-02-01"Role of the PfAlbas, a novel DNA and RNA binding protein family, in Plasmodium falciparum chromatin biology and RNA regulation" PFALBAcoordinator193.5951
2013-01-01Infection biology training network: shaping the future of infectious diseases treatments INBIONETparticipant3.968.98310
2012-12-01Paving the way towards HIV eradication/control HIT HIDDEN HIVparticipant5.029.8545
2012-12-01Assembling the puzzle of the operating auditory hair bundle HAIRBUNDLEparticipant2.495.0001
2012-12-01Role of plasmacytoid dendritic cells in the orchestration of in vivo immune responses ORCHESTRATEcoordinator185.7481
2012-11-01"Pathogen COinfection: HIV, Tuberculosis, Malaria and Hepatitis C virus" PATHCOparticipant5.909.69011
2012-11-01Molecular bases of human excitatory neurotransmitter transport across the plasma membrane HEAATScoordinator1.684.0401
2012-11-01Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure - MIRRI MIRRIparticipant3.137.77416
2012-10-01Natural Killer Cell-Based Anti-Cancer Immunotherapies: Research training in molecular medicine and biotechnology business NATURIMMUNparticipant3.526.28611
2012-10-01Specific functions of individual Cdc42 and polarity protein variants in cellular processes and glioblastoma progression Cdc42 and Gliomacoordinator193.5951
2012-10-01The Integron Cassette Dynamics and the Integrase Gene Expression ICADIGEcoordinator193.5951
2012-09-01Love wave fully integrated Lab-on-Chip platform for food pathogen detection LOVE-FOODparticipant2.997.0007
2012-05-14HIV and dendritic cells: the immunologycal and virological roles of SamHD1 HIV innate immunitycoordinator193.5951
2012-05-01A Bayesian Framework for Cellular Structural Biology BayCellSparticipant2.130.2121
2012-04-01Longitudinal analysis of human CD4+FOXP3+ regulatory T cell subpopulations in acute graft-versus-host disease Treg-in-GVHDcoordinator193.5951
2012-03-01"Formation, maintenance and differentiation of the extraembryonic endoderm lineage" EXELcoordinator193.5951
2012-03-01Innate lymphoid cells in intestinal homeostasis and immunity ILCHIcoordinator193.5951
2012-01-01Dengue research Framework for Resisting Epidemics in Europe DENFREEcoordinator5.999.06215
2012-01-01Human Evolutionary Immunogenomics: population genetic variation in immune responses EVOIMMUNOPOPparticipant1.494.7561
2012-01-01Molecular and Structural Biology of Bacterial Transformation MolStructTransfoparticipant1.405.1491
2012-01-01Dietary Fibers supporting Gut and Immune Function - From polysaccharide compound to health claim FibeBioticsparticipant5.974.55617
2011-12-01Reinforcing IPT capacities in Genomic Medicine, Non Communicable Diseases Investigation and international cooperation GM_NCD_IN_COparticipant499.6903
2011-11-02Folding and assembly of the outer membrane component PulD of the type II secretion pathway of Klebsiella oxytoca FAPULcoordinator185.7481
2011-11-01ANTIcipating the Global Onset of Novel Epidemics ANTIGONEparticipant11.997.70914
2011-11-01Preparedness, Prediction and Prevention of Emerging Zoonotic Viruses with Pandemic Potential using Multidisciplinary Approaches PREDEMICScoordinator11.758.35220
2011-11-01Strengthening transdisciplinary research on infectious and emerging diseases in French Guiana: linking fieldwork, benchside and bedside STRonGercoordinator3.726.1561
2011-10-01Evolution and Transfer of Antibiotic Resistance EVOTARparticipant11.997.39218
2011-10-01Advanced Immunization Technologies ADITECparticipant29.980.67052
2011-09-01Structural studies of HK97 bacteriophage assembly and maturation HK97 maturationcoordinator232.6772
2011-09-01Innovative tools and strategies for surveillance and control of dengue DengueToolsparticipant5.606.48814
2011-06-01Innovative anti-influenza drugs excluding viral escape ANTIFLUparticipant5.999.99811
2011-06-01Dynamic Interplay between Eukaryotic Chromosomes: Impact on Genome Stability DICIGparticipant1.497.0001
2011-05-01Human Brain Project HBPparticipant1.414.38813
2011-04-01Role and natural host targets of Shigella IpaH during infection IpaH functionscoordinator62.5001
2011-03-01The role of glycosphingolipids in development GSL in developmentcoordinator62.5001
2011-03-01European West Nile collaborative research project EuroWestNileparticipant2.999.07316
2011-03-01Revealing the mechanism of host membrane rupture by invasive pathogens and its role in triggering the immune response RUPTEFFECTSparticipant1.488.5121
2011-02-01More Medicines for Tuberculosis MM4TBparticipant11.873.05225
2011-02-01Regulation and outcome of immune cell interactions in vivo LymphocyteContactsparticipant1.485.5121
2011-01-01Glycomics by High-throughput Integrated Technologies GlycoHITparticipant2.993.05615
2011-01-01Systems biology of liver cancer: an integrative genomic-epigenomic approach MODHEPparticipant11.936.89918
2011-01-01Biology and control of vector-borne infections in Europe EDENextparticipant11.981.71052
2010-12-01Integration of Chikungunya research ICRESparticipant2.999.93915
2010-12-01"Fungi in the setting of inflammation, allergy and autoimmune diseases:Translating basic science into clinical practices" ALLFUNparticipant5.524.70414
2010-11-01New drugs targeting influenza virus polymerase FLU-PHARMparticipant5.998.75712
2010-11-01"Vaccination against Shigella and ETEC: novel antigens, novel approaches" STOPENTERICScoordinator11.460.63017
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