

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2014-12-01Promoting excellence and recognition seal of European aerospace Universities PERSEUSparticipant600.00012
2014-11-01Sustainable Management of Resilient Bee populations SMARTBEESparticipant5.998.86616
2014-03-01Lower the impact of aggravating factors in crisis situations thanks to adaptative foresight and decision-support tools SNOWBALLparticipant3.882.46311
2014-02-01European Multiple MOOC Aggregator EMMAcoordinator2.476.82712
2014-02-01MARINE environmental in situ Assessment and monitoring tool BOX MARIABOXparticipant5.175.85813
2014-01-01Real-Time In Situ Monitoring of Tool Wear in Precision Engineering Applications REALISMparticipant942.0007
2014-01-01LEGumes for the Agriculture of TOmorrow LEGATOparticipant4.999.00030
2014-01-01Geotechnical and geological Responses to climate change: Exchanging Approaches and Technologies on a world-wide scale GREATparticipant898.8005
2013-12-01Optimized esterase biocatalysts for cost-effective industrial production OPTIBIOCATcoordinator6.851.84616
2013-12-01Use of Microorganisms for Carotenoids Delivery: Next Generation of Probiotics for Cardiovascular Disease CARODELparticipant1.996.8238
2013-11-01Brazil-Europe Transfer of Knowledge on Polyolefin Catalyst Systems BETRAPOCYSparticipant466.2005
2013-11-01Optimized oxidoreductases for medium and large scale industrial biotransformations INDOXparticipant7.825.82415
2013-10-01Supramolecular assembly of polymeric structures: a novel route to enhance soft materials properties SUPOLENparticipant3.901.49310
2013-10-01Functional OXides Interfaces charge Dynamics under Ultrafast Electric Transients FOXIDUETcoordinator100.0001
2013-09-01Novel conducting polymer composites for applications in medicine POLYMEDparticipant121.8003
2013-09-01Energy Efficient LIghtweight-Sustainable-SAfe-Steel Construction ELISSAparticipant3.649.77411
2013-06-01Chain Reaction: A Sustainable Approach to Inquiry Based Science Education CHREACTparticipant3.601.58812
2013-05-01Critical System Engineering Acceleration CRYSTALparticipant13.611.91668
2013-02-20Disguise Ritual Music DRUMparticipant326.8003
2013-01-17Robotics Coordination Action for Europe RockEUparticipant2.990.00010
2013-01-01Transforming organisational culture for gender equality in research and innovation GENOVATEparticipant2.200.3327
2013-01-01Rethinking Finance for Stability and Development REFISTparticipant205.8004
2012-12-01Clinical trial of gene therapy for MPS VI - a severe lysosomal storage disorder MEUSIXparticipant5.995.0418
2012-12-01Next Generation of Heat Pumps working with Natural fluids NXTHPGparticipant2.656.42713
2012-11-01Hamiltonian PDE's and small divisor problems: a dynamical systems approach HAMPDESparticipant678.0003
2012-10-01Towards 0.7 Terahertz Silicon Germanium Heterojunction Bipolar Technology DOTSEVENparticipant8.600.00016
2012-10-01The role of non coding RNA in human health and disease RNA_REGULOMICSparticipant155.4003
2012-09-03Checking Melanoidins Satiating Efficiency Through Evaluation of Human Gut-Brain Response to Novel-Bread Ingestion CHECKMATE-TO-HUNGERcoordinator257.8751
2012-09-01Resource Preservation by Application of BIOefFECTORs in European Crop Production BIOFECTORparticipant5.999.82123
2012-08-01BlueGenics – From gene to bioactive product: Exploiting marine genomics for an innovative and sustainable European blue biotechnology industry BlueGenicsparticipant5.999.86918
2012-07-30"Improvement of technologies and tools, e.g. biosystems and biocatalysts, for waste conversion to develop an assortment of high added value eco-friendly and cost-effective bio-products" BIOASSORTcoordinator296.1004
2012-07-01Finance and Labor FINLABparticipant1.873.8001
2012-06-01Proton Ionization Molecular Mass Spectrometry PIMMSparticipant4.134.04212
2012-01-01EPIC-CVD: Individualised CVD risk assessment: tailoring targeted and cost-effective approaches to Europe's diverse populations EPIC-CVDparticipant5.987.26630
2012-01-01Tissue in Host Engineering Guided Regeneration of Arterial Intimal Layer THE GRAILparticipant5.998.4389
2012-01-01Innovative and sustainable strategies to mitigate the impact of global change on helminth infections in ruminants GLOWORMparticipant2.998.40614
2012-01-01Pollen thermotolerance and crop fertility SPOT-ITNparticipant2.827.5629
2011-12-01Joint Brazilian-European research facility for climate and geodynamic research on the Amazon River basin sediments CLIM-AMAZONparticipant1.999.9908
2011-11-28Aerial Robotics Cooperative Assembly System ARCASparticipant6.150.00012
2011-11-01Intelligent Fault Correction and self Optimizing Manufacturing systems IFaCOMparticipant6.997.24015
2011-11-01Safe and Autonomous Physical Human-Aware Robot Interaction SAPHARIparticipant8.297.47414
2011-10-01WSN Development, Planning and Commissioning & Maintenance ToolSet WSN DPCMparticipant417.08611
2011-10-01The European Research Infrastructure for Thermochemical Biomass Conversion BRISKparticipant8.980.95727
2011-09-01Innovative After-Treatment System for Marine Diesel Engine Emission Control DEECONparticipant2.645.4358
2011-09-01Smart Intelligent Aircraft Structures SARISTUparticipant32.434.31169
2011-09-01Simulation Platform for Non Destructive Evaluation of Structures and Materials SIMPOSIUMparticipant4.250.55420
2011-08-01Service Assessment and Failure of Earth Structures SAFEScoordinator50.0001
2011-06-01Development of Pre-operational Services for Highly Innovative Maritime Surveillance Capabilities DOLPHINparticipant3.992.37521
2011-05-01PROcess contaminants: Mitigation and Elimination Techniques for High food quality and their Evaluation Using Sensors & Simulation PROMETHEUSparticipant2.999.57315
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