

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2011-05-01Supporting the ERA-NET Learning Platform: expanding application of the ERA-NET toolbox to a broader trans-national coordination community ERA-LEARN 2participant575.2518
2011-04-01"Agriculture, Food Security, and Climate Change" FACCE CSAparticipant1.998.87313
2011-04-01SEcurity REsearch Ncp network – phase 2 SEREN 2participant1.499.54628
2011-04-01Supporting SMEs towards a new phase to European Research Area on new processes, adaptive manufacturing systems and the factory of the future MANUNET IIparticipant1.499.47019
2011-03-01"Prediction, Protection & Reduction of OrbiTal Exposure to Collision Threats" P²-ROTECTparticipant1.995.7817
2011-02-01Trans-national co-operation among National Contact Points for Socio-economic sciences and the Humanities (SSH NCPs) NET4SOCIETY2participant1.799.73920
2011-02-01Joining innovative Approaches for the integration and Development of transnational knowledge of clusters policies related to independent of Elderly JADEparticipant2.819.90442
2011-01-01ERA-NET MARitime TEChnologies II MARTEC IIparticipant1.999.91519
2011-01-01Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy portfolios PROMITHEAS-4participant961.45516
2011-01-01ERA-NET on Translational Cancer Research TRANSCANparticipant1.999.95629
2011-01-01Connecting and Coordinating European Research and Technology Development with Japan CONCERT-JAPANcoordinator2.072.49415
2011-01-01Processing Russian and European EARTH observations for earthQUAKE precursors Studies PRE-EARTHQUAKESparticipant499.4907
2010-12-01Producing a shared vision on how to harness Research & Development for Sustainable Development VISION RD4SDparticipant984.18926
2010-12-01Developing African-European joint collaboration for Science and Technology ERAFRICAparticipant1.991.70814
2010-12-01e-Infrastructure Reflection Group Support Programme 3 e-IRGSP3participant860.0008
2010-11-01European Network of FP7 Science in Society NCPs EuroSiS 2.0participant299.64610
2010-10-01ERA-Net on Rare Diseases E-Rare-2participant1.999.68018
2010-10-01ERA-NET ON ECO-INNOVATION - Boosting eco-innovation through joint cooperation in research and dissemination ECO-INNOVERAparticipant1.999.96327
2010-10-01Promoting participation of high-tech research-intensive SMEs in Health Fit for Healthparticipant1.937.12029
2010-10-01The Agricultural Research for Development Dimension of the European Research Area ERA-ARD IIparticipant971.71018
2010-09-01Coordination Action in support of the implementation of a Joint Programming Initiative for Combating Neurodegenerative Diseases, in particular Alzheimer’s disease JUMPAHEADparticipant2.000.00013
2010-09-01A European Network of Excellence in Managing Threats and Vulnerabilities in the Future Internet: Europe for the World SysSecparticipant2.499.99910
2010-09-01High-Performance Computing Infrastructure for South East Europe's Research Communities HP-SEEparticipant2.100.00014
2010-07-01New Directions in Efficient and Tamper-Resilient Public-Key Cryptography for Ubiquitous Computing ND-ETcryptoUCparticipant100.0002
2010-05-01Climate Impact Research & Response Coordination for a Larger Europe - 2nd Generation ERA-Net -Science meets Policy CIRCLE-2participant1.999.33122
2010-05-01"Harmonizing, Integrating and Vitalizing European Research on hiv/Aids" HIVERAparticipant2.000.00015
2010-05-01European Grid Initiative: Integrated Sustainable Pan-European Infrastructure for Researchers in Europe EGI-InSPIREparticipant25.000.000143
2010-05-01Towards integrated European marine research strategy and programmes SEAS ERAparticipant1.999.92822
2010-05-01Connecting Energy NCPs Plus A Pro-Active Network of National Contact Points in the Seventh Framework Programme under the Energy Theme C-ENERGY +participant999.99622
2010-04-01International Cooperation Network for Central Asian and South Caucasus countries IncoNet CA/SCparticipant1.599.86029
2010-03-01GEO capacity building initiative in Central Asia SEOCAparticipant576.51614
2010-02-01PREPARED “ENABLING CHANGE” PREPAREDparticipant6.993.81537
2010-01-01Towards an Open and Sustainable ICT Research Infrastructure Strategy OSIRISparticipant818.36716
2010-01-01Sustainability of eInfrastructures across the Mediterranean EUMedGrid-Supportparticipant740.00016
2010-01-01Support for realising new Member and Associate States’ potentials in transport research TransNEWparticipant1.480.15616
2010-01-01Enhanced Energy Production of Heat and Electricity by a combined Solar Thermionic-Thermoelectric Unit System E2PHEST2USparticipant1.977.7248
2010-01-01European Network for co-ordination of policies and programmes on e-infrastructures eInfraNetparticipant1.249.90013
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