

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2012-01-01Molecular photoacoustic imaging of stem-cell driven tissue regeneration MOPITparticipant1.622.7362
2011-12-01Treatment of Adrenal Insufficiency in neonates- Development of a Hydrocortisone Preparation for the treatment of Adrenal Insufficiency in neonatesand infants TAINparticipant4.197.1478
2011-12-01European Training and Research in Peritoneal Dialysis EUTRIPDparticipant3.191.15312
2011-12-01Efficacy and safety of MRI-based thrombolysis in wake-up stroke: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial WAKE-UPparticipant11.599.98713
2011-12-01Markers for Sub-Clinical Cardiovascular Risk Assessemnt EU-MASCARAparticipant5.990.88016
2011-11-01"""RNPnet"" - RNP structure, function and mechanism of action" RNPnetparticipant4.246.94714
2011-10-01International study for treatment of childhood relapsed ALL 2010 with standard therapy, systematic integration of new agents, and establishment of standardized diagnostic and research INTREALLcoordinator5.998.05525
2011-10-01Communication of European Health Research COMMHEREparticipant1.998.44110
2011-10-01ICT-enabled, cellular artificial liver system incorporating personalized patient management and support d-LIVERparticipant10.959.00015
2011-10-01Resistance in Gram-Negative Organisms: Studying Intervention Strategies R-GNOSISparticipant11.999.99924
2011-09-01Incorporation of multiscale tissue-specific properties into musculoskeletal finite element modelling TissSpecBoneFEMcoordinator62.5001
2011-09-01The Function of the RBP4 Receptor Stra6 during Retinol Saturase Regulated Adipocyte Differentiation Stra6coordinator100.0001
2011-05-01IT Future of Medicine ITFoMparticipant1.480.00025
2011-04-01The multisensory mind: From neural mechanisms to cognition Multisensory-Mindparticipant1.483.4081
2011-02-01Theoretical and experimental study of vestibular otolith function towards treatment of associated equilibrium disorders OTOLITHparticipant97.2002
2011-01-01EUROPEAN NETWORK for CANCER research in CHILDREN and ADOLESCENTS ENCCAparticipant11.997.95934
2011-01-01The MEtabolic Road to DIAstolic Heart Failure MEDIAparticipant11.971.72121
2010-12-01Mechanisms of the Development of ALLergy MEDALLparticipant11.990.93923
2010-11-01ASSET: Analysing and Striking the Sensitivities of Embryonal Tumours ASSETparticipant11.999.15619
2010-11-01A Unified Approach to Evaluating Cellular Immunotherapy in Solid Organ Transplantation THE ONE STUDYparticipant10.836.20116
2010-10-01Linking research organisations in the fields of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine through European cooperation between regional research clusters TERMparticipant2.497.73815
2010-10-01Role of microRNAs in vascular diseases miRNAVasccoordinator162.6611
2010-09-01A highly integrated and sensitive PORous SIlicon based lab on a chip for multiple quantitaTIVE monitoring of Food allergies at point of care Positiveparticipant2.900.0008
2010-07-01Synaptic Systems: dissecting brain function in health and disease SYNSYSparticipant10.739.83718
2010-07-01SHaring Interoperable Workflows for large-scale scientific simulations on Available DCIs SHIWAparticipant1.800.0007
2010-07-01Advanced interfaced microsystems Research for analysis of Real-wOrld clinical, food, environmental and Waste Samples ARROWSparticipant3.296.2736
2010-04-01Vesicular glutamate transporters as molecular regulators of neural communication SYNVGLUTparticipant2.413.2001
2010-04-01A systems BIOlogy Study to TAilored Treatment in Chronic Heart Failure BIOSTAT-CHFparticipant11.894.28711
2010-04-01Towards Understanding the Structure and Dynamics of Receptor Proteins TUDORparticipant2.449.8401
2010-02-01Development of novel nanotechnology based diagnostic systems for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis NanoDiaRAparticipant8.917.30715
2010-02-01Bacterial Computing with Engineered Populations BACTOCOMparticipant1.949.9977
2010-01-01Arrhythmogenic potential of drugs ARITMOparticipant2.748.31920
2010-01-01Prevention of Hospital Infections by Intervention and Training PROHIBITparticipant2.999.9349
2010-01-01Enhanced patient safety by computational Modelling from clinically available X-rays to minimise the risk of overload and instability for optimised function and joint Longevity MXLparticipant3.700.00010
2010-01-01Cutaneous and Mucosal HIV Vaccination CUT'HIVACparticipant11.929.25018
2010-01-01Systems biology towards novel chronic kidney disease diagnosis and treatment SysKIDparticipant11.789.53429
2010-01-01CAMbrella – A pan-European research network for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) CAMbrellaparticipant1.498.59716
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