

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2013-04-01Infrastructure for the European Network for Earth System modelling - Phase 2 IS-ENES2participant7.999.94223
2013-04-01"King of hearts, joints and lungs; periodontal pathogens as etiologic factor in RA, CVD and COPD and their impact on treatment strategies." TRIGGERcoordinator5.982.36311
2013-04-01GLANAM (Glaciated North Atlantic Margins) GLANAMcoordinator4.464.2458
2013-03-01A common European approach to the regulatory testing of nanomaterials NANOREGparticipant10.000.00068
2013-03-01"Scanning Neutral Helium Microscopy: A novel tool for fast, nondestuctive characterisation of mechanical parameters for nanostructured coatings" NEMIcoordinator3.731.4888
2013-03-01Terrestrial Gamma Flashes-the Most Energetic Photon Phenomenon in our Atmosphere TGF-MEPPAparticipant2.492.8111
2013-02-01"Race, identity, exclusion and belonging in higher education: Personal narratives and classroom discourse" RIEBHEcoordinator87.5001
2013-01-01Improving Outcome of Necrotizing Fasciitis: Elucidation of Complex Host and Pathogen Signatures that Dictate Severity of Tissue Infection INFECTparticipant11.913.59115
2013-01-01Parameterized Approximation PARAPPROXparticipant1.690.0001
2012-12-01European Consortium for Pacific Studies ECOPAScoordinator1.499.9976
2012-11-01Daguerreobase Daguerreobaseparticipant1.499.96318
2012-11-01North Atlantic Climate: Predictability of the climate in the North Atlantic/European sector related to North Atlantic/Arctic sea surface temperature and sea ice variability and change NACLIMparticipant8.598.40718
2012-10-01Cancer Associated Fibroblasts (CAF) Function in Tumor Expansion and Invasion CAFFEINparticipant3.312.52311
2012-10-01Neurotransmitter synthesis disorders: towards a therapeutic correction THERAPY OPTIONS THDcoordinator208.3541
2012-09-01Novel Tools for Early Childhood Predisposition to Obesity SELECTionPREDISPOSEDparticipant2.299.5491
2012-08-01The role of Southern Ocean Carbon cycle under CLImate change SOCCLIcoordinator331.8003
2012-08-01Global Lithospheric Imaging using Earthquake Recordings GLImERcoordinator100.0001
2012-07-01"High Impact Weather in the Arctic, fundamental understanding and future projections (HIMWARC)" HIMWARCcoordinator100.0001
2012-05-01Integrated Assessment of Societal Impacts of Emerging Science and Technology from within Epistemic Networks EPINETcoordinator1.488.7467
2012-05-01Strategies toward enhancing prediction of climate and its impacts STEPScoordinator100.0001
2012-04-01Rheumatoid Arthritis and Periodontal Inflammatory Disease (RAPID) RAPIDparticipant4.312.15114
2012-03-01Sustainable prevention of obesity through integrated strategies SPOTLIGHTparticipant2.997.65815
2012-02-01Digitised Manuscripts to Europeana DM2Eparticipant2.099.95511
2012-01-01Data Service Infrastructure for the Social Sciences and Humanities DASISHparticipant5.991.05218
2011-10-01Integrated non-CO2 Greenhouse gas Observing System INGOSparticipant7.999.99938
2011-10-01Operational Global Carbon Observing System GEOCARBONparticipant6.648.53027
2011-10-01Gliders for Research, Ocean Observation and Management GROOMparticipant3.500.00020
2011-05-01Sub-seabed CO2 Storage: Impact on Marine Ecosystems (ECO2) ECO2participant10.500.00029
2011-05-01Dynamics of Weakly Bound Quantum Systems DWBQScoordinator283.5003
2011-04-01Addictions and Lifestyles In Contemporary Europe – Reframing Addictions Project ALICE RAPparticipant7.978.22645
2011-04-01Collaborative Research in Structure Preservation CRiSPparticipant94.5003
2011-03-01Changes in carbon uptake and emissions by oceans in a changing climate CARBOCHANGEcoordinator6.989.90630
2011-02-01Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators AIDAparticipant8.000.00039
2011-01-01Treatment of reperfusion injury using a mitochondrial targeted approach: towards a better understanding of the disease MITOCAREparticipant5.990.95917
2011-01-01Multi-disciplinary University Traditional Health Initiative (MUTHI): Building Sustainable Research Capacity on Plants for Better Public Health in Africa MUTHIparticipant1.991.9839
2011-01-01Coordinating for Cohesion in the Public Sector of the Future COCOPSparticipant2.698.92711
2010-11-01"Vaccination against Shigella and ETEC: novel antigens, novel approaches" STOPENTERICSparticipant11.460.63017
2010-11-01Protein citrullination as a link between periodontal diseases and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and target for development of novel drugs to treat RA GUMS AND JOINTScoordinator5.851.58813
2010-11-01European Plate Observing System EPOSparticipant4.500.00022
2010-10-01Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System - Preparatory Phase SIOS-PPparticipant3.999.96526
2010-10-01Supermodeling by combining imperfect models SUMOparticipant2.135.6737
2010-08-15Microbial and viral ecology of hot spring environments with emphasis on 454 pyrosequencing and microbial and viral interactions MicVirEcolHotSpringscoordinator265.3931
2010-08-01Interruption of protein-protein interaction and network to cancer biomarkers and therapeutic targets PPI-MARKERparticipant172.8003
2010-08-01Quantifying Arctic responses to past climate change QUARCTICcoordinator204.0681
2010-07-01"""Hearing voices"" - From cognition to brain systems" VOICEparticipant2.281.5721
2010-06-01Microbial Network Organisation MINOSparticipant2.499.9371
2010-04-01"Towards the mechanism and function of tunneling nanotube (TNT)-dependent, intercellular exchange of cargo" FP7 TNT FUNCTIONcoordinator204.5681
2010-04-01REsearch to improve PROduction of SEED of established and emerging bivalve species in European hatcheries REPROSEEDparticipant2.994.85313
2010-04-01Tracing the evolution of symbolically mediated behaviours within variable environments in Europe and southern Africa TRACSYMBOLSparticipant2.500.0002
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