

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2013-03-01Exploring the tumor as a communicating organ TUMORGANparticipant1.498.1501
2013-03-01A common European approach to the regulatory testing of nanomaterials NANOREGparticipant10.000.00068
2013-03-01Self-organising MESH Networking with Heterogeneous Wireless Access MESH-WISEparticipant1.711.6215
2013-02-01LInking farmland Biodiversity to Ecosystem seRvices for effective ecofunctional intensificATION LIBERATIONparticipant2.997.63011
2013-01-01Information, Fluctuations, and Energy Control in Small Systems INFERNOSparticipant2.294.4269
2013-01-01Training Network for Monte Carlo Event Generators for LHC Physics MCNETITNparticipant3.947.3488
2013-01-01MOSAIC - MOdels and Simulation techniques for discovering diAbetes Influence faCtors MOSAICparticipant3.556.00011
2013-01-01"ICOS improved sensors, network and interoperability for GMES" ICOS-INWIREparticipant1.999.8989
2013-01-01COnvergence of fixed and Mobile BrOadband access/aggregation networks COMBOparticipant7.449.00019
2013-01-01Does vascular endothelial growth factor gene therapy safely improve outcome in severe early-onset fetal growth restriction? EVERRESTparticipant5.998.98410
2013-01-01Embracing One Dimensional Semiconductor Nanostructures NANOEMBRACEparticipant3.477.80010
2013-01-01Simulation of fire technical properties of products and construction barriers to support efficient product development in industry FIRE TOOLSparticipant1.465.2782
2012-12-01DYNamic citizens @ctive for sustainable MObility DYN@MOparticipant8.524.31427
2012-12-01Operational Potential of Ecosystem Research Applications OPERASparticipant8.997.91027
2012-12-01Social Innovations Promoting Active and Healthy Ageing INNOVAGEparticipant2.989.8779
2012-11-01A novel mechanism to regulate gene expression in the brain DD-PDparticipant150.0002
2012-11-01"From Brain Gene Transfer Towards Gene Therapy: Pharmacological Assessment of AAV, CAV and LVV" BRAINVECTORSparticipant1.597.78312
2012-11-01EUropean Provision Of Regional Impact Assessment on a Seasonal-to-decadal timescale EUPORIASparticipant8.976.72325
2012-11-01Commercial Sex, ‘Sexual Assistance’ and People with Disabilities: A Qualitative Inquiry on Sweden, Britain, and Switzerland Sexual Assistancecoordinator181.4181
2012-10-01New approach to treatment of the blinding disease Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) PREVENTROPparticipant5.990.23610
2012-10-01European Urbanization and its consequnces for Bird Health and Performance EUBITOXcoordinator100.0001
2012-10-01Mire Ecosystem Transition Area Flux METAfluxcoordinator241.0421
2012-09-01Mid InfraRed Innovative lasers For Improved SENSor of hazardous substances MIRIFISENSparticipant8.600.00017
2012-09-01Performance standards for wood in construction - delivering customer service life needs PerformWOODparticipant495.8158
2012-09-01Combined 4D experimental grain-scale characterisation of grain-strains, force transfer and kinematics in natural granular material (sand) under load Granular mechanicscoordinator100.0001
2012-09-01Study on the need for food and health research infrastructures in Europe EURO DISHparticipant1.997.94616
2012-09-01Preclinical development of drugs and drug delivery technology for the treatment of inherited photoreceptor degeneration DRUGSFORDparticipant4.971.4286
2012-09-01Number Cognition and Philosophy of Arithmetic NUMBERScoordinator181.4181
2012-08-01Development of a prophylactic treatment for the prevention of fetal/neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) PROFNAITparticipant5.986.00011
2012-08-01New tailor-made biopolymers produced from lignocellulosic sugars waste for highly demanding fire-resistant applications BRIGITparticipant5.618.29616
2012-08-01From sea-bed to test-bed: harvesting the potential of marine microbes for industrial biotechnology SeaBioTechparticipant7.461.71616
2012-08-01Mastering bioprocess Integration and intensification across scales BIOINTENSEparticipant5.554.68514
2012-06-01Coordinated Access to Lightsources to Promote Standards and Optimization CALIPSOparticipant7.500.00020
2012-06-01Nanowires for solid state lighting NWs4LIGHTcoordinator3.160.4007
2012-06-01The Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures III LASERLAB-EUROPEcoordinator8.650.00024
2012-05-01The role of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) on the development and extend of eutrophication-driven hypoxia and responses to global warming DON-Hypocoordinator181.4181
2012-05-01ENTITLE. European Network of Political Ecology ENTITLEparticipant3.650.31411
2012-05-01The Reform Capacity of Governments Reform Capacityparticipant1.156.6841
2012-04-01Resilience to global change in long-lived species: physiological comparisons between Arctic and temperate-breeding barnacle geese GOOSEPHYSIOLcoordinator174.0171
2012-04-01Genetic and environmental risk factors for common malignant tumours especially breast cancer and melanoma risk factors cancerparticipant1.200.0001
2012-04-01An astronomical perspective on Earth's geological record and evolution of life ASTROGEOBIOSPHEREparticipant1.950.0001
2012-04-01Tenancy Law and Housing Policy in Multi-level Europe TENLAWparticipant2.692.52610
2012-04-01Soft, Small, and Smart: Design, Assembly, and Dynamics of Novel Nanoparticles for Novel Industrial Applications NanoS3participant3.619.62610
2012-03-01Virtual Cyber-Physical Systems ViCyPhySyscoordinator241.0421
2012-02-01Combating Poverty in Europe: Re-organising Active Inclusion through Participatory and Integrated Modes of Multilevel Governance COPEparticipant1.993.8657
2012-02-01Better Upscaling and Optimization of Nanoparticle and Nanostructure Production by Means of Electrical Discharges BUONAPART-Eparticipant7.799.92921
2012-01-01Avian genomics and ecological speciation AVIAN GENOMICScoordinator245.7003
2012-01-01EPIC-CVD: Individualised CVD risk assessment: tailoring targeted and cost-effective approaches to Europe's diverse populations EPIC-CVDparticipant5.987.26630
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