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Start date | Project | acronym | role | funding | partners |
2016-09-01 | Analysis System for Gathered Raw Data |
ASGARD | participant | 11.992.553 | 34 |
2016-09-01 | Detecting and ANalysing TErrorist-related online contents and financing activities |
DANTE | participant | 4.998.528 | 18 |
2016-06-01 | OPENing UP new methods, indicators and tools for peer review, impact measurement and dissemination of research results |
OpenUP | participant | 1.951.933 | 9 |
2016-05-01 | Flexible FE/BE Sensor Pilot Line for the Internet of Everything |
IoSense | participant | 14.483.030 | 34 |
2016-05-01 | Power Semiconductor and Electronics Manufacturing 4.0 |
SemI40 | participant | 12.227.386 | 38 |
2016-05-01 | European Initiative to Enable Validation for Highly Automated Safe and Secure Systems |
ENABLE-S3 | participant | 15.896.355 | 74 |
2016-04-01 | Architecture-driven, Multi-concern and Seamless Assurance and Certification of Cyber-Physical Systems |
AMASS | participant | 6.178.243 | 33 |
2016-04-01 | Simulation Supported Real Time Energy Management in Building Blocks |
Sim4Blocks | participant | 3.729.056 | 17 |
2016-04-01 | Managing soil and groundwater impacts from agriculture for sustainable intensification |
INSPIRATION | participant | 3.659.161 | 26 |
2016-02-01 | smart services for calculated impact assessment in open governance |
smarticipate | participant | 2.997.259 | 10 |
2016-02-01 | Smart and Inclusive Solutions for a Better Life in Urban Districts |
SMARTER TOGETHER | participant | 24.742.979 | 34 |
2016-01-01 | Smart TSO-DSO interaction schemes, market architectures and ICT Solutions for the integration of ancillary services from demand side management and distributed generation |
SmartNet | participant | 12.657.928 | 24 |
2016-01-01 | A generic CMOS-compatible platform for co-integrated plasmonics/photonics/electronics PICs towards volume manufacturing of low energy, small size and high performance photonic devices |
PLASMOfab | participant | 3.580.691 | 10 |
2016-01-01 | Symbiosis of smart objects across IoT environments |
symbIoTe | participant | 7.104.828 | 15 |
2016-01-01 | “In Vivo Click PET Imaging Agents”: Improving clinical companion diagnostics |
Click-It | participant | 5.999.800 | 6 |
2016-01-01 | The Diamond Revolution in Hyperpolarized MR Imaging – Novel Platform and Nanoparticle Targeted Probe |
HYPERDIAMOND | participant | 4.866.050 | 11 |
2016-01-01 | Stimulating scientific excellence through twinning in the quest for sustainable energy (TwinPV) |
TwinPV | participant | 1.012.174 | 3 |
2016-01-01 | Ophthalmic OCT on a Chip |
OCTCHIP | participant | 3.997.450 | 7 |
2016-01-01 | Advanced TeChnologies and PlatfoRm fOr Smarter ASsisted LivING |
ACROSSING | participant | 3.860.209 | 27 |
2015-12-01 | Flightworthy Flush Lightweight doors for unpressurized Fast Rotorcraft |
FRCDoorDemonstrator | coordinator | 997.487 | 2 |
2015-12-01 | Molecular Analytical Robotics Assays |
MARA | coordinator | 3.996.478 | 5 |
2015-11-01 | European Research Infrastructure supporting Smart Grid Systems Technology Development, Validation and Roll Out |
ERIGrid | coordinator | 9.999.987 | 22 |
2015-10-01 | Secure Cloud Identity Wallet |
CREDENTIAL | coordinator | 5.978.083 | 12 |
2015-09-01 | Boosting plant-Endophyte STability, compatibility and Performance Across ScaleS |
BestPass | participant | 3.907.755 | 17 |
2015-09-01 | Multidimensional, IntegraTed, rIsk assessment framework and dynamic, collaborative Risk ManaGement tools for critical information infrAstrucTurEs |
MITIGATE | participant | 3.109.795 | 13 |
2015-09-01 | aDvanced sOcial enGineering And vulNerability Assesment Framework |
DOGANA | participant | 4.599.806 | 19 |
2015-07-15 | Tracing impacts of the FET programme |
FET_TRACES | participant | 383.594 | 2 |
2015-06-01 | BOrdDErGuArd - Proactive Enhancement of Human Performance in Border Control |
BODEGA | participant | 4.999.238 | 15 |
2015-06-01 | Chair/bedside diagnosis of oral and respiratory tract infections, and identification of antibiotic resistances for personalised monitoring and treatment |
DIAGORAS | participant | 4.721.199 | 9 |
2015-05-01 | Cyber Physical System based Proactive Collaborative Maintenance |
MANTIS | participant | 9.791.974 | 47 |
2015-05-01 | PhD on Innovation Pathways for TES |
INPATH-TES | participant | 4.301.073 | 22 |
2015-05-01 | Users, Safety, security and Energy In Transport Infrastructure |
USE-IT | participant | 955.625 | 8 |
2015-05-01 | Range of Electric SOlutions for L-category VEhicles |
RESOLVE | participant | 6.844.027 | 14 |
2015-05-01 | Electrolyte, Cathode and Anode Improvements for Market-near Next-generation Lithium Ion Batteries |
eCAIMAN | coordinator | 5.807.245 | 16 |
2015-05-01 | Multi-source Big Data Fusion Driven Proactivity for Intelligent Mobility |
OPTIMUM | participant | 5.966.186 | 20 |
2015-05-01 | Fast Assay for Pathogen Identification and Characterisation |
FAPIC | participant | 5.999.997 | 10 |
2015-05-01 | ULTRAsensitive PLAsmonic devices for early CAncer Diagnosis |
ULTRAPLACAD | participant | 6.026.455 | 13 |
2015-03-01 | Towards Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering Tools Interoperability Standardisation |
CP-SETIS | participant | 698.895 | 8 |
2015-02-01 | Smart City performance measurement system |
CITYKEYS | participant | 962.846 | 10 |
2015-02-01 | Hybrid Drug Delivery Systems upon Mesoporous Materials, Self Assembled Therapeutics and Virosomes |
HYMADE | participant | 1.219.500 | 4 |
2015-02-01 | PRIvacy and Security MAintaining services in the CLOUD |
PRISMACLOUD | coordinator | 7.983.009 | 16 |
2015-01-01 | Strengthening joint programming in Europe |
ERA-LEARN 2020 | participant | 3.199.312 | 11 |
2015-01-01 | New Cost Efficient Business Models for Flexible Smart Grids |
NOBEL GRID | participant | 11.725.973 | 22 |
2015-01-01 | FoResight and Modelling for European HEalth Policy and Regulation |
FRESHER | participant | 2.650.408 | 10 |
2015-01-01 | Engineering responsive and biomimetic hydrogels for biomedical therapeutic and diagnostic applications |
BIOGEL | participant | 3.523.738 | 9 |
2014-09-01 | Creating an Agenda for Research ON Transportation sEcuity |
CARONTE | participant | 1.256.870 | 11 |
2014-06-01 | European Control System Security Incident Analysis Network |
ECOSSIAN | participant | 9.224.459 | 19 |
2014-06-01 | Establish Pan-European Information Space to Enhance seCurity of Citziens |
EPISECC | coordinator | 3.764.547 | 13 |
2014-05-01 | DRiving InnoVation in crisis management for European Resilience |
DRIVER | participant | 33.468.209 | 37 |
2014-05-01 | "A secure, modular and distributed mobile border control solution for European land border crossing points" |
MOBILEPASS | coordinator | 3.141.322 | 11 |
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