

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2018-05-01ElectroMagnetic imaging for a novel genERation of medicAL Devices EMERALDcoordinator3.300.16110
2018-05-01AddreSsing ThReats for virtualIseD services ASTRIDparticipant2.932.29810
2018-04-01Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 2 HBP SGA2participant88.000.000116
2018-04-01Supporting Consumer Co-Ownership in Renewable Energies SCOREparticipant1.988.62515
2018-04-01European Doctorate in ARchaeological and Cultural Heritage MATerials science ED-ARCHMATparticipant3.280.98520
2018-01-01Interactive Computing E-Infrastructure for the Human Brain Project ICEIparticipant24.999.874116
2018-01-01AIRFRAME ITD GAM AIR 2018participant160.974.88479
2018-01-01Regional Aircraft REG GAM 2018participant50.224.60434
2018-01-01Smart by Design and Intelligent by Architecture for turbine blade fan and structural components systems SMARTFANparticipant7.989.60118
2018-01-01Next Generation Satellite Processing Chain for Rapid Civil Alerts EO-ALERTparticipant4.772.0006
2018-01-01Remote area Energy supply with Multiple Options for integrated hydrogen-based TEchnologies REMOTEcoordinator4.995.95012
2018-01-01Commercial-scale SOFC systems ComSosparticipant7.486.9557
2018-01-01Virtual Materials Market Place (VIMMP) VIMMPparticipant7.992.27817
2018-01-01European Infrastructure Powering the Internet of Things EnABLESparticipant5.213.4819
2018-01-01SOlar Calcium-looping integRAtion for Thermo-Chemical Energy Storage SOCRATCESparticipant4.975.40315
2018-01-01Transition towards urban sustainability through socially integrative cities in the EU and in China TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINAparticipant2.499.99414
2018-01-01Virtual Materials Market Place (VIMMP) VIMMPparticipant7.992.27817
2018-01-01DEsign, development, manufacture, testing and Flight qualification of nExt geNeration fuel storage system with aDvanced intEgRated gauging and self-sealing capabilities DEFENDERcoordinator1.115.0045
2017-12-01Sustainable mineral resources by utilizing new Exploration technologies Smart Explorationparticipant5.217.84427
2017-12-01Open characterisation and modelling environment to drive innovation in advanced nano-architectured and bio-inspired hard/soft interfaces Oysterparticipant3.999.75215
2017-11-01Teaching Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Science and Engineering Across Europe within Horizon 2020 TeacHyparticipant1.248.52912
2017-11-01Planning and operational tools for optimising energy flows and synergies between energy networks PLANETcoordinator3.999.69512
2017-11-01Smart-Taylored L-category Electric Vehicle demonstration in hEtherogeneous urbanuse-cases STEVEparticipant7.429.67522
2017-11-01300mm Pilot Line for Smart Power and Power Discretes R3-PowerUPparticipant28.046.20735
2017-10-01fASt and Smart charging solutions for full size URban hEavy Duty applications ASSUREDparticipant18.657.43341
2017-10-01VerSatilE plug-and-play platform enabling remote pREdictive mainteNAnce SERENAparticipant5.506.49314
2017-10-01Shared mobility opporTunities And challenges foR European citieS STARScoordinator1.805.6659
2017-10-01From industrial CO2 streams to added value Fischer-Tropsch chemicals ICO2CHEMparticipant5.948.5896
2017-10-01Innovative cladding materials for advanced accident-tolerant energy systems IL TROVATOREparticipant4.999.99930
2017-09-01Biorefinery combining HTL and FT to convert wet and solid organic, industrial wastes into 2nd generation biofuels with highest efficiency Heat-To-Fuelparticipant5.896.98814
2017-09-01AdditiveManufacturABLE AMableparticipant8.001.35922
2017-09-01Fracture Across Scales and Materials, Processes and Disciplines FRAMEDparticipant900.00025
2017-08-01Recycling carbon dioxide in the cement industry to produce added-value additives: a step towards a CO2 circular economy RECODEparticipant7.904.41514
2017-06-015G-TRANSFORMER: 5G Mobile Transport Platform for Verticals 5G-TRANSFORMERparticipant7.985.58319
2017-05-01Advancing fail-aware, fail-safe, and fail-operational electronic components, systems, and architectures for fully automated driving to make future mobility safer, affordable, and end-user acceptable. AutoDriveparticipant16.250.00060
2017-05-01Biofuels Research Infrastructure for Sharing Knowledge II BRISK IIparticipant9.968.14417
2017-05-01Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society ARIESparticipant10.000.00042
2017-04-01Interdependent Challenges of Reliability, Security and Quality in Nanoelectronic Systems Design RESCUEparticipant3.755.8258
2017-04-01Integrated Smart Device for Emergency Management IDEAL SENSORparticipant150.0001
2017-03-01models, EXperiments and high PERformance computing for Turbine mechanical Integrity and Structural dynamics in Europe EXPERTISEcoordinator3.815.94711
2017-03-01Additive Manufacturing Initiative for Transnational Innovation in Europe AMITIEparticipant877.50018
2017-02-01Ultra-Low Power and Highly-Scalable Interfaces for the Internet of Things ULPIoTcoordinator247.7291
2017-02-01Social Sciences and Humanities for Advancing Policy in European Energy SHAPE-ENERGYparticipant1.996.57413
2017-01-01Advanced direct biogas fuel processor for robust and cost-effective decentralised hydrogenproduction BIOROBURpluscoordinator2.996.24911
2017-01-01Novel ALL-IN-ONE machines, robots and systems for affordable, worldwide and lifetime Distributed 3D hybrid manufacturing and repair operations 4D hybridparticipant4.990.00020
2017-01-01Advanced materials solutions for next generation high efficiency concentrated solar power (CSP) tower systems NEXTOWERparticipant4.981.30419
2017-01-01Biomacromolecules from municipal solid bio-waste fractions and fish waste for high added value applications. DAFIAparticipant6.430.19617
2017-01-01Multi-scale Composite Material Selection Platform with a Seamless Integration of Material Models and Multidisciplinary Design Framework. COMPOSELECTORparticipant3.904.18611
2017-01-01Values and ethics in Innovation for Responsible Technology in EUrope VIRT-EUparticipant1.999.9516
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