

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2017-05-01The Missing Link of Episodic Memory Decline in Aging: The Role of Inefficient Systems Consolidation AgeConsolidatecoordinator1.999.4821
2017-05-01Dialogue About Radicalisation and Equality DAREparticipant4.999.05417
2017-04-01Linking micro- and macroevolution: macroevolutionary quantitative genetics of Drosophila wing morhology FLYWINGcoordinator208.4001
2017-04-01Preparatory Phase for the European Solar Telescope PRE-ESTparticipant3.998.75023
2017-03-01Images in Exile:Gender and representations among Syrian Kurdish women in Norway IMEXcoordinator196.4001
2017-03-01Functional dissection of the head-direction circuit in mouse retrosplenial cortex. RSCHDcoordinator196.4001
2017-01-01Multiple manifestations of genetic and non-genetic factors in Multiple Sclerosis disentangled with a multi-omics approach to accelerate personalised medicine MultipleMSparticipant14.721.45322
2017-01-01Healthy minds from 0-100 years: Optimising the use of European brain imaging cohorts Lifebraincoordinator10.000.00014
2017-01-01The Global and Local Organization of Production GLOBALPRODcoordinator1.476.9481
2017-01-01Inclusive Education and Social Support to Tackle Inequalities in Society ISOTISparticipant4.999.67918
2017-01-01The Post-crisis Legitimacy of the European Union European Training Network PLATOcoordinator3.873.71920
2016-12-01Multi-cloud Execution-ware for Large-scale Optimized Data-Intensive Computing MELODICcoordinator4.890.2247
2016-11-01Smart capture phases for proteomics, glycomics and biomarker assays BioCaptureparticipant2.982.8798
2016-11-01European Training Network for Cell-based Regenerative Medicine Training4CRMparticipant4.028.78315
2016-10-01International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic INTERACTparticipant10.000.00048
2016-10-01Low energy ELEctron driven chemistry for the advantage of emerging NAno-fabrication methods ELENAparticipant3.878.75713
2016-10-01A paradigm shift in cancer therapy – using mitochondria-powered chemiluminescence to non-invasively treat inaccessible tumours Lumiblastparticipant3.031.3755
2016-09-01Hybrid Particle-Field Approach Including Electrostatics for Large-Scale Simulations of Biological Systems HYPERBIOcoordinator196.4001
2016-09-01ALMA – The key to the Sun’s coronal heating problem. SolarALMAparticipant1.995.9641
2016-08-01How nature affects cooperation in common pool resource systems NATCOOPparticipant1.413.7502
2016-08-01The Economics and Politics of Conservation CONSERVATIONparticipant1.571.5541
2016-06-01Reconsidering European Contributions to Global Justice GLOBUScoordinator2.498.9968
2016-05-01Big Picnic:Big Questions - engaging the public with Responsible Research and Innovation on Food Security BigPicnicparticipant3.428.76819
2016-04-01Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 1 HBP SGA1participant89.000.000117
2016-03-01Transmitting Contentious Cultural Heritages with the Arts: From Intervention to Co-Production TRACESparticipant2.303.35911
2016-03-01Sustainable Market Actors for Responsible Trade SMARTcoordinator2.491.21026
2016-03-01Understanding subduction zone topography through modelling of coupled shallow and deep processes SUBITOPparticipant3.910.10625
2016-01-01Imaging the Force of Cancer FORCEparticipant5.812.63116
2016-01-01GALAXY: Gut-and-liver axis in alcoholic liver fibrosis GALAXYparticipant6.305.65414
2016-01-01Planetary Terrestrial Analogues Library PTALcoordinator1.497.9503
2016-01-01Euro-BioImaging Preparatory Phase II - Project EuBI PPIIparticipant1.497.91022
2016-01-01Smart Sensor Technologies and Training for Radiation Enhanced Applications and Measurements STREAMparticipant3.872.52516
2015-12-01The role of 5HT3a inhibitory interneurons in sensory processing SurfaceInhibitionparticipant1.350.0001
2015-11-01Translational approaches to disease modifying therapy of type 1 diabetes: an innovative approach towards understanding and arresting type 1 diabetes – Sofia ref.: 115797 INNODIAparticipant17.630.00036
2015-11-01Community-based ICT for Maternal Healthcare in Africa mHealth4Afrikaparticipant1.999.9959
2015-11-01Production, control and Demonstration of structured hybrid nanoporous materials for Industrial adsorption Applications ProDIAparticipant7.030.83213
2015-10-30Human Brain Project Framework Partnership Agreement HBP FPAparticipant086
2015-10-12Blending Stoichiometric and Metabolic Theories from Genes to Populations: Resource Stochiometry and Temperature Effects on Consumers with Contrasting Life-history Strategies STOICHIOMETcoordinator196.4001
2015-10-01Modelling and Computation of Shocks and Interfaces ModCompShockparticipant3.914.2769
2015-10-01MARine MAnagement and Ecosystem Dynamics under climate change MARmaEDcoordinator4.073.9038
2015-09-01ELIXIR-EXCELERATE: Fast-track ELIXIR implementation and drive early user exploitation across the life-sciences. ELIXIR-EXCELERATEparticipant19.051.48248
2015-09-01Effects of Medication Use in Pregnancy on Infant Neurodevelopment DrugsInPregnancyparticipant1.499.4391
2015-09-01Disequilibirum metamorphism of stressed lithosphere DIMEparticipant2.900.0001
2015-09-01Enacting the Good Economy: Biocapitalization and the little tools of valuation LITTLE TOOLScoordinator1.495.0791
2015-09-01Growth, Equal Opportunities, Migration and Markets GEMMparticipant2.498.51010
2015-08-01Unraveling the ecology of a widespread fungal group by genomic, isotopic and physiological analyses Mycenacoordinator208.4001
2015-07-01Controlling Cardiomyocyte Dyadic Structure CARDYADSparticipant2.000.0001
2015-05-01Enhanced substrates and GaN pilot lines enabling compact power applications PowerBaseparticipant19.196.54939
2015-04-01Bivariational Approximations in Quantum Mechanics and Applications to Quantum Chemistry BIVAQUMcoordinator1.499.5721
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