

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2013-11-01Monitoring of Structural Performance MOSPcoordinator221.6061
2013-11-01New cost-effective and sustainable polyethylene based carbon fibres for volume market applications NEWSPECparticipant7.393.75513
2013-11-01Land use change: assessing the net climate forcing, and options for climate change mitigation and adaptation LUC4Cparticipant5.999.07915
2013-11-01Assessment and mitigation of nano-enabled product risks on human and environmental health: Development of new strategies and creation of a digital guidance tool for nanotech industries GUIDENANOparticipant8.150.00030
2013-11-01Classifying the Range of Exoplanetary Atmospheres using Transmission and Emission Spectroscopy CREATESparticipant1.495.8241
2013-10-28Optimal Design Tools for Ocean Energy Arrays DTOCEANparticipant4.178.23218
2013-10-01Novel Type of Terahertz Devices NOTEDEVparticipant3.880.5429
2013-10-01The Impact of Plant Evolution on Fire Behaviour in Ancient Ecosystems ECOFLAMcoordinator1.519.6401
2013-10-01The causes of hyperglycaemia in the face of rising obesity GLUCOSEGENEScoordinator2.007.9251
2013-10-01Interaction phenomena in novel materials INTERNOMparticipant114.0003
2013-10-01Science as extended cognition: The role of material culture in scientific reasoning COGNITION IN SCIENCEcoordinator231.2832
2013-09-23Variability and Trends in Atlantic Climate ATLANTIC CLIMATEcoordinator100.0001
2013-09-05VIALACTEA - The Milky Way as a Star Formation Engine VIALACTEAparticipant2.488.5919
2013-09-01Fixed Point Open Ocean Observatories Network FIXO3participant7.000.00029
2013-09-01Imaging the signatures of planet formation using spectro-interferometry DISKIMAGINGcoordinator100.0001
2013-09-01Extracellular brain proteolysis in neuronal plasticity and neuropsychiatric disorders EXTRABRAINparticipant3.512.0919
2013-09-01OceaNET OCEANETparticipant3.420.09910
2013-09-01Prokaryotic Evolution of CRISPR Targeting PROTECTcoordinator221.6061
2013-07-01Evolution of mutator bacteria in a community context EMBCCcoordinator221.6061
2013-06-01The moral foundations of activism TMFOAcoordinator221.6061
2013-06-01The Milking Revolution in Temperate Neolithic Europe NEOMILKparticipant2.464.7524
2013-06-01Emerging infectious disease and population genetic structure EIDPOPcoordinator231.2831
2013-06-01Carbon dioxide regulation of Earth’s ecological weathering engine: from microorganisms to ecosystems CDREGparticipant2.271.9805
2013-06-01Miocene Vegetation of the African Tropics (Project MioVAT) MIOVATcoordinator221.6061
2013-05-01Toward a new generation of multi-dimensional stellar evolution models: the TOol of the FUture TOFUparticipant2.499.9802
2013-05-01A Process Ontology for Contemporary Biology PROBIOparticipant1.946.1471
2013-04-01Cross-Layer Investigation and Integration of Computing and Networking Aspects of Mobile Social Networks CLIMBERcoordinator361.2004
2013-03-01Engineered nanomaterial mechanisms of interactions with living systems and the environment: a universal framework for safe nanotechnology NANOMILEparticipant9.624.97928
2013-02-01Enhancing Social Interaction with an AlterEgo Artificial Agent AlterEgoparticipant2.920.0006
2013-02-01Carbon resistive random access memory materials CARERAMMcoordinator2.641.8605
2013-02-01"Fitness drivers in long-distance migrants: the interacting roles of physiology, social biology, ecological and physical environments" STATEMIGparticipant1.499.2241
2013-02-01Law and Language at the ECJ LLECJparticipant993.4401
2013-02-01Updating the mind: The mechanisms behind behavioural change UTMparticipant1.138.5181
2013-02-01Quantification of ecological services for sustainable agriculture QUESSAparticipant2.998.00614
2013-01-01Research and Competence Training Network for Sustainability-Driven Innovation I4Sparticipant2.613.2289
2013-01-01"Towards a Clean, Litter-Free European Marine Environment through Scientific Evidence, Innovative Tools and Good Governance" CLEANSEAparticipant2.986.57117
2013-01-01Peroxisomes: key to cell performance and health PERFUMEparticipant3.911.06412
2013-01-01Quantum optics of carbon nanostructures QOCANcoordinator96.0002
2013-01-01Social development and life history evolution in cooperative mammals: an integrated approach SOCODEVparticipant1.493.3221
2013-01-01Sustainable Technologies for Calcined Industrial Minerals in Europe STOICISMparticipant5.828.07617
2013-01-01Methods for Health Technology Assessment of Medical Devices: a European Perspective MEDTECHTAparticipant2.055.1347
2013-01-01REconfiguration of CONtrol in Flight for Integral Global Upset REcovery RECONFIGUREparticipant3.971.1088
2012-11-01Improved Water efficiency through ICT technologies for integrated supply-Demand side manaGEmenT iWIDGETcoordinator3.419.9469
2012-11-01MId- to NEaR infrared spectroscopy for improVed medical diAgnostics MINERVAparticipant7.299.98814
2012-11-01Seasonal-to-decadal climate Prediction for the improvement of European Climate Services SPECSparticipant8.224.86220
2012-11-01Architecture and Asceticism: Cultural Interaction between Syria and Georgia in Late Antiquity CISGLAparticipant954.5232
2012-10-01Bottom-up Climate Adaptation Strategies towards a Sustainable Europe BASEparticipant5.899.44214
2012-10-01Studying the Development of Young Students’ Conceptual Understanding in Statistics through Mediation by Technological Tools and Talk STATSTALKcoordinator200.3721
2012-10-01Palaeofire Danger Rating Maps and Earth's Last Major Global Warming Event (Project PyroMap) PyroMapcoordinator100.0001
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