

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2019-01-01Electricity driven Low Energy and Chemical input Technology foR Accelerated bioremediation ELECTRAparticipant4.995.05618
2019-01-01HEalth data LInkage for ClinicAL benefit HELICALparticipant4.050.33825
2019-01-01Recycling and Repurposing of Plastic Waste for Advanced 3D Printing Applications Repair3Dparticipant5.998.83318
2019-01-01PolyUrethane Recycling towards a Smart Circular Economy PUReSmartparticipant5.998.5749
2019-01-01Methane oxidative conversion and hydroformylation to propylene C123participant6.353.37411
2019-01-01Early detection of cervical cancer in hard-to-reach populations of women through portable and point-of-care HPV testing ELEVATEcoordinator3.301.9909
2019-01-01INTENSE: particle physics experiments at the high intensity frontier, from new physics to spin-offs. A cooperative Europe - United States - Japan effort. INTENSEparticipant2.116.00023
2019-01-01Shaping the social brain through early interactions SAPIENSparticipant4.068.23318
2019-01-01Deciphering the fungus-host-microbiota interplay to improve the management of fungal infections FunHoMicparticipant3.530.87115
2019-01-01Connecting Thematic Networks as Knowledge Reservoirs: towards a European Agricultural Knowledge Innovation Open Source System EURAKNOScoordinator2.101.28616
2019-01-01Applications and Fundamentals of Microresonator Frequency Combs MICROCOMBparticipant4.038.09617
2019-01-01Wideband Optical Networks WONparticipant3.664.14514
2019-01-01Training interdisciplinary glycoscientists to get a molecular-level grip on glycocodes at the human mucosa–microbiota interface SWEET CROSSTALKparticipant4.117.67514
2019-01-01Disseminating Innovative Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance Management DISARMparticipant1.999.58015
2019-01-01Phosphorus REcovery for FertiLisers frOm dairy processing Waste REFLOWparticipant3.469.77524
2019-01-01Identification and Management of Patients at Risk – Outcome and Vascular Events in Peritoneal Dialysis IMPROVE-PDparticipant3.970.00623
2018-12-01MAterials design at the eXascale. European Centre of Excellence in materials modelling, simulations, and design MaXparticipant8.496.55814
2018-11-01Translational control in infection biology: riboproteogenomics of bacterial pathogens PROPHECYcoordinator1.498.6251
2018-11-01PhD Training Network on Durable, Reliable and Sustainable Structures with Alkali-Activated Materials DuRSAAMcoordinator3.397.84822
2018-10-01European Training Network to Diagnose, Understand and Treat Stargardt Disease, a Frequent Inherited Blinding Disorder StarTcoordinator3.776.71415
2018-10-01Second generation Methyl MethAcrylate (MMAtwo) MMAtwoparticipant6.664.70315
2018-10-01Nutrient Management and Nutrient Recovery Thematic Network NUTRIMANparticipant1.999.92814
2018-10-01Software Enhanced Research iN Transient kinetics SERENiTicoordinator150.0001
2018-10-01Fostering Synthetic Biology standardisation through international collaboration BioRoboostparticipant1.998.78826
2018-10-01Innovative and efficient solution, based on modular, versatile, smart process units for energy and resource flexibility in highly energy intensive processes CIRMETparticipant7.012.78316
2018-10-01Transition towards a more carbon and nutrient efficient agriculture in Europe Nutri2Cyclecoordinator6.850.05119
2018-09-01Twinning of research activities for the frontier research in the fields of food, nutrition and environmental ‘omics FoodEnTwinparticipant998.0135
2018-09-01Automatic generation of Chemical Models AutoCheMoparticipant1.035.4303
2018-09-01Property and Democratic Citizenship: The Impact of Moral Assumptions, Policy Regulations, and Market Mechanisms on Experiences of Eviction PaDCcoordinator1.970.6883
2018-09-01Innovative tools for rational control of the most difficult-to-manage pests (super pests) and the diseases they transmit SuperPestsparticipant2.991.52513
2018-09-01Genocide Commemoration in the Rwandan Diaspora CommGenRwacoordinator160.8001
2018-09-01Biased Artificial Intelligence: Openness, innovation and the remaking of mental health Biased AIcoordinator172.8001
2018-09-01Using Zebrafish as a novel tool to Improve the Diagnosis and Outcome of Marfan Syndrome ZIDOMScoordinator172.8001
2018-08-01Aquaculture meets Biomedicine: Innovation in Skeletal Health research. BioMedaquparticipant3.747.2049
2018-08-01Strengthening the Research Area of Delivery of Nucleic acid mimics (NAMS) into bacteria to fight the antibiotic crisis DelNAMparticipant960.8543
2018-06-01Autism Innovative Medicine Studies – 2 – Trials AIMS-2-TRIALSparticipant54.999.99948
2018-06-01Organizing, Promoting and ENabling HEritage Re-use through Inclusion, Technology, Access, Governance and Empowerment OpenHeritageparticipant4.992.81316
2018-06-01Granting society with LOw environmental impact innovative PACKaging GLOPACKparticipant5.560.78517
2018-06-01Molecular-genetic mechanisms of extreme adaptation in a polyphagous agricultural pest POLYADAPTcoordinator1.926.2501
2018-06-01Control of impulsive action Ctrl-ImpActcoordinator1.998.4381
2018-06-01Everyday Writing in Graeco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt (I - VIII AD). A Socio-Semiotic Study of Communicative Variation EVWRITcoordinator1.476.2501
2018-05-01conect4children (COllaborative Network for European Clinical Trials For Children) c4cparticipant67.000.00047
2018-05-01Consolidation of European Research Excellence in Exascale HPC Systems EUROLAB4HPC2participant1.600.00013
2018-05-01Black Cinema-Going in New York of the Interwar Period Black Cinema-Goingcoordinator160.8001
2018-04-01Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 2 HBP SGA2participant88.000.000116
2018-04-01Advanced Biomass Catalytic Conversion to Middle Distillates in Molten Salts ABC-SALTparticipant3.998.0269
2018-04-01Compressed Heat Energy Storage for Energy from Renewable sources CHESTERparticipant4.999.07012
2018-02-01Chip Scale Electrically Powered Optical Frequency Combs ELECTRICcoordinator1.391.2501
2018-02-01Microclimatic buffering of plant responses to macroclimate warming in temperate forests FORMICAcoordinator1.498.4691
2018-01-01Interactive Computing E-Infrastructure for the Human Brain Project ICEIparticipant24.999.874116
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