

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2018-01-01PRivacy preserving pOst-quantuM systEms from advanced crypTograpHic mEchanisms Using latticeS PROMETHEUSparticipant5.496.96913
2018-01-01Big Data for Medical Analytics BigMedilyticsparticipant14.997.30635
2018-01-01Next generation X-ray imaging system NEXISparticipant7.712.15310
2018-01-01High performance MOF and IPOSS enhanced membrane systems as next generation CO2 capture technologies GENESISparticipant7.970.77418
2018-01-01A European Training Network for Functional Hybrid Coatings by Molecular Layer Deposition HYCOATparticipant3.898.79826
2017-12-01Mineral resources in sustainable land-use planning Minlandparticipant1.498.69124
2017-11-01ACceleraTing PHotonics innovAtion for SME’s: a one STop-shop-incubator ACTPHAST 4.0participant9.999.94625
2017-11-01Self Consumption Of Renewable Energy by hybrid Storage systems SCOREScoordinator5.998.59913
2017-10-01DialoguE on European Decarbonisation Strategies DEEDScoordinator2.993.83116
2017-10-01CO2 Human Emissions CHEparticipant3.765.19023
2017-10-01Integrating Real-Intelligence in Energy Management Systems enabling Holistic Demand Response Optimization in Buildings and Districts HOLISDERparticipant3.902.07213
2017-10-01fASt and Smart charging solutions for full size URban hEavy Duty applications ASSUREDparticipant18.657.43341
2017-10-01Aerodynamic and Flexible Trucks for Next Generation of Long Distance Road Transport AEROFLEXparticipant9.534.77925
2017-10-01High Fidelity Electric Modelling and Testing HiFi-ELEMENTSparticipant7.532.31916
2017-10-01Energy Systems in Transition ENSYSTRAparticipant4.067.52229
2017-10-01ENergy harVesting by Invisible Solar IntegratiON in building skins Envisioncoordinator4.900.31314
2017-10-01An end-to-end system for the production and delivery of photorealistic social immersive virtual reality experiences VRTogetherparticipant3.929.93810
2017-09-14SMART Emerging Electronics Servicing DIH SmartEEsparticipant4.550.54910
2017-09-01Facilitating market roll-out of RESfuels in the transport sector to 2030 and beyond ADVANCEFUELparticipant2.628.2469
2017-09-01AdditiveManufacturABLE AMableparticipant8.001.35922
2017-09-01Converged wireless access for reliable 5G MTC for factories of the future Clear5Gparticipant2.498.61611
2017-09-01Piloting Automated Driving on European Roads L3Pilotparticipant35.960.97937
2017-09-01Innovation - Law Enforcement Agencies Dialogue I-LEADparticipant3.483.71619
2017-09-01New competence for building professionals and blue collar workers – certified qualification schemes to upgrade the qualification for building nZEBs NEWCOMparticipant1.120.5637
2017-06-01Satellite and Terrestrial Network for 5G SaT5Gparticipant8.316.50316
2017-06-01Accelerating C-ITS Mobility Innovation and depLoyment in Europe C-MobILEparticipant12.575.00038
2017-06-01Intelligent Motion Control Platform for Smart Mechatronic Systems I-MECHparticipant5.018.64532
2017-06-01Realisation and Demonstration of Advanced Material Solutions for Sustainable and Efficient Ships RAMSSESparticipant10.799.44138
2017-06-01REnewable SOLVEnts with high performance in application and improved toxicity profile ReSolveparticipant4.358.41312
2017-06-01Brazil-EU Cooperation for Development of Advanced Lignocellulosic Biofuels BECOOLparticipant4.999.95514
2017-05-01(Ultra)Sound Interfaces and Low Energy iNtegrated SEnsors SILENSEparticipant8.726.96634
2017-05-01Electronics and ICT as enabler for digital industry and optimized supply chain management covering the entire product lifecycle Productive4.0participant25.933.480114
2017-05-01Policy recommendation and improved communication tools for law enforcement and security agencies preventing violent radicalisation Periclesparticipant2.999.64815
2017-05-01Enhanced Neutralisation of explosive Threats Reaching Across the Plot ENTRAPparticipant4.978.24916
2017-05-01Biofuels Research Infrastructure for Sharing Knowledge II BRISK IIparticipant9.968.14417
2017-05-01Measures for behaving safely in traffic MeBeSafeparticipant7.136.97916
2017-05-01Evaluation into Practice to Achieve Targets for Energy Efficiency EPATEEparticipant1.565.56611
2017-05-01Maritime Integrated Surveillance Awareness MARISAparticipant7.997.49322
2017-05-01Tools for the Investigation of Transactions in Underground Markets TITANIUMparticipant4.991.60015
2017-04-01Technology Advances and Key Enablers for Module Integration for 5 nm TAKEMI5participant28.339.99926
2017-03-01MEthane goes MObile - MEasurements and MOdelling MEMO2participant3.361.29122
2017-01-01RECAP preterm: Research on European Children and Adults born Preterm RECAP pretermcoordinator9.713.23021
2017-01-01Capacitive Identification Tokens CAPIDparticipant3.474.3196
2017-01-01INternational Smart Collaborative Open-access hybrid Printed Electronics pilot line InSCOPEcoordinator7.998.65211
2017-01-01Optical Infrared Coordination Network for Astronomy OPTICONparticipant10.000.00033
2017-01-01Advanced Low Flying Aircrafts Detection and Tracking ALFAparticipant4.613.8319
2017-01-01Establishing the European Geological Surveys Research Area to deliver a Geological Service for Europe GeoERAcoordinator10.000.00051
2017-01-01Interactions between automated energy systems and Flexibilities brought by energy market players InterFlexparticipant17.009.41320
2017-01-01AUTOmated driving Progressed by Internet Of Things AUTOPILOTparticipant19.924.98447
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