

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2015-01-01Deferred Restructuring of Experience in Autonomous Machines DREAMparticipant2.730.2425
2015-01-01Biology of UnderGround Symbioses (BUGS): studies of a subterranean ant-aphid-microbe cooperative network BUGScoordinator270.3131
2013-01-01Systems Networks Norms SYSNORMparticipant354.1123
2012-10-01Systems Analysis Tools Framework for the EU Bio-Based Economy Strategy SAT-BBEparticipant495.6559
2012-10-01Systems Analysis Tools Framework for the EU Bio-Based Economy Strategy SAT-BBEparticipant495.6559
2012-10-01Impact of Transport Infrastructure on International Competitiveness of Europe I-C-EUparticipant889.5467
2012-10-01Impact of Transport Infrastructure on International Competitiveness of Europe I-C-EUparticipant889.5467
2012-10-01From protohistory to history: social change in Italy at the dawn of the Classical world FromProtoHistorycoordinator183.8062
2012-10-01From protohistory to history: social change in Italy at the dawn of the Classical world FromProtoHistoryparticipant183.8062
2012-09-01Choosing Efficient Combinations of Policy Instruments for Low-carbon development and Innovation to Achieve Europe's 2050 climate targets CECILIA2050participant2.797.38111
2012-09-01Choosing Efficient Combinations of Policy Instruments for Low-carbon development and Innovation to Achieve Europe's 2050 climate targets CECILIA2050participant2.797.38111
2012-08-01Infrastructure for Systems Biology - Europe ISBEparticipant4.745.71823
2012-07-01Open Polarity Enhanced Named Entity Recognition OpeNERparticipant1.930.0007
2012-06-01ViSTA-TV - Video Stream Analytics for Viewers in the TV Industry ViSTA-TVparticipant1.995.0008
2012-06-014D-EEG: A new tool to investigate the spatial and temporal activity patterns in the brain 4D-EEGparticipant3.477.2023
2012-06-014D-EEG: A new tool to investigate the spatial and temporal activity patterns in the brain 4D-EEGparticipant3.477.2023
2012-06-01The Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures III LASERLAB-EUROPEparticipant8.650.00024
2012-06-01The Integrated Initiative of European Laser Research Infrastructures III LASERLAB-EUROPEparticipant8.650.00024
2012-05-01Reliable Operating Systems for Embedded Systems ROSESparticipant149.7582
2012-05-01Reliable Operating Systems for Embedded Systems ROSESparticipant149.7582
2012-04-01Sarcomere based Signals in Muscle Remodelling SARCOSIparticipant980.70012
2012-04-01Sarcomere based Signals in Muscle Remodelling SARCOSIparticipant980.70012
2012-04-01Embodied Emotion Regulation EmbERparticipant1.487.0272
2012-04-01Embodied Emotion Regulation EmbERparticipant1.487.0272
2012-04-01"Small, but many: scalability to volume production in fiber-top technology" FTBATCHparticipant149.1912
2012-04-01"Small, but many: scalability to volume production in fiber-top technology" FTBATCHparticipant149.1912
2012-04-01Optimality Principles in Human Motor Control OPTcoordinator75.0002
2012-04-01Optimality Principles in Human Motor Control OPTparticipant75.0002
2012-03-01Sustainable prevention of obesity through integrated strategies SPOTLIGHTcoordinator2.997.65815
2012-03-01Sustainable prevention of obesity through integrated strategies SPOTLIGHTparticipant2.997.65815
2012-03-01Imaging of Neuroinflammation in Neurodegenerative Diseases INMiNDparticipant11.998.47830
2012-03-01Imaging of Neuroinflammation in Neurodegenerative Diseases INMiNDparticipant11.998.47830
2012-02-01Predictive Genomic Biomarkers Methods for Combination Bevacizumab (Avastin) Therapy in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer ANGIOPREDICTparticipant5.999.15611
2012-02-01Predictive Genomic Biomarkers Methods for Combination Bevacizumab (Avastin) Therapy in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer ANGIOPREDICTparticipant5.999.15611
2012-02-01Effective Communication in Outbreak Management: development of an evidence-based tool for Europe E-com@euparticipant1.999.60711
2012-02-01Effective Communication in Outbreak Management: development of an evidence-based tool for Europe E-com@euparticipant1.999.60711
2012-02-01Enabling information re-Use by linking clinical REsearch and CAre EURECAparticipant9.651.00020
2012-02-01Long-term effects of early nutrition on later health EarlyNutritionparticipant8.962.77138
2012-02-01Long-term effects of early nutrition on later health EarlyNutritionparticipant8.962.77138
2012-01-15Assessing the effectiveness of community-based management strategies for biocultural diversity conservation COMBIOSERVEparticipant1.897.88311
2012-01-15Assessing the effectiveness of community-based management strategies for biocultural diversity conservation COMBIOSERVEparticipant1.897.88311
2012-01-01Next Zero Energy Buildings at lowest Cost by using Competitive Sustainable Technology NEXT-BUILDINGSparticipant4.963.80813
2012-01-01Synergising INTERnational Studies of Environmental Contamination with Organic FLAME Retardant Chemicals INTERFLAMEparticipant199.1005
2012-01-01Synergising INTERnational Studies of Environmental Contamination with Organic FLAME Retardant Chemicals INTERFLAMEparticipant199.1005
2012-01-01Sustainable Micronutrient Interventions to Control Deficiencies and Improve Nutritional Status and General Health in Asia SMILINGparticipant1.999.34512
2012-01-01Sustainable Micronutrient Interventions to Control Deficiencies and Improve Nutritional Status and General Health in Asia SMILINGparticipant1.999.34512
2012-01-01Building data bridges between biological and medical infrastructures in Europe BIOMEDBRIDGESparticipant10.494.99925
2012-01-01Building data bridges between biological and medical infrastructures in Europe BIOMEDBRIDGESparticipant10.494.99925
2012-01-01Study of Strongly Interacting Matter HADRONPHYSICS3participant9.000.00051
2012-01-01Study of Strongly Interacting Matter HADRONPHYSICS3participant9.000.00051
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