

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2012-01-01Integration of Bio-Conversion and Separation Technology for the production and application of platform chemicals from 2nd generation biomass BIOCONSEPTparticipant8.888.37137
2012-01-01"Development of active, intelligent and sustainable food PACKaging using PolybutyleneSUCCInate" SUCCIPACKparticipant2.999.52119
2012-01-01AIRBorne information for Emergency situation Awareness and Monitoring AIRBEAMparticipant9.894.30822
2012-01-01"Sustainable surfactant production from renewable resources through natural fermentation for applications in natural, organically-certified products" O4Sparticipant1.927.90014
2011-12-01Strengthening networking on BiomAss researcH and biowaste conversion – biotechnologY for EurOpe India inteGration SAHYOGparticipant996.09513
2011-11-01Hydrogen from RES: pressurised alkaline electrolyser with high efficiency and wide operating range RESELYSERparticipant1.484.3584
2011-11-01Improvements to Integrate High Pressure Alkaline Electrolysers for Electricity/H2 production from Renewable Energies to Balance the Grid ELYGRIDparticipant2.105.01711
2011-11-01Development of reference methods for hazard identification, risk assessment and LCA of engineered nanomaterials NanoValidparticipant9.592.99532
2011-11-01Development of a conductive membrane that generates oxidising surface to prevent biofilm formation and fouling ConductMemparticipant1.097.0007
2011-10-01Supporting the Development of the European Electricity Grids Initiative (EEGI) GRID+participant2.999.49413
2011-10-01A framework for enhancing EO capacity for Agriculture and Forest Management in Africa as a contribution to GEOSS AGRICABcoordinator3.499.23417
2011-09-01A Decision Support System for Reducing CO2 and Black Carbon Emissions by Adaptive Traffic Management CARBOTRAFparticipant3.060.0008
2011-09-01Highly Efficient Tubular Membranes for Oxy-Combustion HETMOCparticipant5.534.1428
2011-09-01Data Science for Simulating the Era of Electric Vehicles DATA SIMparticipant2.368.2699
2011-07-01Design and Manufacturing of Catalytic Membrane Reactors by developing new nano-architectured catalytic and selective membrane materials DEMCAMERparticipant7.900.00019
2011-06-01Demonstration of a cost effective medium size Chemical Looping Combustion through packed beds using solid hydrocarbons as fuel for power production with CO2 capture DEMOCLOCKparticipant5.304.50911
2011-05-01Coordinating European Strategies on Sustainable Materials, Processes and Emerging Technologies Development in Chemical Process and Water Industry across Technology Platforms ChemWaterparticipant949.29611
2011-04-01Advancing Sustainable In Situ Remediation for Contaminated Land and Groundwater ADVOCATEparticipant3.445.53110
2011-03-01Enhance environmental awareness through social information technologies EveryAwareparticipant2.066.2455
2011-02-01A pan-European infrastructure for quality in nanomaterials safety testing QUALITYNANOparticipant7.000.00032
2011-02-01Crop Monitoring as an E-agriculture tool in developing countries E-AGRIcoordinator1.618.0009
2011-01-17Innovative Strategies for High-Grade Material Recovery from Construction and Demolition Waste IRCOWparticipant3.362.40813
2011-01-01Information Service on Agricultural Change ISACcoordinator1.250.7575
2011-01-01"Microorganism and enzyme Immobilization: NOvel Techniques and Approaches for Upgraded Remediation of Underground-, wastewater and Soil" MINOTAURUSparticipant2.999.11016
2011-01-01Indoor Contamination with Flame Retardant Chemicals: Causes and Impacts INFLAMEparticipant3.631.36310
2010-12-02Solvent purification and recycling in the process industry using innovative membrane technology SOLVERcoordinator658.7357
2010-12-01Energy-Hub for residential and commercial districts and transport E-Hubparticipant7.993.71019
2010-12-01Multi-scale Service for Monitoring NATURA 2000 Habitats of European Community Interest MS.MONINAparticipant1.963.03718
2010-12-01Boosting Best Available Techniques in the Mediterranean Partner Countries BAT4MEDparticipant943.3658
2010-11-01Land Use Modelling and Analysis Network LUMANparticipant37.8002
2010-11-01On the reduction of health effects from combined exposure to indoor air pollutants in modern offices OFFICAIRparticipant2.867.12115
2010-10-01Reverse Electrodialysis Alternative Power Production REAPowerparticipant2.696.99611
2010-09-01New µ-CHP network technologies for energy efficient and sustainable districts FC-DISTRICTparticipant8.000.00023
2010-09-01Innovative Oxygen Carriers Uplifting chemical-looping combustion INNOCUOUSparticipant2.732.8157
2010-05-01Promote Air Quality Services integrating Observations – Development Of Basic Localised Information for Europe PASODOBLEparticipant4.999.30422
2010-05-01GMES for Africa: Regional Network for Information Exchange and Training in Emergencies GARNET-Eparticipant999.47020
2010-01-01Impact Monitoring of Mineral Resources Exploitation ImpactMinparticipant2.613.82411
2010-01-01Distribution Line Carrier: Verification, Integration and Test of PLC Technologies and IP Communication for Utilities DLC+VIT4IPparticipant3.499.99714
2010-01-01ENERgy Saving Information Platform for Generation and Consumption Networks ENERsipparticipant3.789.91411
2010-01-01Accelerating the transition to a toxicity pathway-based paradigm for chemical safety assessment through internationally coordinated research and technology development AXLR8participant555.2233
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