

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2013-03-01Learning and Execution of Action Categories ACATparticipant3.150.0006
2013-03-01"Governing Urban Diversity: Creating Social Cohesion, Social Mobility and Economic Performance in Today's Hyper-diversified Cities" DIVERCITIESparticipant6.498.82914
2013-02-01Global and Local food chain Assessment: a MUltidimensional performance-based approach GLAMURparticipant2.932.32815
2013-01-01My Neighbourhood | My City My Neighbourhoodparticipant2.424.00016
2013-01-01Culturally Enhanced Augmented Realities CultARparticipant3.400.0007
2013-01-01"early Pursuit against Organized crime using envirOnmental scanning, the Law and IntelligenCE systems" EPOOLICEparticipant3.493.81019
2013-01-01Utilizing the potential of NANOSATellites for the implementation of European Space Policy and space innovation NANOSATparticipant498.2165
2013-01-01"Dereverberation and Reverberation of Audio, Music, and Speech" DREAMSparticipant4.111.64511
2013-01-01Smart INks as a standard TEsting tool for self Cleaning surfaces INTECparticipant475.3606
2012-12-01Smart Control of Energy Distribution Grids over Heterogeneous Communication Networks SmartC2Netparticipant3.479.9807
2012-11-01Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for Twenty-twenty (2020) Information Society METISparticipant15.885.00031
2012-11-01Europe-Wide Platform for Cooperative Mobility Services MOBiNETparticipant10.963.00033
2012-11-01Innovative Wind Conversion Systems (10-20MW) for Offshore Applications INNWIND.EUparticipant13.799.99927
2012-11-01INTelligent systems for Energy Prosumer buildIngs at District level INTrEPIDparticipant2.524.9788
2012-11-01Technology-supported Risk Estimation by Predictive Assessment of Socio-technical Security TREsPASSparticipant9.999.82417
2012-11-01The Electric Vehicle revOLUTION enabled by advanced materials highly hybridized into lightweight components for easy integration and dismantling providing a reduced life cycle cost logic EVOLUTIONcoordinator8.933.84225
2012-11-01Network of Excellence in Wireless COMmunications # NEWCOM#participant2.845.99918
2012-10-01An Interactive Learning Environment Fostering Creativity IdeaGardenparticipant2.398.5719
2012-10-01Self Energy-Supporting Autonomous Computation SENSATIONcoordinator2.100.0007
2012-10-01Measurements and modelling of the high-pressure phase equilibria related to the process of depolymerisation and cracking of lignin in near-critical water CRACKING OF LIGNINcoordinator100.0002
2012-10-01Building the Environment for the Things as a Service BETaaSparticipant2.515.0007
2012-10-01Economically efficient biogas production from manure fibres and straw BIOMANparticipant1.387.9978
2012-09-01Development of PEM Fuel Cell Stack Reference Test Procedures for Industry STACKTESTparticipant2.909.89811
2012-06-01ConstRaint and Application driven Framework for Tailoring Embedded Real-time Systems CRAFTERSparticipant2.764.82428
2012-03-01Micro and Nano Engineered Bi-Directional Carbon Interfaces for Advanced Peripheral Nervous System Prosthetics and Hybrid Bionics MERIDIANparticipant3.780.00011
2012-03-01Socio economic effects of management measures of the future CFP SOCIOECparticipant2.999.93926
2012-03-01"Maximising yield of fisheries while balancing ecosystem, economic and social concerns" MYFISHparticipant4.999.99931
2012-02-01HarmoniSed ENvironmental Sustainability in the European food and drink chain SENSEparticipant2.890.06724
2012-01-01Conceptual Design of a Food Manufacturing Research Infrastructure to boost up innovation in Food Industry FoodManufuturecoordinator1.971.28313
2011-11-01Combined Model-based Analysis and Testing of Embedded Systems MBATparticipant5.386.06741
2011-10-01Transitioning towards Urban Resilience and Sustainability TURaSparticipant6.813.81933
2011-09-01Long Life Bridges Long Life Bridgesparticipant890.8554
2011-09-01Development of bio-oil dewatering and fractionation processes and testing of upgraded bio-oil as engine fuel and feedstock for the production of lubricants GREEN-OILparticipant1.907.2497
2011-09-01Reducing Environmental Footprint based on Multi-Modal Fleet management System for Eco-Routing and Driver Behaviour Adaptation REDUCTIONparticipant2.800.00010
2011-07-01Industrial Technologies conference 2012 IndustryTech2012participant690.0003
2011-07-01Product-Service System across Life Cycle ProSSaLiCparticipant210.0007
2011-06-01Embedded Intelligent Controls for Buildings with Renewable Generation and Storage ENCOURAGEcoordinator1.063.56012
2011-05-01Natural products from marine fungi for the treatment of cancer MARINE FUNGIparticipant2.999.89813
2011-04-01Bridging the gap between science, stakeholders and policy makers Phase 2:Integration of evidence-based knowledge and its application to science and management of fisheries and the marine environment GAP2participant5.913.77339
2011-04-01Innovative public administration: social cohesion through local public transport PACTparticipant109.2002
2011-04-01Marine Renewables Infrastructure Network for Emerging Energy Technologies MARINETparticipant8.999.99829
2011-02-01Vectors of Change in Oceans and Seas Marine Life, Impact on Economic Sectors VECTORSparticipant12.484.83540
2011-01-01Impact of local welfare systems on female labour force participation and social cohesion FLOWScoordinator2.697.42112
2011-01-01linking RESearch and POlicy making for managing the contradictions of sustaiNable consumption anD Economic gRowth RESPONDERparticipant1.499.35111
2010-11-01Development of a novel autonomous vehicle significantly reducing costs related to subsea sensors deployment and recovery AutoDropparticipant1.129.80611
2010-11-01Improving capacity of Jordanian Research in Integrated Renewable Energy and Water supply JoRIEWparticipant499.2338
2010-10-01Robotics-enabled logistics and assistive services for the transformable factory of the future TAPASparticipant3.400.0007
2010-10-01Game and Learning Alliance GaLAparticipant5.649.99434
2010-10-01An intelligent window for optimal ventilation and minimum thermal loss CLIMAWINcoordinator1.187.1427
2010-10-01Future Deep Sea Wind Turbine Technologies DeepWindparticipant2.992.43812
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