

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2012-01-01Modulating Human Brain Function and Dysfunction with Neurofeedback Neurofeedbackcoordinator75.0001
2012-01-01Training for cAreer deveLopment in high-radiation ENvironment Technologies TALENTparticipant4.515.56310
2012-01-01Training for functional soil microorganism biodiversity TRAINBIODIVERSEparticipant4.988.91111
2012-01-01Coherent Information Processing in Rare-earth Ion doped Solids CIPRISparticipant2.870.7608
2012-01-01European Training Network for Excellence in Molecular Imaging in Diabetes BetaTrainparticipant3.981.67010
2012-01-01Numerical, Experimental and stochastic Modelling of vOlcanic processes and Hazard: an Initial Training Network for the next generation of European volcanologists NEMOHparticipant4.097.2699
2012-01-01Automated Community Content Editing PorTal ACCEPTcoordinator1.825.0005
2012-01-01NPlast - A neuroscience school that aims to preserve and restore neuroplasticity in brain disorders NPlastparticipant3.954.67910
2012-01-01Positive health effects of the natural outdoor environment in typical populations in different regions in Europe (PHENOTYPE) PHENOTYPEparticipant3.499.4039
2012-01-01Role of Professional and Non-professional Antigen Presenting Cells In Autoimmunity and Cancer pROsPeCTparticipant1.492.7541
2012-01-01Molecular Anatomy and Pathophysiology of the endoplasmic reticulum-mitochondria interface ERMITOparticipant1.499.9952
2011-12-01Preserving old antibiotics for the future : assessment of clinical efficacy by a pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic approach to optimize effectiveness and reduce resistance for off-patent antibiotics AIDAparticipant5.999.86019
2011-12-01EU Cooperation Capacity Building of Center for Ecological-Noosphere Studies of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia: Towards Armenia’s integration into the ERA EcoArm2ERAparticipant499.9574
2011-11-01Probabilistic Adaptive Real-Time Learning And\nNatural Conversational Engine PARLANCEparticipant3.625.0006
2011-10-01Support Action Towards Excellence in Media Computing and Communication SA EMC2participant407.0006
2011-10-01Building Sustainable Research capacity for Health and its Social Determinants in Low- and Middle-Income Countries SDH-Netparticipant2.000.00011
2011-10-01Recruitment and activation of brown adipocytes as preventive and curative therapy for type 2 diabetes DIABATparticipant5.999.99821
2011-10-01Multi-scale Biological Modalities for Physiological Human Articulation MULTISCALEHUMANcoordinator3.561.9307
2011-10-01Resistance in Gram-Negative Organisms: Studying Intervention Strategies R-GNOSISparticipant11.999.99924
2011-10-01Advanced Immunization Technologies ADITECparticipant29.980.67052
2011-10-01A BLUEPRINT of Haematopoietic Epigenomes BLUEPRINTparticipant29.996.66445
2011-09-01Design of a pan-European Infrastructure for Large Apparatus studying Grand Unification, Neutrino Astrophysics and Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillations LAGUNA-LBNOparticipant4.900.00039
2011-09-01Oxysterols and IL-27-induced Type 1 regulatory T cells in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Oxysterols and Tr1coordinator75.0001
2011-08-01AFRICA BUILD (Building a Research and Education Infrastructure for Africa) AFRICA BUILDparticipant1.999.4948
2011-07-05Nonlinear spectroscopy with high power THz waves HiNTScoordinator246.9051
2011-06-01Supramolecular Active Layer, Self-Assembly on Surface SupraL_SAScoordinator178.1021
2011-05-01IT Future of Medicine ITFoMparticipant1.480.00025
2011-05-01Reactive Oxygen Species in CTL-mediated Cell Death: from Mechanism to Applications CTLandROSparticipant1.500.0001
2011-05-01Population transcriptional genomics in humans using high throughput sequencing POPRNASEQparticipant1.500.0001
2011-04-01Exploring Chemical Biodiversity with Innovative Approaches for Fighting Chagas and Leismaniasis ChemBioFightparticipant434.7005
2011-03-01Africa at a meso-scale: Adaptive and integrated tools and strategies for natural resources management AFROMAISONparticipant3.344.99815
2011-03-01Gaia Research for European Astronomy Training - ITN GREATparticipant4.250.58113
2011-02-01Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators AIDAparticipant8.000.00039
2011-02-01Neural and computational determinants of left cerebral dominance in speech and language COMPUSLANGparticipant1.500.0003
2011-02-01A quantitative model of thrombosis in intracranial aneurysms THROMBUSparticipant2.813.00010
2011-01-01Brain & BehaviouR InterDisciplinary rEsearch BRIDGEcoordinator2.263.5801
2011-01-01Identifying biomarkers of ageing using whole transcriptomic sequencing EuroBATSparticipant2.998.6505
2011-01-01Systems Biology of Colorectal Cancer SYSCOLparticipant11.999.99611
2011-01-01Functional Biosupramolecular Systems: Photosystems and Sensors FUBSSYparticipant1.906.2001
2010-12-01Welfare Innovations at the Local level In favour of Cohesion WILCOparticipant2.471.64214
2010-12-01BARDiag - Biomarker tests for early cancer detection BARDiagparticipant1.020.6238
2010-12-01Transport and signalling in Polarized Cells TRANSPOLparticipant3.835.98011
2010-11-01Syndromic approach to Neglected Infectious Diseases (NID) at primary health care level: an international collaboration on integrated diagnostic-treatment platforms NIDIAGparticipant5.000.00013
2010-11-01Host and viral factors in acute hepatitis C HepaCuteparticipant2.999.50017
2010-11-01Old Pious Vernacular Successes: best-selling vernacular religious literature in medieval Europe (1230-1450) OPVSparticipant1.234.0723
2010-10-01Sharing capacity across Europe in high-throughput sequencing technology to explore genetic variation in health and disease GEUVADISparticipant2.000.00017
2010-10-01Crossing scales: A geographical analysis of the transnationalization of indigenous mapping IndiMapcoordinator229.0141
2010-10-01Self-aware Pervasive Service Ecosystems SAPEREparticipant2.300.0006
2010-09-01A IAPP on the Role of NCAM in Stem Cell Differentiation STEMCAMparticipant1.489.3175
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