

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2015-01-01The Ecology and Evolution of Mimicry in a Changing World EcoEvoMimiccoordinator231.2831
2014-12-01Developing and Enabling Nanotechnology Awareness-Building through the Creation and Exchange of enhanced Communication and Visualisation Tools and Guidance for ‘Seeing at the Nanoscale’ SeeingNanoparticipant996.4799
2014-10-01Functional analysis of pectic RG-I in tomato and strawberry fruit RGIFRUTOcoordinator231.2831
2014-09-01Moral Progress and Political Limits. Liberal responsibilities in an age of shifting international power balances MPPLcoordinator280.9651
2014-09-01Nanoparticle based direct absorption oscillating heat pipes for solar thermal systems NANODAOHPcoordinator221.6061
2014-08-01Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate -III MACC-IIIparticipant5.000.00036
2014-08-01Development of Proteomimetics as Drug Discovery Screening Tools PROTEOSCREENparticipant138.2731
2014-07-01Choices and consumption: modelling long and short term decisions in a changing world DECISIONSparticipant1.873.2881
2014-07-01Rethinking Textiles RETHINKTEXcoordinator299.5581
2014-06-01The control of ice nucleation (IceControl) ICECONTROLparticipant142.6321
2014-04-01Emotional attributions of climate change EACCcoordinator100.0001
2014-04-01Skyrmion devices and their high frequency dynamics SKYHIGHcoordinator221.6061
2014-03-01"Value based entrepreneurship: A study of the cultural, organizing and leadership dynamics of social entrepreneurship" ECOPRENcoordinator309.2351
2014-03-01Future Perfect: Ernest Dichter and Consumer Society in Europe and North America FUTUREPERFECTcoordinator100.0001
2014-03-01Investigating Increases in Global Terrestrial Carbon Uptake During the Last Three Decades IRACCScoordinator100.0001
2014-03-01"German Operetta in London and New York, 1907–1939: Cultural Transfer and Transformation" GOLNYparticipant1.061.7621
2014-03-01Novel cancer vaccines with virus based cDNA libraries and monitoring for resistant tumour cell populations in prostate cancer ONCOVIRVAXparticipant2.493.1551
2014-02-01SURFS-UP: Freak Waves and Breaking Wave Impact on Offshore Structures SURFSUPcoordinator587.1342
2014-02-01European Facility for Airborne Research in Environmental and Geo-sciences EUFAR2participant6.000.00024
2014-02-01"Media, Conflict and Democratisation" MECODEMcoordinator2.178.7089
2014-01-15Experimental Philosophical Aesthetics and Human Nature X-PHI AESTHETICScoordinator231.2831
2014-01-01Automated Driving Applications and Technologies for Intelligent Vehicles AdaptIVeparticipant14.300.00029
2014-01-01"Strategies to develop effective, innovative and practical approaches to protect major European fruit crops from pests and pathogens" DROPSAparticipant5.997.96526
2014-01-01Correctness by Construction CORCONcoordinator285.6009
2014-01-01Ultra-fast Laser Surfacing of Teeth for Resistance to Erosion LUSTREcoordinator2.446.0377
2014-01-01Field Operational Test Networking and Data Sharing Support FOT-Net Dataparticipant1.400.00010
2014-01-01The Ecology and Evolution of Mimicry in a Changing World ECOEVOMIMICcoordinator100.0001
2014-01-01Designing Evidence-Based Communication for Elderly Consumers in Financial Distress RISK COMMUNICATIONcoordinator309.2351
2013-12-01Stratospheric and upper tropospheric processes for better climate predictions STRATOCLIMparticipant8.548.47828
2013-12-01Production and Analysis Evolution For Lattice Related Barrel Elements Under Operations With Advanced Robustness POLARBEARparticipant1.195.73413
2013-12-01Impact of Biogenic versus Anthropogenic emissions on Clouds and Climate: towards a Holistic UnderStanding BACCHUSparticipant8.746.58721
2013-12-01Dynamics-aerosol-chemistry-cloud interactions in West Africa DACCIWAparticipant8.746.95216
2013-11-01Data-as-a-Service platform for Healthy Lifestyle and preventive medicine DAPHNEparticipant3.484.99910
2013-11-01Preventing and Remediating degradation of soils in Europe through Land Care RECAREparticipant8.549.52527
2013-10-01SUSTAINABLE NANOTECHNOLOGIES SUNparticipant10.249.96235
2013-10-01Adapting Service lifeCycle towards EfficienT Clouds ASCETiCparticipant3.190.0009
2013-10-01"New innovative solutions, components and tools for the integration of wind energy in urban and peri-urban areas" SWIPparticipant4.933.42913
2013-10-01EURO EWING Consortium – International Clinical Trials to Improve Survival from Ewing Sarcoma EECparticipant5.697.83120
2013-10-01The Human Brain Project HBPparticipant54.000.000114
2013-10-01Supramolecular assembly of polymeric structures: a novel route to enhance soft materials properties SUPOLENparticipant3.901.49310
2013-10-01Ruthenium Based Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitor’s RUPPIIScoordinator221.6061
2013-10-01Multifunctional theranostic nanoparticles using pH-responsive DNA-nanoparticle conjugate for effective cancer therapy NP-DNA-NDDScoordinator309.2351
2013-10-01Receptor competition for ligand: Stochastic modelling and cellular fate VEGFRcoordinator209.0331
2013-10-01On the Chemical Evolution of Proto-Bioenergetic Systems EVO-PBScoordinator200.3721
2013-09-05VIALACTEA - The Milky Way as a Star Formation Engine VIALACTEAparticipant2.488.5919
2013-09-02Identification and Characterisation of the Sex Locus in the Dioecious Moss Ceratodon purpureus CERATOSEXcoordinator309.2351
2013-09-01Improving decision-making competence and associated quality of life across the lifespan LIFESPAN DMCcoordinator100.0001
2013-09-01Controlling domain wall dynamics for functional devices WALLparticipant3.233.3258
2013-09-01Development of a universal influenza vaccine based on tandem core technology FLUTCOREparticipant3.872.9197
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