

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2010-03-01"Scoping China’s Environmental Research Excellence and major Infrastructure: Foresight, Potentials, and Roadmaps" SPRINGparticipant993.23310
2010-02-01Demonstration & Deployment of a Commerical Scale Wave Energy Converter with an innovative Real Time Wave by Wave Tuning System WAVEPORTparticipant4.591.8516
2010-02-01PREPARED “ENABLING CHANGE” PREPAREDparticipant6.993.81537
2010-02-01"Promoting sexual- and reproductive health among adolescents in southern and eastern Africa – mobilising parents, schools, and communities" PREPAREparticipant2.998.0179
2010-01-01Science Education for Diversity SEDcoordinator999.9826
2010-01-01Signaling circuitry controlling fungal virulence: identification and characterization of conserved and specific fungal virulence genes as common antifungal targets ARIADNEparticipant2.908.9089
2010-01-01Impact Monitoring of Mineral Resources Exploitation ImpactMinparticipant2.613.82411
2010-01-01Future of Reefs in a Changing Environment (FORCE): An ecosystem approach to managing Caribbean coral reefs in the face of climate change FORCEcoordinator6.474.63219
2010-01-01Water Availability and Security in Southern EuRope and the Mediterranean WASSERMedparticipant2.933.97312
2010-01-01Anticipating climate change and biospheric feedbacks within the Earth system to 2200 GREENCYCLESIIparticipant5.950.00016
2010-01-01Emoting the Embodied Mind EMOTERparticipant685.3011
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