

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2013-09-01Comparative analysis of plant and mammalian DNA methylation functions in epigenetic Arabidopsis mutants CAPMEMcoordinator299.5581
2013-09-01Optimised food products for elderly populations OPTIFELparticipant2.999.40927
2013-07-08LAboratory and Modelling studies to UNderstand Isoprene Oxidation LAMUNIOcoordinator309.2351
2013-07-01Support action for Vehicle and Road Automation network VRAparticipant1.319.00011
2013-07-01PEDCA Pan-European Data Centre Academy PEDCAparticipant1.711.12613
2013-06-01Cooperation in education and training In Nuclear CHemistry CINCH-IIparticipant1.164.96611
2013-06-01New AntiBacterials with Inhibitory activity on Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases NABARSIparticipant4.102.1585
2013-05-01International Coordination for implementation of innovative and efficient urban mobility solutions VIAJEO PLUSparticipant1.971.92117
2013-05-01Ex-post evaluation of Transport Research and Innovation in the FP7 ‘Cooperation’ Programme TRI-VALUEparticipant498.2116
2013-05-01GEM-TRAIT: The Global Ecosystems Monitoring and Trait Study: a novel approach to quantifying the role of biodiversity in the functioning and future of tropical forests GEM-TRAITparticipant2.500.0002
2013-05-01Investigating the Arthropod Segmentation Clock that controls Sequential Segment Formation during Arthropod Development and its Potentially Ancient Evolutionary Origins ARTHROPODSEGCLOCKcoordinator100.0001
2013-05-01Amyloid fibril cytotoxicity: new insights from novel approaches AMYTOXparticipant2.498.4651
2013-05-01Indo-European Network in Mathematics for Health and Disease INDOEUROPEAN-MATHDScoordinator294.0007
2013-05-01Quantitative T cell Immunology QUANTIcoordinator4.012.57012
2013-04-01Formulating an Understanding of Tribocorrosion in Arduous Real Environments – Bearing Emerging Technologies FUTURE-BETcoordinator1.467.9582
2013-04-01Engineering of Energy Efficient Extraction of Critical Materials- Application to the Processing of Niobium and Tantalum Minerals E4-CRITMATcoordinator221.6061
2013-04-01Spatio-Temporal Representations and Activities For Cognitive Control in Long-Term Scenarios STRANDSparticipant8.234.5438
2013-04-01Cardiac Origin of Rhythm DISturbances: 3-Dimensional structural investigations CORDIS3Dparticipant111.3004
2013-04-01What is the mechanism of the true chronic effect of dietary polyphenols? POLYTRUE?participant2.499.0651
2013-04-01Silicon Nitride Coatings for Improved Implant Function LIFELONGJOINTScoordinator13.317.00015
2013-03-28Mobility Optimization: Permits for Emissions from Driving MOPEDcoordinator278.8071
2013-03-25Quantitative modelling of sustainable supply chains under major disruptions DISRUPTcoordinator278.8071
2013-03-01The calm before the storm: Pre-stellar cores as Astrophysical Laboratories PALSparticipant2.499.2915
2013-03-01A common European approach to the regulatory testing of nanomaterials NANOREGparticipant10.000.00068
2013-03-01Regulation of iron homeostasis through beta-amyloid precursor processing in neuronal health and disease APP & IRON TRANSPORTcoordinator100.0001
2013-03-01Techno-economic Assessment of CO2 Quality Effect on its Storage and Transport CO2QUESTparticipant2.922.47710
2013-03-01Safety of ACtinide Separation proceSSes SACSESSparticipant5.550.00026
2013-03-01Geologic Carbon Storage CO2-REACTparticipant3.900.80211
2013-03-01Scalable Switching Architectures for Next-Generation Data Center Networks SCALEcoordinator100.0001
2013-02-01Molecular characterization of the interaction of β -2 microglobulin with collagen MCIBCcoordinator200.3721
2013-01-01"Investigating the therapeutic potential of manipulating the IGF-IGFBP1 axis in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity." BP-CARDIOparticipant1.493.5431
2013-01-01Impacts of Environmental Conditions on Seed Quality ECOSEEDparticipant2.930.93711
2012-12-01Establishment of a cross continent consortium for enhancing regenerative medicine in skeletal tissues SKELGENcoordinator168.0007
2012-12-01EU BON: Building the European Biodiversity Observation Network EU BONparticipant8.999.80632
2012-12-01Spin Currents SPINICURcoordinator4.015.9409
2012-12-01Smart nano-structured devices hierarchically assembled by bio-mineralization processes SMILEYparticipant3.996.1038
2012-12-01To decipher the optimal management of systemic sclerosis DESSCIPHERparticipant2.999.83515
2012-12-01Engineering Solutions for Back Pain: Simulation of Patient Variance BACKTOBACKparticipant1.498.7772
2012-11-01Learning Layers - Scaling up Technologies for Informal Learning in SME Clusters Layersparticipant9.900.00017
2012-11-01The nature of representation NATREPparticipant1.499.0991
2012-11-01Beyond the Genome; training the next generation of ophthalmic researchers EYETNcoordinator3.090.7977
2012-11-01Seasonal-to-decadal climate Prediction for the improvement of European Climate Services SPECSparticipant8.224.86220
2012-11-01EUropean Provision Of Regional Impact Assessment on a Seasonal-to-decadal timescale EUPORIASparticipant8.976.72325
2012-11-01Towards Early diagnosis and biomarker validation in Arthritis Management EURO-TEAMparticipant5.777.37416
2012-11-01Modelling Residential and Transport Energy for Downstream Policies ModeRATED Policycoordinator100.0001
2012-10-01A European volcanological supersite in Iceland: a monitoring system and network for the future FUTUREVOLCparticipant5.994.43427
2012-10-01eUropean naturalistic Driving and Riding for Infrastructure & Vehicle safety and Environment UDRIVEparticipant7.999.96519
2012-10-01Bottom-up Climate Adaptation Strategies towards a Sustainable Europe BASEparticipant5.899.44214
2012-10-01Aerospace Multidisciplinarity Enabling DEsign Optimisation AMEDEOcoordinator3.621.87212
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