

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2013-05-01Critical System Engineering Acceleration CRYSTALparticipant13.611.91668
2013-05-01"Waveguide-type semiconductor integrated circuits (ICs) in gaps between conducting surfaces with texture – architecture, electromagnetic modeling and micromachining" GAPWAVE ICSparticipant2.500.0001
2013-04-15Tidal Demonstration for Energy Scheme TIDESparticipant8.002.7357
2013-04-01Enhanced material lifing model for rotating welded structures LIFEMODparticipant573.9496
2013-03-01Welding Metallurgy and Cracking in Superalloys WELDMECSparticipant441.5103
2013-03-01A common European approach to the regulatory testing of nanomaterials NANOREGparticipant10.000.00068
2013-03-01Safety of ACtinide Separation proceSSes SACSESSparticipant5.550.00026
2013-02-01Scalable Superconducting Processors for Entangled Quantum Information Technology ScaleQITcoordinator4.500.0007
2013-02-01Z phase strengthened steels for ultra-supercritical power plants Z-ULTRAparticipant2.548.06711
2013-02-01Quantum Technologies for Europe QUTE-EUROPEparticipant780.0007
2013-01-01Transnational Access to Large Infrastructure for a Safe Management of ActiNide TALISMANparticipant4.000.00012
2013-01-01Self-adjusting gravity table using imaging analysis for quality control SAGTparticipant776.4543
2013-01-01Novel catalyst materials for the cathode side of MEAs suitable for transportation applications CATHCATparticipant1.895.8629
2013-01-01Programming Language-Based Security To Rescue PROSECUTORparticipant1.500.0001
2013-01-01Kähler-Einstein metrics, random point processes and variational principles RANDOM-KAHLERcoordinator1.200.0001
2012-12-01"Development of recovery processes for recycling of valuable components from FPDs (In, Y, Nd) for the production of high added value NPs" RECYVAL-NANOparticipant3.200.09711
2012-11-01"Methodology, Analysis and eXperiments for the ""Safety In MYRRHA Assessment""" MAXSIMAparticipant5.500.00014
2012-11-01Mobile and wireless communications Enablers for Twenty-twenty (2020) Information Society METISparticipant15.885.00031
2012-11-01Nanophotonics for ultra-thin crystalline silicon photovoltaics PHOTONVOLTAICSparticipant2.894.4547
2012-11-01LOGistics INNovation uptake LOGINNparticipant1.000.00013
2012-11-01Metagenomics in Cardiometabolic Diseases METACARDISparticipant11.999.99215
2012-11-01Atomic Scale Modeling of Concentrated Multi-Component Alloys ATMODALLOYcoordinator100.0001
2012-11-01"Chemical Regions for Resource Efficiency, R4R: Improving research and cooperation in the areas of resources and energy efficiency in the Chemicals Industry" R4Rparticipant2.579.71119
2012-11-01Resource Efficient Maritime Capacity REMCAPparticipant1.860.39514
2012-11-01Sensors Towards Advanced Monitoring and Control of Gas Turbine Engines STARGATEparticipant4.999.00216
2012-10-01Safe Small Electric Vehicles through Advanced Simulation Methodologies SAFEEVparticipant2.120.47211
2012-10-01Crew-centered Design and Operations of ships and ship systems CYCLADESparticipant2.889.56614
2012-10-01Hierarchical Analysis of Complex Dynamical Systems HIERATICparticipant1.899.9674
2012-10-01A European volcanological supersite in Iceland: a monitoring system and network for the future FUTUREVOLCparticipant5.994.43427
2012-10-01Modelling And Testing for Improved Safety of key composite StructurEs in alternatively powered vehicles MATISSEparticipant2.200.00011
2012-10-01MATHEmatics of Multi-level Anticipatory Complex Systems MATHEMACSparticipant2.552.9166
2012-10-01"The Intelligent, Innovative, Integrated Bus Systems" 3IBSparticipant2.970.00011
2012-10-01Optimised Modular Range Extender for every day customer usage OPTIMOREparticipant2.669.9998
2012-10-01eUropean naturalistic Driving and Riding for Infrastructure & Vehicle safety and Environment UDRIVEparticipant7.999.96519
2012-10-01Property-based testing of Web services PROWESSparticipant3.389.1589
2012-10-01Measurements and modelling of the high-pressure phase equilibria related to the process of depolymerisation and cracking of lignin in near-critical water CRACKING OF LIGNINparticipant100.0002
2012-10-01Multi-technology positioning professionals MULTI-POSparticipant4.025.50310
2012-10-01"Analysis of workers exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) from welding and NDT processes, guidelines for risk assessment and development of risk assessment web based application" EMFWELDparticipant932.0007
2012-10-01Suppression Of underwater Noise Induced by Cavitation SONICparticipant2.999.97213
2012-10-01The Urban Sound Planner SONORUScoordinator3.795.0399
2012-10-01Advanced European lithium sulphur cells for automotive applications EUROLISparticipant2.799.08411
2012-10-01Enabling Science and Technology through European Electron Microscopy ESTEEM 2participant7.500.00018
2012-10-01Study of Novel Low Noise Superconducting Mixers for Terahertz Radio Astronomy TERAMIXparticipant1.497.7751
2012-10-01Engine Breakthrough Components and Subsystems E-BREAKparticipant18.250.70645
2012-09-01LOw COst Manufacturing and Assembly of Composite and Hybrid Structures LOCOMACHSparticipant19.600.00032
2012-09-01SYnaptic MOlecular NEtworks for Bio-inspired Information Processing SYMONEcoordinator2.120.0007
2012-09-01Innovative Nano and Micro Technologies for Advanced Thermo and Mechanical Interfaces NANOTHERMparticipant6.070.00018
2012-09-01Priorities for Road Safety Research in Europe PROSparticipant796.95712
2012-09-01Illuminating the role of magnetic fields around dying stars Magnetic AGBcoordinator100.0001
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