

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2012-09-01Development of PEM Fuel Cell Stack Reference Test Procedures for Industry STACKTESTparticipant2.909.89811
2012-09-01Integrated low temperature methanol steam reforming and high temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell BeingEnergyparticipant2.245.2449
2012-09-01Manual Operation for 4th Generation Airliners Man4Genparticipant3.575.64310
2012-09-01Lithium Sulfur Superbattery Exploitating Nanotechnology LISSENparticipant2.579.94015
2012-09-01Arthero-Space project: A model based exploration of the regulatory mechanism of the microcirculation for the prevention of orthostatic intolerance ARTHEROSPACEcoordinator221.7191
2012-09-01Boltless assembling Of Primary Aerospace Composite Structures BOPACSparticipant4.596.24314
2012-09-01Thermochemical Storage of Solar Heat via Advanced Reactors/Heat exchangers based on Ceramic Foams STOLARFOAMcoordinator224.4621
2012-08-01High Altitude Ice Crystals HAICparticipant14.124.63639
2012-08-01Combined morphing assessment software using flight envelope data and mission based morphing prototype wing development CHANGEparticipant3.647.8449
2012-07-01Cooperative International space station Research data Conservation and Exploitation CIRCEparticipant300.0003
2012-06-01Planetary Habitat Simulation PlanHabparticipant1.879.9769
2012-06-01The Endless Runway ENDLESS RUNWAYparticipant562.2425
2012-06-01New design principles fostering safety, agility and resilience for ATM RESILIENCE2050.EUparticipant2.186.0917
2012-05-07extended-HIgh performance MAss market GNSS receiver muLti stAndard readY for mArket e-HIMALAYAparticipant999.4697
2012-05-01Democratizing Fleet Management SimpleFleetcoordinator1.409.0004
2012-05-01Continuation Of the cooperation of Space NCPs as a Means to Optimise Services COSMOS+coordinator999.97926
2012-04-15Adaptive Flight Control for Advanced Aircraft Concepts ADFLICOcoordinator228.1041
2012-04-01Multi-UAV Cooperation International Research Exchange Network MUAC-IRENparticipant195.3003
2012-02-01New Robust DESIgn Guideline for Imperfection Sensitive COmposite Launcher Structures DESICOScoordinator1.997.70012
2012-02-01Transition Location Effect on Shock Wave Boundary Layer Interaction TFASTparticipant3.567.79016
2012-02-01Chemical-µPropulsion for an Efficient and Accurate Control of Satellites for Space Exploration PRECISEcoordinator1.829.3677
2012-01-01Smart Connected Electro Mobility smartCEMparticipant2.460.00027
2012-01-01Mobility based on eLectric Connected vehicles in Urban and interurban smart, cLean, EnvironmentS MOLECULESparticipant2.140.00010
2012-01-01HERA Joint Research Programme Cultural Encounters HERA JRP CEparticipant5.798.58421
2012-01-01Disaster Training Curriculum DITACparticipant3.498.66813
2012-01-01Network of European funding for Neuroscience research ERA-NET NEURON IIcoordinator2.000.00023
2012-01-01Safe control of non cooperative vehicles through electromagnetic means SAVELECparticipant3.321.74910
2012-01-01"Toolbox Implementation for Removal of Anti-personnel Mines, Submunitions and UXO" TIRAMISUparticipant14.934.74526
2012-01-01Small Integrated Navigator for PLanetary EXploration SINPLEXcoordinator1.998.6195
2012-01-01New Method for Superior Integrated Hydrogen Generation System 2+ NEMESIS2+coordinator1.614.9447
2012-01-01Aerogel European Supplying Unit for Space Applications AerSUSparticipant1.952.0909
2012-01-01Large Deployable Technologies for Space DEPLOYTECHparticipant1.829.7458
2012-01-01Atmospheric dynamics InfraStructure in Europe ARISEparticipant4.400.00012
2012-01-01Advances in Numerical and Analytical tools for DEtached flow prediction ANADEparticipant4.463.64210
2012-01-01Fibre Reinforced Composite Reflectors for Concentrated Solar Power Plants CompoSolparticipant1.104.0008
2012-01-01The European Robotics Initiative for Strengthening the Competitiveness of SMEs in Manufacturing by integrating aspects of cognitive systems SMEroboticsparticipant12.149.96726
2012-01-01A Global Approach to Near-Earth Object Impact Threat Mitigation NEOShieldcoordinator3.963.00913
2012-01-01Cryogenic Hypersonic Advanced Tank Technologies CHATTcoordinator3.225.68111
2012-01-01Aeronautics and air transport European Research Agenda - Promotion AERA - Proparticipant300.3593
2011-12-01Design of Advanced Antenna and Multi-Sensor Hybrid Receiver for Machine Control in Harsh Environment ADVANSYSparticipant996.0404
2011-12-01Strengthening networking on BiomAss researcH and biowaste conversion – biotechnologY for EurOpe India inteGration SAHYOGparticipant996.09513
2011-12-01European Coordinated Research on Long-term Challenges in Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies - II CHIST-ERA IIparticipant2.498.00012
2011-11-28Aerial Robotics Cooperative Assembly System ARCASparticipant6.150.00012
2011-11-01"An international network of 50 CubeSats for multi-point, in-situ measurements in the lower thermosphere and re-entry research" QB50participant7.998.70416
2011-11-01Hydrogen from RES: pressurised alkaline electrolyser with high efficiency and wide operating range RESELYSERcoordinator1.484.3584
2011-11-01ACTUATION 2015: Modular Electro Mechanical Actuators for ACARE 2020 Aircraft and Helicopters ACTUATION2015participant20.225.88456
2011-11-01Redox Materials-based Structured Reactors/Heat Exchangers for Thermo-Chemical Heat Storage Systems in Concentrated Solar Power Plants RESTRUCTUREparticipant2.114.4988
2011-11-01Near-Earth Space Data Infrastructure for e-Science ESPASparticipant4.799.96422
2011-11-01Disruptive technologies for space Power and Propulsion DiPoPparticipant294.7036
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