

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2012-10-01CLOUD Initial Training Network (CLOUD TRAIN) CLOUD-TRAINparticipant3.771.69710
2012-10-01Contested Spatialities of Urban Neoliberalism: Dialogues between Emerging Spaces of Citizenship in Europe and Latin America CONTESTED_CITIESparticipant793.8002
2012-10-01Beneficial effects of dietary bioactive peptides and polyphenols on cardiovascular health in humans BACCHUSparticipant5.999.55428
2012-09-03Bio-Inspired Approaches to Porous Inorganic Nanoparticles and Their Application as Targeted Drug Delivery Systems PINSYScoordinator209.0331
2012-09-01Cities demonstrating cybernetic mobility CITYMOBIL2participant9.500.00047
2012-09-01New Technologies for Tunnelling and Underground Works NETTUNparticipant9.974.60024
2012-09-01International Development Policies of the New Member States – Europeanization and Future Directions INTDEPNEWcoordinator104.5171
2012-09-01Spectrum Sharing Systems for Improving Spectral Efficiency S3isEparticipant100.0002
2012-07-01Tropical forests in the changing earth system T-FORCESparticipant2.500.0002
2012-07-01Three-dimensional nanofiber scaffolds as a model for the study of brain tumour migration 3DNSBTcoordinator100.0001
2012-06-01A systematic analysis of parasite metabolism - from metabolism to intervention ParaMetparticipant3.816.70312
2012-06-01Extending Soybean Lifespan SoyLifecoordinator270.1461
2012-06-01Mineral Scale formation: from the atomic to the field scale MINSCcoordinator3.796.0309
2012-05-09Improved Millets for Phosphate ACquisition and Transport IMPACTcoordinator200.3721
2012-04-01Advancing Knowledge Systems to Inform Climate Adaptation Decisions ICADparticipant1.045.0001
2012-04-01Cosmic Dust in the Terrestrial Atmosphere CODITAparticipant2.484.3691
2012-04-01Knowledge exchange in processing and analysis of multi-omic data KEPAMODparticipant60.9004
2012-03-01Hepatitis C Virus infection dysregulates mitochondrial Fatty Acid Oxidation HCVFAOcoordinator50.0001
2012-03-01Targeted inhibition of TRRAP as a strategy against aggressive brain cancer TRRAP & brain cancercoordinator100.0001
2012-03-01Investigating the effects of past global ocean acidification on marine ecosystems: A novel multiproxy approach Permian-Triassic CaScoordinator343.0551
2012-02-01Engineering Tribochemistry and Interfaces with a Focus on the Internal Combustion Engine ENTICEcoordinator3.369.1909
2012-01-01European Clinical Research Infrastructures Network - Integrating Activity ECRIN-IAparticipant7.999.93147
2012-01-01Reproductive Biology Early Research Training REPRO-TRAINparticipant3.649.8288
2012-01-01Development of antibiofilm coatings for implants COATIMparticipant2.999.93611
2012-01-01Satiety Innovation SATINparticipant5.992.88018
2012-01-01CAtastrophic Shifts in drylands: how CAn we prevent ecosystem DEgradation? CASCADEparticipant5.889.99915
2012-01-01Advanced fuelS for Generation IV reActors: Reprocessing and Dissolution ASGARDparticipant5.493.72516
2012-01-01Membrane-modified Electrodes to study Membrane Enzymes MEMEparticipant1.650.8291
2012-01-01Exploiting Chemical Self-Organisation in Materials Science ECSOMScoordinator201.0501
2011-12-01Reliable and Efficient Combustion of Oxygen/Coal/Recycled Flue Gas Mixtures RELCOMparticipant6.468.90013
2011-12-01FERTIPLUS Reducing mineral fertilisers and agro-chemicals by recycling treated organic waste as compost and bio-char products FERTIPLUSparticipant2.983.72414
2011-12-01"Financialisation, economy, society and sustainable development." FESSUDcoordinator7.923.72815
2011-12-01Robustness by Autonomous Competence Enhancement RACEparticipant2.997.2986
2011-12-01Pliocene Constraints on Earth System Sensitivity Plio-ESSparticipant1.419.9681
2011-11-01Managing Risks of Nanoparticles MARINAparticipant8.999.92451
2011-11-01Enhanced Research Activities in Stratigraphy ERASparticipant100.0002
2011-11-01Genetic studies of pre-eclampsia in Central Asian and European populations InterPregGenparticipant5.961.64812
2011-11-01Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate Interim Implementation MACC IIparticipant19.000.00039
2011-11-01Membrane activity of amyloid fibrils: unravelling cell killing mechanism AMYLOIDcoordinator202.0501
2011-10-01Chronotherapeutic lifestyle intervention for diabetes and obesity to reset the circadian rhythm and improve cardiometabolic risk in the European working population EuRhythDiaparticipant5.997.88917
2011-10-01Supporting the driver in conserving energy and reducing emissions ecoDrivercoordinator10.700.00016
2011-10-01Operational Global Carbon Observing System GEOCARBONparticipant6.648.53027
2011-10-01Multi-compartmental Biomolecular Nanocarriers for Multi-modal Targeted Therapies BioNanoMuTTcoordinator100.0001
2011-10-01Volcanic unrest in Europe and Latin America: Phenomenology, eruption precursors, hazard forecast, and risk mitigation VUELCOparticipant3.499.99310
2011-10-01Predicative theories and Grothendieck toposes PREDTOPOIcoordinator198.8281
2011-10-01Epigenetic regulation of Alzheimer's disease related genes EpiRegADcoordinator101.2751
2011-09-01Supporting decentralised management to improve health workforce performance in Ghana, Uganda and Tanzania PERFORMparticipant2.995.3246
2011-09-01Raising the alert about critical feedbacks between climate and long-term land use change in the Amazon AMAZALERTparticipant3.494.42015
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