

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2012-01-01European Clinical Research Infrastructures Network - Integrating Activity ECRIN-IAparticipant7.999.93147
2012-01-01EUROPEAN FORENSIC GENETICS Network of Excellence EUROFORGEN-NOEcoordinator6.613.68017
2012-01-01Optimisation of treatment with off-patent antimicrobial agents of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) MagicBulletparticipant5.988.01810
2011-10-01Data Infrastructure for Chemical Safety diXaparticipant2.800.0007
2011-07-01Genome Stability Mechanisms in Aging GENSTAGEparticipant1.448.4002
2011-02-01Understanding food-gut-brain mechanisms across the lifespan in the regulation of hunger and satiety for health Full4Healthparticipant8.992.61315
2011-01-01Detection of endpoints and biomarkers of repeated dose toxicity using in vitro systems DETECTIVEcoordinator4.337.42515
2011-01-01Determining (epi)genetic therapeutic signatures for improving lung cancer prognosis CURELUNGparticipant2.965.74911
2010-11-01Host and viral factors in acute hepatitis C HepaCuteparticipant2.999.50017
2010-09-01A IAPP on the Role of NCAM in Stem Cell Differentiation STEMCAMparticipant1.489.3175
2010-06-01Systems Biology of Stem Cells and Reprogramming SyBoSSparticipant10.530.00011
2010-05-01European Network of National Schizophrenia Networks Studying Gene-Environment Interactions EU-GEIparticipant11.616.85526
2010-03-01"Reinforcement of the Adult stem cell research are through Mobility and Scientific networking between Egypt, Romania and a German consortium for Strengthening the international scientific competency" RAMSEScoordinator885.4254
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