

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2022-01-01Minuscule Texts: Marginalized Voices in Early Medieval Latin Culture (c. 700–c. 1000) MINiTEXTScoordinator2.492.4501
2022-01-01Religious and Ethnic Diversity in the Far Right REDFARcoordinator202.1591
2022-01-01Intelligent and Sustainable Aerial-Terrestrial IoT Networks INITIATEparticipant703.8008
2021-11-01SARS-coV2 variants Evaluation in pRegnancy and paeDIatrics cohorts VERDIparticipant9.999.99823
2021-11-01Soviet Ellipses: Omissions as Techniques of Border Transgression in Photography, Literature, and Everyday Life SOVELcoordinator202.1591
2021-10-18Investigation of Climatic Events - Cooling and Ash in the Palaeogene ICECAPcoordinator214.1591
2021-10-01Beyond COVID BY-COVIDparticipant12.000.00053
2021-10-01Advanced Methodologies for Next Generation Large Scale CMB Polarization Analysis CMB-INFLATEparticipant1.140.80016
2021-10-01A Deep Learning approach for boulder detection –The key to understand planetary surfaces evolution and their crater statistics-based ages BOULDERINGcoordinator284.3452
2021-10-01Nezam and Nazm: Iran's Concept of International Order NAZMcoordinator202.1591
2021-09-27Ethnicity-Based Parenting for Child’s Online Safety/Risks EU EB-PARENTINGcoordinator202.1591
2021-09-06Rethinking Mary in Early Modern Italy: Men's and Women's perspectives on the Virgin Mary (1450-1650) RethinkingMarycoordinator214.1591
2021-09-06Socially Distanced Solidarity: Far Right Recruitment and Enrolment During the COVID-19 Pandemic SODIScoordinator214.1591
2021-09-01Empowering Research and Innovation Actions in Circle U. CIRCLE U. ERIAparticipant1.998.2127
2021-09-01BEhavioral and Adherence Model for improving quality, health outcomes and cost-Effectiveness of healthcaRe BEAMERparticipant5.948.90331
2021-09-01Innovations to accelerate vaccine development and manufacture Inno4Vacparticipant18.600.00041
2021-09-01Index of Middle English Prose: Digital Cotton Catalogue Project IMEP DCCPcoordinator202.1591
2021-09-01Combining Machine Learning and Quantum Chemistry for the Design of Homogeneous Catalysts ML4Catalysiscoordinator214.1591
2021-09-01Digital Folklore as Critical Heritage Production and Participation in Contemporary Norway DIGIFOLKcoordinator303.2381
2021-09-01The Division of Ethics from Political Philosophy: Kant and Baumgarten on Right, Virtue, and Justice DEKANTcoordinator214.1591
2021-09-01A Gendered History of Emotions in Renaissance and Counter-Reformation Italy WomenThinkingLovecoordinator266.3452
2021-09-01The neoMONSTERS Within: The Others in India’s Science Fiction neoMONSTERScoordinator214.1591
2021-09-01COllective ROBOtics through Real-time Entrainment of Evolved dynamical Systems COROBOREEScoordinator202.1591
2021-09-01Good attention: Attention norms and their role in practical reason, epistemology, and ethics GOODATTENTIONcoordinator1.999.9971
2021-09-01Becoming Indigenous language speakers and writers in higher education BSWcoordinator202.1591
2021-08-16Novelties, Biases, and Landscapes in Evolution NOBLEcoordinator202.1591
2021-08-15Incremental Sound Change in Oslo (ISC-Oslo) ISC-Oslocoordinator202.1591
2021-08-01Made in Sweatshops. Worker, technology and Gender (comparison Paris-Shanghai, Late 19th c.-Late 20th c.) MISScoordinator214.1591
2021-08-01A probabilistic framework for assessing polar wander – Constraining paleolongitude in deep time TANGOcoordinator214.1591
2021-08-01The changing relationships between digital technologies, DNA and evidence Digital DNAcoordinator1.496.9971
2021-08-01TraCS - Training in Computational Science CompScicoordinator2.603.5201
2021-07-01Human History of Marine Life: Extraction, Knowledge, Drivers & Consumption of Marine Resources, c.100 BCE to c.1860 CE 4-OCEANSparticipant10.465.3825
2021-06-01Innocent Children or Security Threats? European Children Born of War EuroWARCHILDcoordinator1.854.4642
2021-06-01Artificial Intelligence in Colonoscopy for Cancer Prevention ACCEPTcoordinator214.1591
2021-06-01Using real-world big data from eHealth, biobanks and national registries, integrated with clinical trial data to improve outcome of severe mental disorders REALMENTcoordinator6.000.00015
2021-05-01The European medical isotope programme: Production of high purity isotopes by mass separation PRISMAPparticipant4.995.25823
2021-05-01Electron and X-ray microscopy Community for structural and chemical Imaging Techniques for Earth materials EXCITEparticipant4.999.63618
2021-04-01Detection and Speciation of Gas-Phase Atmospheric Peroxy and Criegee Radicals EPHEMERALparticipant3.419.7445
2021-03-01Revolution of sleep diagnostics and personalized health care based on digital diagnostics and therapeutics with health data integration SLEEP REVOLUTIONparticipant14.998.35439
2021-03-01Responsible Open Science in Europe ROSiEcoordinator2.498.58612
2021-03-01Towards an Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope AtLASTcoordinator3.519.4615
2021-03-01Between migration and linguistics: Greeks in Western Europe and the emergence of contrastive grammar in the Renaissance (c.1390–1600) MigraLingcoordinator214.1591
2021-02-01Embedding a comprehensive ethical dimension to organoïd-based research and resulting technologies HYBRIDAcoordinator2.995.7858
2021-02-01Genetics, Geography and the Intergenerational Transmission of Maternal Depression Risk GenGeoRiskcoordinator214.1591
2021-01-01Watching the risk factors: Artificial intelligence and the prevention of chronic conditions WARIFAparticipant6.000.00012
2021-01-01REsearch LIfecycle mAnagemeNt for Earth Science Communities and CopErnicus users in EOSC RELIANCEparticipant1.999.9739
2021-01-01Data Infrastructure Capacity for EOSC DICEparticipant6.997.70627
2021-01-01Human, technical and political factors for better coordination and support of e-health in Africa BETTEReHEALTHparticipant1.999.98512
2021-01-01Dynamic Territory: A Normative Framework for Territory in the Post-Holocene DynamiTEcoordinator1.498.3011
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