

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2021-02-01European consortium for communicating gene- and cell-based therapy information. EuroGCTparticipant1.999.78447
2021-02-01Inclusive Science and European Democracies ISEEDparticipant2.723.28712
2021-02-01Tropical Peatlands and the Carbon Cycle TroPeaCCcoordinator2.537.9942
2021-01-01Science Engagement to Empower Disadvantaged adoleScents SEEDSparticipant1.099.5036
2021-01-01Photonic enabled Petascale in-memory computing with Femtojoule energy consumption PHOENICSparticipant5.883.19110
2021-01-01Training next level scientists and researchers to develop highly selective and safe insecticides CypToxparticipant1.380.00018
2020-12-01Maintenance of variation in aposematic colouration MOVACcoordinator319.4011
2020-11-01The Evolutionary Origins of Friendship: A Cross-Species Comparison and Experimental Approach FriendOriginscoordinator1.999.7161
2020-10-01Observatory for Political Texts in European Democracies - A European Research Infrastructure OPTEDparticipant2.998.50018
2020-10-01Quantifying the impact of major cultural transitions on marine ecosystem functioning and biodiversity SEACHANGEcoordinator11.750.8276
2020-10-01Developing advanced vibration performance assessment for new generation of lightweight pedestrian structures using motion platform and virtual reality environments vPERFORMcoordinator224.9341
2020-09-01Prioritisation and Risk Evaluation of Medicines in the EnviRonment PREMIERparticipant4.550.00025
2020-09-01EURopeAn MEDical application and Radiation prOteCtion Concept: strategic research agenda aNd ROadmap interLinking to heaLth and digitisation aspects EURAMED rocc-n-rollparticipant1.959.17529
2020-09-01Linking Climate Change, Habitability and Social Tipping Points: Scenarios for Climate Migration HABITABLEparticipant6.799.90022
2020-09-01Managing forage fisheries and marine predators to maximise conservation gains MANMAXcoordinator233.1642
2020-09-01The Impact of Political Parties on Public Claim Making in European Democracies PPPCMcoordinator212.9341
2020-06-01Futures 2020 FUTURES2020participant218.6044
2020-06-01Stratification of Obesity Phenotypes to Optimize Future Therapy SOPHIAparticipant8.301.00036
2020-06-01ULTIMATE: indUstry water-utiLiTy symbIosis for a sMarter wATer society ULTIMATEparticipant13.527.11630
2020-06-01Marine Coastal Ecosystems Biodiversity and Services in a Changing World MaCoBioSparticipant6.980.65818
2020-05-01Translational approaches to disease modifying therapy of type 1 diabetes - HARVESTing the fruits of INNODIA INNODIA HARVESTparticipant5.999.05541
2020-05-01New Exploration Tools for European Pegmatite Green-Tech Resources GREENPEGparticipant8.325.29314
2020-03-01Visible Light Ultrafast Photodetector for Optical Wireless Communication Technology Light UPcoordinator212.9341
2020-03-01Moving around without a brain: Evolution of basal cognition in single-celled organisms EvoMotioncoordinator1.950.4301
2020-02-01Modelling Trust-based Evolutionary Dynamics in Signed Social Networks TEAMScoordinator224.9341
2020-02-01Predicting of Prokaryotic Defence Distributions PredProkDefcoordinator272.0842
2020-01-01Plasticity of the Pluripotency Network PLASTINETcoordinator2.499.9702
2020-01-01Membrane-free Low cost high Density RFB MELODYparticipant3.987.6139
2020-01-01Differentiation: Clustering Excellence DiCEparticipant1.428.26814
2020-01-01Children’s Photography Archive: a curriculum for child-authored, multimodal citizenship education in primary schools CHILDPHOTOARCHIVEparticipant150.0002
2019-12-01Plant Phenome Plant Phenomecoordinator212.9341
2019-11-01A joint doctoral program to educate tomorrow’s insect pathologists: Solving disease problems in the upcoming insect rearing industry. INSECT DOCTORSparticipant4.201.8459
2019-11-01Unlocking the hidden information in char to create a new quantitative toolkit for use in forensic fire investigations FORCHARcoordinator150.0001
2019-10-01The End of the Journey: The Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene Colonisation of South America LASTJOURNEYcoordinator2.498.5906
2019-10-01Constrained aerosol forcing for improved climate projections FORCeSparticipant7.998.28722
2019-10-01Direct and transgenerational consequences of divergent reproductive strategies on ageing trajectories of parents and their offspring REPRODAGEINGcoordinator319.4011
2019-10-01Digestion, OsmoreGulation and Metabolism in fish relevant to AquaculTure and in a Changing Climate DOGMATiCCcoordinator319.4011
2019-09-01Fostering nature-based solutions for smart, green and healthy urban transitions in Europe and China REGREENparticipant4.996.17223
2019-09-01Next generation of AdVanced InteGrated Assessment modelling to support climaTE policy making NAVIGATEparticipant6.998.34317
2019-09-01Our common future ocean in the Earth system – quantifying coupled cycles of carbon, oxygen, and nutrients for determining and achieving safe operating spaces with respect to tipping points COMFORTparticipant8.191.66433
2019-09-01Tipping Points in the Earth System TiPESparticipant8.561.23919
2019-09-01Enhancing Standardisation strategies to integrate innovative technologies for Safety and Security in existing water networks aqua3Sparticipant5.997.06823
2019-09-01Forms of Labour: Gender, Freedom and Experience of Work in the Preindustrial Economy FORMSofLABOURcoordinator1.666.5652
2019-08-15Coral reef fish shape our understanding of social evolution SoEvoFishcoordinator271.7332
2019-08-15Perception of signals under varying conditions: implications of proportional processing of signal magnitude for signal design CATPERCCOLcoordinator183.4551
2019-07-01Public Cults in Private Hands: the Appropriation of cult sites from the 2nd century BC to the 2nd century AD CULTUScoordinator224.9341
2019-06-01FIWARE for the Next Generation Internet Services for the WATER sector Fiware4Waterparticipant4.997.94514
2019-06-01Climate-Carbon Interactions in the Current Century 4Ccoordinator7.784.75012
2019-06-01Terahertz Antennas with Self-amplified Spontaneous Emission TERASSEparticipant460.0005
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