
CITY UNIVERSITY - United Kingdom 

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2016-01-01European Glaucoma Research Training Program-Plus EGRET-Plusparticipant3.870.58415
2015-11-01Holistic Approach of Spray Injection through a Generalized Multi-phase Framework HAoScoordinator3.857.73514
2015-10-01European Glaucoma Research Training Program EGRETparticipant1.046.4007
2015-09-01Effect of 4500bar injection pressure and super-critical phase change of surrogate and real-world fuels enriched with additives and powering Diesel engines on soot emissions reduction IPPADcoordinator3.928.24320
2015-09-01Algorithmic Approaches to Spatially-Informed Information Visualization ALGOVIScoordinator107.0151
2015-01-01Development and experimental validation of computational models for cavitating flows, surface erosion damage and material loss CaFEcoordinator3.939.9998
2014-10-01Professionals and Parenthood in the Twenty-first Century IDPSFcoordinator231.2831
2014-09-22Creativity and Goal Modeling CGMcoordinator221.6061
2014-06-01Optical Fibre based self-monitoring Motor Drives OFS-MOTORcoordinator598.9631
2014-06-01Road Pavements & Bridge Deck Health Monitoring/Early Warning Using Advanced Inspection Technologies RPB HEALTECcoordinator1.172.9609
2014-05-01Visual Analytics for Sense-making in CRiminal Intelligence analysis VALCRIparticipant13.053.68618
2014-05-01Integrated Macro-Financial Modelling for Robust Policy Design MACFINROBODSparticipant2.500.00012
2014-02-16Cavitation bubble cloud dynamics and surface erosion in high pressure fuel systems for medium/heavy duty Diesel engines CAVFUELSYSTEMcoordinator380.5541
2014-02-02Understanding non-spherical droplet vaporisation of single-component hydrocarbon fuels and multi-component biofuel blends NONSPHERICALDROPLETcoordinator309.2351
2013-12-01A Decision Support System incorporating a validated patient-specific, multi-scale Balance Hypermodel towards early diagnostic Evaluation and efficient Management plan formulation of Balance Disorders EMBalanceparticipant3.523.00010
2013-11-15Automated Pollution Inspection Scanning System for Soil using a robotic vehicle POLLINSparticipant2.207.58915
2013-11-01New weather-stable low gloss powder coatings based on bifunctional acrylic solid resins and nanoadditives GLOWparticipant2.520.9135
2013-11-01Composites Evaluation in aircraft industry through Triplex IR imaging system COMPETEcoordinator1.127.9948
2013-07-01Approximate Solutions of the Determinantal Assignment Problem and distance problems A-DAPcoordinator309.2351
2013-07-01Droplet Impingement on Non-flat Surfaces NONFLATIMPINGEMENTcoordinator309.2351
2013-06-01"""2nd Generation Active Wing“ – Active Flow- Loads & Noise control on next generation wing" AFLONEXTparticipant23.612.07940
2013-06-01PEL-SKIN: A novel kind of surface coatings in aeronautics PEL-SKINparticipant599.9906
2013-03-01Characterisation of Fuel Additives Effect on Fuel Injector Design FAEFIDcoordinator271.9441
2013-02-01Optimised Microturbine Solar Power system OMSOPcoordinator4.422.8199
2013-02-01Global and Local food chain Assessment: a MUltidimensional performance-based approach GLAMURparticipant2.932.32815
2013-01-01Simulation of cavitation and erosion in fuel injection systems of medium/heavy duty Diesel engines at injection pressures reaching 3000bar FUELSYSTEM3000coordinator2.459.0054
2012-10-01Creativity in learning through Social Computing and Game Mechanics in the Enterprise COLLAGEparticipant2.899.9179
2012-10-01Certification infrastrUcture for MUlti-Layer cloUd Services CUMULUSparticipant2.845.9748
2012-09-01Price jump dynamics and evolution of market panic Price Jump Dynamicscoordinator150.2791
2012-09-01Stochastic reserving based upon mathematical statistics RESERVINGcoordinator278.8071
2012-05-01Security and Safety Modelling SESAMOparticipant1.968.11421
2012-03-23Interdisciplinary advances on behavioural theories of financial risk-taking: Innovative insights from a video-ethnography of live trading in global reinsurance markets EthnographyOfRiskcoordinator313.3402
2012-02-01HarmoniSed ENvironmental Sustainability in the European food and drink chain SENSEparticipant2.890.06724
2012-01-01Scientific Approach to Commercial Product Development and Assessment for the Maritime Industry COMPASSparticipant1.178.7764
2012-01-01Data Service Infrastructure for the Social Sciences and Humanities DASISHparticipant5.991.05218
2011-11-01Complexity Research Initiative for Systemic InstabilitieS CRISISparticipant3.316.00013
2011-10-01Sensing User Generated Input for Improved Media Discovery and Experience SocialSensorparticipant6.465.00012
2011-09-01"A Framework for electrical power sysTems vulnerability identification,dEfense and Restoration" AFTERparticipant3.473.80314
2011-08-08Examining the relationship between linguistic- and non-linguistic cognitive processes in deaf children's vocabulary development in spoken and signed vocabulary SignLearnSpeakcoordinator245.5791
2011-01-01Knowledge brokerage to promote sustainable food consumption and production: linking scientists, policymakers and civil society organisations FOODLINKSparticipant1.495.26314
2010-12-01"Urban, peri-urban and regional food dynamics: toward an integrated and territorial approach to food" PUREFOODparticipant2.886.3807
2010-10-01Large Scale Choreographies for the Future Internet CHOReOSparticipant6.384.08917
2010-10-01Advanced Security Service cERTificate for SOA ASSERT4SOAparticipant3.400.0007
2010-09-01Forecasting Financial Crises FOC-IIparticipant2.894.48414
2010-07-01The European Social Survey - Data for a Changing Europe ESS-DACEcoordinator4.999.9877
2010-07-01MIRROR - Reflective Learning at Work MIRRORparticipant6.450.00015
2010-06-01Optimized Infrastructure Services OPTIMISparticipant7.131.09016
2010-06-01Internet of Things at Work IoT@Workparticipant3.524.5666
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