

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2022-10-01Growing Up in Digital Europe Preparation Phase (GUIDEPREP) GUIDEPREPparticipant2.379.73823
2022-10-01Cyber-kinetic attacks using Artificial Intelligence KINAITICSparticipant4.030.7247
2022-10-01Accelerating the Deployment of Offshore wind using Dc technology ADOreDparticipant4.011.94419
2022-10-01Next-generation membrane technologies for sustainable exploitation of seawater brine resources: transition towards a circular blue industry EXBRINERparticipant2.617.26515
2022-10-01Training a new generation of researchers in offshore seaweed aquaculture to produce high-value chemicals SEACHEMcoordinator2.768.79518
2022-10-01European Knowledge Hub and Policy Testbed for Critical Infrastructure Protection EU-CIPparticipant1.999.87520
2022-10-01Psych-STRATA - A Stratified Treatment Algorithm in Psychiatry: A program on stratified pharmacogenomics in severe mental illness Psych-STRATAparticipant9.776.44028
2022-10-01Schelling’s philosophy of nature and the environmental challenge SCHELLECcoordinator175.9201
2022-10-01High-resolution cryo-EM structures of the human and yeast Sin3 histone deacetylase complexes HDACbyCRYOEMcoordinator191.7601
2022-10-01MIcroelectronics RELiability driven by Artificial Intelligence MIRELAIparticipant3.206.21421
2022-10-01Fake nEws Risk MItigator FERMIparticipant3.999.81517
2022-10-01Public Administration Capabilities for Digital and Sustainable Transition PADSTparticipant1.242.1384
2022-10-01Twinning towards excellence for Privacy Enhancing Technologies leveraging Homomorphic Encryption enCRYPTONparticipant1.515.1254
2022-10-01Active reduction of noise transmitted into and from enclosures through encapsulated structures IN-NOVAparticipant2.522.16012
2022-10-01An integrated approach to restore tolerance in autoimmune disease TOLERATEcoordinator2.109.65018
2022-10-01CLImate Mitigation and Bioeconomy pathways for sustainable FORESTry CLIMB-FORESTparticipant5.360.73518
2022-10-01REstoration of WETlands to minimise emissions and maximise carbon uptake – a strategy for long term climate mitigation REWETparticipant6.604.85318
2022-09-01SiC composite claddings: LWR performance optimization for nominal and accident conditions SCORPIONparticipant2.630.84415
2022-09-01Welfare systems and labour market policies for economic and social resilience in Europe WeLaRcoordinator2.999.74310
2022-09-01Food systems transformation towards healthy and sustainable dietary behaviour PLANEATparticipant11.392.81825
2022-09-01Sustainable Development of a Safe and Biobased Antimicrobial, Antifungal and Antiviral Nanocoating Platform Triple-A-COATcoordinator3.731.63313
2022-09-01Porous Networks for Gas Sensing SENNETcoordinator3.162.45619
2022-09-01Training the next-generation of European GLIOblastoma (translational) researchers, to RESOLVE precision targeting of the brain tumour microenvironment GLIORESOLVEparticipant2.687.40021
2022-09-01XR mEdia eCOsystem XRECOparticipant8.331.20020
2022-09-01Digital Technologies ActiNg as a Gatekeeper to information and data flOws TANGOparticipant10.444.12138
2022-09-01SElf-Adaptive and Automated LEARNing Framework for Smart Sensors SEA2Learncoordinator175.9202
2022-09-01COoperative Real-Time EXperiences with EXtended reality CORTEX2participant7.997.19710
2022-09-01AI powered Data Curation & Publishing Virtual Assistant AIDAVAparticipant7.720.61514
2022-09-01Skills for the European Open Science Commons: Creating a Training Ecosystem for Open and FAIR Science Skills4EOSCparticipant6.476.65844
2022-09-01The political (in)significance of extreme weather events Weather Eventscoordinator175.9201
2022-09-01Acoustic and Thermal Retrofit of Office Building Stock in EU ActaReBuildcoordinator2.526.32219
2022-09-01A PeRsOnalized Prevention roadmap for the future HEalThcare PROPHETparticipant2.812.43720
2022-09-01Ferroelectric PHOtonics ENablIng novel functionalities and enhanced performance of neXt generating PICs PHOENIXcoordinator2.619.8137
2022-09-01AI-powered Robotic Material Recovery in a Box RECLAIMparticipant2.934.80010
2022-09-01Deep single-cell phenotyping to identify governing principles and mechanisms of the subcellular organization of bacterial replication BacterialBlueprintcoordinator1.500.0001
2022-09-01Innovative pulse and cereal-based food fermentations for human health and sustainable diets HealthFermcoordinator11.303.94523
2022-09-01Bio-inspired, Tailorable and Healable Multi-Impact Resistant Carbon Fibre-Reinforced Thermoplastic Polymers BIOTHECTcoordinator166.3201
2022-09-01Tensile Strength Prediction of Fibre-Hybrid Composites: A Multiscale Approach HyCompcoordinator178.3201
2022-08-01A feminist and decolonial approach to studying environmental movements in the Democratic Republic of the Congo POSTGROWTHcoordinator215.7303
2022-08-01Urban Data Spaces for Green dEal USAGEparticipant3.692.80013
2022-07-01FEAST FEASTparticipant11.724.64035
2022-07-01Assessing the impact of digital technology solutions in agriculture in real-life conditions QuantiFarmparticipant7.397.38332
2022-07-01Decentralized platform for fair creative content distribution empowering creators and communities though new digital distribution models based on digital tokens DAFNEplusparticipant3.658.17510
2022-07-01Science-based INtegrated FORest Mitigation mAnagement made operational for Europe INFORMAparticipant5.337.54814
2022-07-01A Novel Handheld Ultrasound Medical Imaging Probe: Prototyping, Initial Validation and Business Development LucidWavecoordinator2.427.0251
2022-06-01Partnership for european research in radiation protection and detection of ionising radiation : towards a safer use and improved protection of the environment and human health. PIANOFORTEparticipant29.414.41158
2022-06-01RESILIENCE Preparatory Phase Project RESILIENCE PPPparticipant3.981.62113
2022-06-01clinical validation of Artificial Intelligence for providing a personalized motor clinical profile assessment and rehabilitation of upper limb in children with unilateral Cerebral Palsy AInCPparticipant5.999.94211
2022-06-01Integrative science, Intelligent data platform for Individualized LUNG cancer care with Immunotherapy I3LUNGparticipant9.996.69516
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