

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2015-01-01Improved production strategies for endangered freshwater species. IMPRESScoordinator3.867.4499
2014-02-01Interpreting the irrecoverable microbiota in digestive ecosystems MICRODEparticipant1.467.1761
2014-02-01Improving European aquaculture by advancing selective breeding to the next level for the six main finfish species FISHBOOSTparticipant6.000.00026
2014-01-01Enhancing of legumes growing in Europe through sustainable cropping for protein supply for food and feed EUROLEGUMEparticipant4.993.59218
2013-10-01The Human Brain Project HBPparticipant54.000.000114
2013-09-01Plant Phenotyping by Vibrational Spectroscopy of Pollen POLLENcoordinator291.8401
2013-06-01COordination and iMplementation of a pan-European instrumenT for radioecology COMETparticipant3.411.00020
2013-03-01A common European approach to the regulatory testing of nanomaterials NANOREGparticipant10.000.00068
2013-02-01Innovative integrative tools and platforms to be prepared for radiological emergencies and post-accident response in Europe PREPAREparticipant4.000.00048
2013-02-01Taking Nanotechnological Remediation Processes from Lab Scale to End User Applications for the Restoration of a Clean Environment NANOREMparticipant10.393.63229
2013-01-01NORA - Nitrous Oxide Research Alliance Training Network NORAcoordinator3.365.70011
2012-12-01Robust Sheep Electronic Identification ROSEIparticipant1.050.6327
2012-10-01Development and verification of an innovative full life sustainable approach to the valorisation of municipal solid waste into industrial feedstocks WASTE2GOparticipant3.495.4268
2012-10-01FORest management strategies to enhance the MITigation potential of European forests FORMITparticipant2.978.19712
2012-10-01Measuring ecosystem services of High Nature Value farmland through landscape and biodiversity indicators AGRI-ECO SERVICEScoordinator290.2451
2012-08-01Infrastructure for Systems Biology - Europe ISBEparticipant4.745.71823
2012-01-01EUROPEAN FORENSIC GENETICS Network of Excellence EUROFORGEN-NOEparticipant6.613.68017
2012-01-01Next generation European system for cattle improvement and management Gene2Farmparticipant2.999.59319
2011-11-01Development of an integrated biorefinery for processing chitin rich biowaste to specialty and fine chemicals CHIBIOparticipant2.904.42512
2011-07-01Learning from the locals: A metagenomic investigation into the plant biomass degrading capacity in Norwegian native herbivores PBDNHcoordinator209.9791
2011-05-01Development, integration and dissemination of animal-based welfare indicators, including pain, in commercially important husbandry species, with special emphasis on small ruminants, equidae & turkeys WELFARE INDICATORSparticipant4.497.89411
2011-02-01Towards a self sustaining European Technology Platform (NERIS-TP) on Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response and Recovery NERIS-TPparticipant1.455.74821
2011-02-01Strategy for Allied Radioecology STARparticipant3.999.75611
2011-01-01Towards marker assisted selection against genetic defects in pigs PIGENDEFparticipant732.6008
2011-01-01Brain-inspired multiscale computation in neuromorphic hybrid systems BrainScaleSparticipant9.199.97017
2010-05-01Impact of climate change and globalisation on safety of fresh produce – governing a supply chain of uncompromised food sovereignty VEG-i-TRADEparticipant5.999.99725
2010-03-01Multi species swards and multi scale strategies for multifunctional grassland based ruminant production systems MULTISWARDparticipant2.997.59515
2010-02-01Cooperation in education In Nuclear CHemistry CINCHparticipant804.3048
2010-01-01Low Dose Research towards Multidisciplinary Integration DoReMiparticipant12.999.99938
2010-01-01The role of the DEK1 pathway in plant epidermis cell fate specification Plant epidermiscoordinator100.0001
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