

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2021-07-01Innovative photocatalysts integrated in flow photoreactor systems for direct CO2 and H2O conversion into solar fuels NEFERTITIparticipant3.844.42810
2021-07-01THEATRONOMICS: The Business of Theatres, 1732-1809 THEATRONOMICScoordinator1.997.5352
2021-05-01Citizens Acting on Mitigation Pathways through Active Implementation of a Goal-setting Network CAMPAIGNersparticipant4.999.67030
2021-05-01PROactive Strategies and Policies for Energy Citizenship Transformation EnergyPROSPECTScoordinator3.063.3609
2021-05-01Trade, Trauma and Tradition: Extractive industries, cultural genocide and Indigenous resistence in the 1900s and today TTTRADcoordinator294.8861
2021-04-01IO Software for Exascale Architecture IO-SEAparticipant3.997.97611
2021-03-01Commercialisation of a Recyclable and Innovative Manufacturing Solution for an Optimised Novel marine turbine. CRIMSONparticipant2.991.5635
2021-03-01Computational Literary Studies Infrastructure CLS INFRAparticipant4.999.94114
2021-03-01Understanding Lectins' network language with chemical tools: new insights for immunological purposes. LectiNetcoordinator275.5612
2021-03-01Architectured Soft Magnetoactive Materials: Beyond Instabilities MAGICcoordinator1.999.0852
2021-02-01European consortium for communicating gene- and cell-based therapy information. EuroGCTparticipant1.999.78447
2021-02-01Pandemic Preparedness and Response PANDEM-2coordinator8.705.65023
2021-01-28VACCELERATE - European Corona Vaccine Trial Accelerator Platform VACCELERATEparticipant26.499.80432
2021-01-01“GREEN HYSLAND – Deployment of a H2 Ecosystem on the Island of Mallorca” GREEN HYSLANDparticipant10.000.00033
2021-01-01METAclustered, SME oriented European Open Innovation Test Bed for the BUILDING envelope materials industrial sector using a harmonised and upgraded technical framework and living LABS METABUILDING LABSparticipant14.944.52947
2021-01-01Polifonia: a digital harmoniser for musical heritage knowledge Polifoniaparticipant3.025.43511
2021-01-01Capacity building in Smart and Innovative eNERGY management SINERGYparticipant892.5003
2021-01-01A novel medical device for the treatment of Endometriosis EndoSolvecoordinator150.0001
2020-11-01Ontology-driven data documentation for Industry Commons OntoCommonsparticipant4.186.06122
2020-11-01Extracellular Vesicles for Bone Regeneration – alternatives to Stem-cell Therapy EVERESTcoordinator1.499.9252
2020-10-01Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories - Design Study JERICO-DSparticipant2.555.53123
2020-10-01Future Toxicology: Better predicting Toxicant-induced cell fate. TOXIFATEcoordinator525.5892
2020-09-01National Competence Centres in the framework of EuroHPC EUROCCparticipant27.936.679111
2020-09-01Training the new generation of industrial doctorates in the transition towards bio-based value circles BioBased ValueCircleparticipant3.151.76914
2020-09-01NExt ApplicationS of Quantum Computing NEASQCparticipant4.671.33315
2020-09-01Gut-brain-axis: Targets for improvement of cognition in the elderly SmartAgeparticipant3.946.98112
2020-09-01Doctorate School in Integrated Genomics Research INTEGRATEcoordinator2.169.6001
2020-09-01Mechanobiologically mimetic model systems for study of Bone disease (MEMETic) MEMETiccoordinator1.999.9561
2020-09-01Development and application of ion-sensors for multi-analyte detection VITAL-ISEcoordinator263.7692
2020-08-01Manipulating and tuning dynamic characteristics of soft electro-active materials: Modelling, simulations and experiments DYN-SEAMcoordinator196.5911
2020-06-01Heterogenous Photo(electro)catalysis in Flow using Concentrated Light: modular integrated designs for the production of useful chemicals FlowPhotoChemcoordinator6.993.31515
2020-06-01Development and Commercialisation of Transbronchial Lung Ablation to Treat Lung Cancer TABLAparticipant2.994.6135
2020-05-01Process Analytical Technology Tools for Real-Time Physical and Chemical Characterization of Nanosuspensions PAT4Nanoparticipant5.092.40910
2020-05-01Future Feedstock Flexible Carbon Upgrading to Bio Energy Dispatchable carriers F-CUBEDparticipant4.059.12915
2020-02-01Training the next generation of scientists in solar chemicals for a sustainable Europe by hybrid molecule/semiconductor devices SOLAR2CHEMcoordinator4.037.07412
2020-01-01Automated Cellular Robot-Assisted Technologies for translation of discovery-led research in Osteoarthritis AutoCRATcoordinator7.452.7709
2020-01-01Cancer Long Survivors Artificial Intelligence Follow Up CLARIFYparticipant4.841.96313
2020-01-01Intelligent, Interoperable, Integrative and deployable open source MARKETplace with trusted and secure software tools for incentivising the industry data economy i3-MARKETcoordinator5.155.59216
2020-01-01Visualizing Death Inducing Protein Complexes VIDECcoordinator1.237.40010
2020-01-01Precision medicine for muscoloskeletal regeneration, prosthetics and active ageing PREMUROSAparticipant3.348.40511
2019-11-01Training European Experts in Multiscale Studies of Neural Crest Development and Disorders: from Patient to Model Systems and Back again. NEUcrestparticipant4.156.40511
2019-11-01Southern Ocean Carbon and Heat Impact on Climate SO-CHICparticipant7.989.92516
2019-10-01Tailored IoT & BigData Sandboxes and Testbeds for Smart, Autonomous and Personalized Services in the European Finance and Insurance Services Ecosystem INFINITECHparticipant15.870.48151
2019-08-01A geologic approach to resolving critical uncertainties in the impact of geomagnetic variance on in-situ cosmogenic nuclide production CoNTESTAcoordinator184.5911
2019-08-01A combined developmental cell biology and tissue engineering approach to repair the articular surface of synovial joints ReSurfacecoordinator248.0632
2019-08-01Language, Families, and Society LaFScoordinator175.8661
2019-06-01Tropical and South Atlantic climate-based marine ecosystem predictions for sustainable management TRIATLASparticipant11.000.00034
2019-06-01TURNKEY solution for home RETROFITting TURNKEY RETROFITparticipant1.499.9209
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