

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2010-12-01Energy-Hub for residential and commercial districts and transport E-Hubparticipant7.993.71019
2010-11-01Manufacturing technologies and equipment to produce low-cost PV bituminous-modified roofing membrane with full integration of high efficiency flexible thin-film silicon PV modules PV-GUMparticipant6.234.34610
2010-09-01New µ-CHP network technologies for energy efficient and sustainable districts FC-DISTRICTparticipant8.000.00023
2010-03-01Biocommodity refinery BIOCOREparticipant13.920.23726
2010-03-01Off-shore Renewable Energy Conversion platforms – Coordination Action ORECCAparticipant1.599.03328
2010-02-01EERA SEcretariat EERASEparticipant989.5655
2010-01-01Grid for Vehicles - Analysis of the impact and possibilities of a mass introduction of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles on the electricity networks in Europe G4Vparticipant2.531.25814
2010-01-01Recovered Fuels combined with Biomass RECOMBIOparticipant4.040.07414
2010-01-01PRessurIzed PEM electrOLYZER PrimoLyzerparticipant1.154.0236
2010-01-01Supporting action to prepare large-scale hydrogen vehicle demonstration in Europe NextHyLightsparticipant499.30312
2010-01-01Knowledge to Enhance the Endurance of PEM fuel cells by Accelerated LIfetime Verification Experiments KEEPEMALIVEparticipant1.264.5829
2010-01-01WEB to Energy W2Eparticipant2.889.13915
2010-01-01Greenhouse gas management in European land use systems GHG Europeparticipant6.648.70443
2010-01-01Low-cost highly conductive high resolution structures for flexible \nlarge area electronics by high throughput \nlow temperature processing LOTUSparticipant3.700.00011
2010-01-01Improved material quality and light trapping in thin film silicon solar cells SILICON_Lightcoordinator5.779.52010
2010-01-01Highly Flexible Printed ITO-free OPV Modules HIFLEXcoordinator3.649.6727
2010-01-01Carbon Dioxide Capture and Hydrogen Production with Membranes CACHET IIparticipant3.899.9448
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