

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2022-07-01TREM2 MICROglia ENGENEering for treating dementiaS (TREM2MICROENGINES) TREM2MICROENGINEScoordinator150.0001
2022-06-01Human Centered Technologies for a Safer and Greener European Construction Industry HumanTechparticipant9.146.10323
2022-06-01European integration of new technologies and social-economic solutions for increasing consumer trust and engagement in seafood products FishEUTrustparticipant4.629.81622
2022-06-01Roles of G-quadruplexes in Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus latent REplication G4-KuREcoordinator188.5901
2022-06-01Resilience Estimation to SET management goals in marine ecosystems RESETcoordinator188.5903
2022-06-01Electrified Reactor Technology EReTechparticipant7.352.35719
2022-06-01Zero-defect manufacturing for green transition in Europe ENGINEparticipant8.939.31817
2022-06-01Emerging technologies for crystal-based gamma-ray light sources TECHNO-CLSparticipant2.643.18810
2022-05-01Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals PARCparticipant200.000.000199
2022-05-01CRM-geothermal: Raw materials from geothermal fluids: occurrence, enrichment, extraction CRM-geothermalparticipant6.195.64138
2022-04-01Study of the role of mitophagy and lysosomal biogenesis in COX deficiency: a new model for drug discovery MTPHAGYTREATcoordinator183.4731
2022-03-01Deep U-tube heat exchanger breakthrough: combining laser and cryogenic gas for geothermal energy exploitation DeepUcoordinator2.994.2686
2022-03-01Gravitational waves from crowded environments: simulating intermediate-mass black hole formation and evolution with supercomputers. GRACE-BHcoordinator183.4731
2022-02-01Intimate partner violence disrupts the brain-heart axis in women. PINKcoordinator171.4731
2022-01-01Writing on the Margins: Graffiti in Italy (7th–16th centuries) Graff-ITparticipant2.499.7313
2022-01-01BabyMindReader: a multivariate NIRS-EEG neural decoder to decipher newborns' inital representations of speech prosody BabyMindReadercoordinator183.4731
2022-01-01INCLUSIVE RATIONALITY. Rearticulating Philosophy’s Social Role Through a Dialogue Among Dialectic Hegelian Conceptual Tools, Contemporary Metaphilosophy, and Gender Perspectives InRatiocoordinator211.7672
2022-01-01Reviewing and integrating methods for the Conservation of European architecturaL finishes in urban hEritage townscApes CLEAcoordinator275.2101
2022-01-01advanced Muon Campus in US and Europe contribution aMUSEparticipant1.899.80015
2021-12-01Innovative technologies and socio-ecological-economic solutions for fire resilient territories in Europe. FIRE-RESparticipant19.896.32736
2021-12-01Intra and inter-generational effects of heatwaves on sexually selected traits and reproductive success HeatWaveSScoordinator183.4731
2021-11-12Pharmacological therapy to curtail visual loss in ADOA mouse model PHERADOAcoordinator171.4731
2021-11-01SARS-coV2 variants Evaluation in pRegnancy and paeDIatrics cohorts VERDIcoordinator9.999.99823
2021-11-01Storage Research Infrastructure Eco-System StoRIESparticipant6.999.98034
2021-10-01Wearables and droneS fOr CIty Socio-Environmental Observations and BEhavioral ChangE SOCIO-BEEparticipant4.999.85918
2021-10-01Money, Rituality and Tombs in northern Italy during Late antiquity MORTIcoordinator171.4731
2021-10-01AMbitious Bids: Investigating Roman Elections (78-46 BC) AMBIREcoordinator257.2101
2021-10-01Migrating commercial law and language. Rethinking lex mercatoria (11th-17th century) MICOLLcoordinator1.610.5931
2021-10-01GEOarchaeology of DAily Practices: extracting bronze age lifeways from the domestic stratigraphic record GEODAPcoordinator1.987.1413
2021-10-01Bright and biologically powered chemiluminescent labels for cell and tissue imaging BioPoweredCLcoordinator1.449.7502
2021-09-01Human mini hearts: looking for culprits and victims in cardiac disease Mini-HEARTcoordinator2.000.0002
2021-09-01Safeguarding European wild pollinators Safeguardparticipant5.350.40425
2021-09-01Evolution of genetic network required for fruit and fruit-like structures development of land plants. EVOfrulandcoordinator662.40013
2021-09-01The Sensuous Appeal of the Holy. Sensory Agency of Sacred Art and Somatised Spiritual Experiences in Medieval Europe (12th-15th century) SenSArtcoordinator1.499.3281
2021-09-01Realistic and Informative Simulations with machine learnING RISINGcoordinator255.7682
2021-08-23Structure and dynamics of glasses: using novel X-ray tools to push the boundaries of how we understand them GlassXcoordinator171.4731
2021-08-01Chemical compounds targeting MERCs: identification of their partners in physiological and pathological conditions MERCURYcoordinator183.4731
2021-07-01Real World Handling of Protein Drugs - Exploration, Evaluation and Education RealHOPEparticipant3.139.98427
2021-07-01An insight into lysosomal signature in muscle wasting Myo_LysoZOOMcoordinator269.0032
2021-07-01Discovery of mevalonate and UBIAD1 inhibitors as novel drugs targeting melanoma skin cancer MELASTOPcoordinator150.0001
2021-07-01FAST Rotorcraft societal Integration and Performance assessments 2050 FASTRIP2050participant534.5064
2021-07-01HEART FIne REgulation through mechanosensing in myosin filaments: merging theory and experiments into a multi-scale heart simulator Heart Fi-Recoordinator276.4982
2021-06-15How iron and manganese affect the central metabolism in pathogenic mycobacteria Myco_Metabolismcoordinator171.4731
2021-06-01INnovative Tools for Assessment and Authentication of chicken meat, beef and dairy products’ QualiTies INTAQTparticipant6.126.65124
2021-06-01AI powered Digital twin for lighting infrastructure in the context of front-end Industry 4.0 AI-TWILIGHTparticipant5.187.30925
2021-06-01GaN for Advanced Power Applications GaN4APparticipant15.320.91446
2021-06-01RADiation facility Network for the EXploration of effects for indusTry and research RADNEXTparticipant5.000.00031
2021-05-01Substitution of Critical Raw Materials on Aluminium Alloys for electrical vehicles SALEMAparticipant8.933.72419
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