
MET OFFICE - United Kingdom 

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2023-01-01OPTimising FORest management decisions for a low-carbon, climate resilient future in EUrope OptFor-EUparticipant4.289.07616
2023-01-01New Copernicus capability for trophic ocean networks NECCTONparticipant8.527.58923
2023-01-01CopERnIcus climate change Service Evolution CERISEparticipant10.499.42412
2023-01-01European Eddy-RIch ESMs EERIEparticipant7.789.00417
2023-01-01Process Attribution of Regional Emissions PARISparticipant3.526.15517
2022-12-01Euro GO-SHIP: developing a Research Infrastructure concept to support European hydrography Euro GO-SHIPparticipant2.619.12514
2022-10-01The Human-Tech Nexus - Building a Safe Haven to cope with Climate Extremes The HuTparticipant4.793.64426
2022-09-01Supporting and standardizing climate services in Europe and beyond Climateurope2participant8.695.37033
2022-09-01Hybrid Human Artificial Collective Intelligence in Open-Ended Decision Making HACIDparticipant1.877.2505
2022-07-01Explaining and Predicting the Ocean Conveyor EPOCparticipant4.805.24721
2022-06-01MAximising the synergy of European research Governance and Innovation for Climate Action MAGICAparticipant4.827.57924
2021-06-01Earth system models for the future ESM2025participant11.333.27523
2020-09-01Full-value chain Optimised Climate User-centric Services for Southern Africa: FOCUS-Africa FOCUS-Africaparticipant6.973.01816
2020-09-01Co-production of Climate Services for East Africa CONFERparticipant6.999.1789
2019-11-01Improving and Integrating European Ocean Observing and Forecasting Systems for Sustainable use of the Oceans EuroSeaparticipant12.266.77356
2019-09-01Tipping Points in the Earth System TiPESparticipant8.561.23919
2019-07-01Constraining uncertainty of multi decadal climate projections CONSTRAINparticipant7.999.80414
2019-01-01Infrastructure for the European Network for Earth System modelling - Phase 3 IS-ENES3participant9.802.61322
2019-01-01Excellence in Simulation of Weather and Climate in Europe, Phase 2 ESiWACE2participant8.035.06420
2018-12-01Improving Models for Marine EnviRonment SErvices IMMERSEparticipant4.998.94314
2018-02-01European Network of Observatories and Research Infrastructures for Volcanology EUROVOLCparticipant4.997.29320
2018-02-01The Added Value of Seasonal Climate Forecasts for Integrated Risk Management Decisions SECLI-FIRMparticipant4.638.50010
2018-01-01Space Weather Atmosphere Model and Indices SWAMIparticipant1.198.3644
2017-12-01European Climate Prediction system EUCPcoordinator12.999.51516
2017-12-01Turning climate-related information into added value for traditional MEDiterranean Grape, OLive and Durum wheat food systems MED-GOLDparticipant4.990.96816
2017-06-01Safe maritime operations under extreme conditions: the Arctic case SEDNAparticipant6.498.75313
2016-11-01Copernicus Evolution and Aplications with Sentinel Enhancements and Land Effluents for Shores and Seas CEASELESSparticipant1.999.3339
2016-11-01Advanced Prediction in Polar regions and beyond: Modelling, observing system design and LInkages associated with ArctiC ClimATE change APPLICATEparticipant7.999.59117
2016-11-01GROW Observatory GROWparticipant5.096.92020
2016-01-01European Research Area for Climate Services ERA4CSparticipant21.733.64950
2015-12-01European Climate Observations, Modelling and Services - 2 Climateuropecoordinator2.994.37311
2015-11-01Coordinated Research in Earth Systems and Climate: Experiments, kNowledge, Dissemination and Outreach CRESCENDOparticipant14.338.87626
2015-11-01PRocess-based climate sIMulation: AdVances in high resolution modelling and European climate Risk Assessment PRIMAVERAcoordinator14.967.97021
2015-10-01IMproving PRedictions and management of hydrological EXtremes IMPREXparticipant7.996.84824
2015-09-01Excellence in SImulation of Weather and Climate in Europe ESiWACEparticipant4.951.04918
2015-04-01Optimizing and Enhancing the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System AtlantOSparticipant20.652.92162
2015-03-01Gap Analysis for Integrated Atmospheric ECV CLImate Monitoring GAIA-CLIMparticipant5.999.72618
2015-01-01Flare Likelihood and Region Eruption Forecasting FLARECASTparticipant2.416.6518
2015-01-01EU Surface Temperature for All Corners of Earth EUSTACEcoordinator2.694.9698
2014-10-01Pre-Operational Marine Service Continuity in Transition towards Copernicus MyOcean FOparticipant6.000.00057
2014-02-01European Facility for Airborne Research in Environmental and Geo-sciences EUFAR2participant6.000.00024
2013-12-01Stratospheric and upper tropospheric processes for better climate predictions STRATOCLIMparticipant8.548.47828
2013-12-01Dynamics-aerosol-chemistry-cloud interactions in West Africa DACCIWAparticipant8.746.95216
2013-11-19Mitigation of space weather threats to GNSS services MISWparticipant1.968.23112
2013-11-13EUropean CLimate and weather Events: Interpretation and Attribution EUCLEIAcoordinator2.990.91511
2013-11-11Uncertainties in Ensembles of Regional Reanalyses UERRAparticipant4.999.72712
2013-11-01High-End cLimate Impacts and eXtremes HELIXparticipant8.999.99816
2013-11-01Land use change: assessing the net climate forcing, and options for climate change mitigation and adaptation LUC4Cparticipant5.999.07915
2013-04-01Infrastructure for the European Network for Earth System modelling - Phase 2 IS-ENES2participant7.999.94223
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