
UNIVERSITY OF HULL - United Kingdom 

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2022-12-01A novel, first-in-its-kind, aptamer-based LYTACs to address the unmet clinical need of diabetic wounds. APTADEGRADparticipant2.321.6785
2022-01-01Understanding ocean Acidification Impacts on Chemical Communication in marine species AcidICCcoordinator212.9341
2021-08-01Smart and CO2 neutral Olefin Production by arTificial Intelligence and MAchine Learning OPTIMALparticipant772.80012
2021-05-01Chemical Elements as Tracers of the Evolution of the Cosmos - Infrastructures for Nuclear Astrophysics ChETEC-INFRAparticipant4.999.60532
2021-01-01Secure and Safe Multi-Robot Systems SESAMEparticipant6.999.78617
2020-05-01An Industrial Symbiosis Incubator for Maximizing Waste Heat/Cold Efficiency in Industrial Parks and Districts INCUBISparticipant1.999.8759
2020-04-01Pollutants and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere - understanding gas-gas and gas-solid interactions towards a cleaner atmosphere ATMOSparticipant892.40011
2020-01-01NanoPhOtonic devices applying SElf-assembled colloIDs for novel ON-chip light sources POSEIDONparticipant3.066.6208
2019-09-09A Novel Loop-Heat-Pipe (LHP)-based Data Centre Heat Removal and Recovery System Employing the Micro-channels Cold/Hot Plates LHP-C-H-PLATE-4-DCcoordinator224.9341
2018-02-01European Colonial Heritage Modalities in Entangled Cities ECHOEScoordinator2.461.8906
2018-01-01EC-Asia Research Network on Integration of Global and Local Agri-Food Supply Chains Towards Sustainable Food Security GOLFparticipant1.003.50014
2018-01-01VIral and BacteRial Adhesin Network Training ViBrANTparticipant3.925.22015
2018-01-01CiRcular Economy: SusTainability Implications and guidING progress CRESTINGcoordinator3.854.79823
2017-12-01DataCube Service for Copernicus DCS4COPparticipant1.981.9309
2017-10-01A Novel Hybrid Photovoltaic–Thermoelectric Power Generation System Employing the Flat-plate Micro-channel Heat Pipe PV-TE-MCHPcoordinator195.4551
2017-05-01Morphodynamic Stickiness: the influence of physical and biological cohesion in sedimentary systems GEOSTICKcoordinator2.581.1551
2017-01-01Catalyst Cascade Reactions in ‘One-Flow’ within a Compartmentalized, Green-Solvent ‘Digital Synthesis Machinery’ – End-to-End Green Process Design for Pharmaceuticals One-Flowparticipant3.896.8288
2017-01-01Blood test for clinical therapy guidance of non-small cell lung cancer patients LungCARDparticipant976.50017
2017-01-01Low Energy Dew Point Cooling for Computing Data Centres DEW-COOL-4-CDCcoordinator1.156.50014
2017-01-01Dependability Engineering Innovation for CPS - DEIS DEISparticipant4.889.29010
2016-11-01Fishfriendly Innovative Technologies for Hydropower FIThydroparticipant5.888.42426
2016-09-01Biomarker Enterprise to Attack DKD - Sofia ref.: 115974 BEAt-DKDparticipant15.085.93731
2016-03-01Climate change and European aquatic RESources CERESparticipant5.586.85126
2016-01-01Self-management interventions and mutual assistance community services, helping patients with dementia and caregivers connect with others for evaluation, support and inspiration to improve the care experience CAREGIVERSPRO-MMDparticipant4.087.1998
2015-10-01GRACE: Gender and Cultures of Equality in Europe GRACEcoordinator3.719.1028
2015-09-01HYDRALAB+ Adapting to climate change HYDRALAB-PLUSparticipant9.979.37625
2015-03-01Forum for Bio-Based Innovation in Public Procurement InnProBioparticipant1.964.8698
2015-01-01Development of flexible pyrolysis-catalysis processing of waste plastics for selective production of high value products through research and innovation FLEXI-PYROCATparticipant405.0003
2015-01-01Energy Efficient Ventilated Facades for Optimal Adaptability and Heat Exchange enabling novel NZEB architectural concepts for the refurbishment of existing buildings E2VENTparticipant3.402.78913
2014-12-01Indium-Free Transparent Conductive Oxides for Glass and Plastic Substrates INFINITYparticipant4.003.2437
2014-09-01Regulation of muscle stem cells by ERRgamma MUSTEMERRcoordinator100.0001
2014-01-01Research and Development in Coal-fired Supercritical Power Plant with Post-combustion Carbon Capture using Process Systems Engineering techniques R-D-CSPP-PSEcoordinator352.8003
2013-12-01Logistic Efficiencies And Naval architecture for Wind Installations with Novel Developments LEANWINDparticipant9.986.23132
2013-10-01Training scientists to develop and Image materials for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine ITERMparticipant3.575.7298
2013-02-07Point-of-care blood device for fast and reliable prediction of drug response in non- small-cell lung carcinoma patients from blood samples LUNGCARDparticipant1.056.0007
2013-02-01Heart OMics in AGEing HOMAGEparticipant12.000.00018
2012-12-07A Novel BIPV-PCM Heat and Power Cogeneration System for Buildings BIPV-PCM-COGENcoordinator278.8071
2012-12-01"Microwave, Ultrasonic and Plasma assisted Syntheses" MAPSYNparticipant3.760.00012
2012-11-01DEVelopment Of innovative Tools for understanding marine biodiversity and assessing good Environmental Status DEVOTESparticipant8.997.98524
2012-10-01Microscopic investigations of CO2 capture and scattering on liquid gas interface CAPZEOparticipant220.4003
2012-03-01A Novel Heat Pump Assisted Solar Façade Loop Heat Pipe Water Heating System HP-LP-SOLAR-FACADEcoordinator210.0932
2012-02-01"Development of new techniques in hatchery rearing, fishery enhancement and aquaculture for Nephrops" NEPHROPSparticipant2.615.50015
2011-12-01Semantic Interoperability for Health Network SemanticHealthNetparticipant2.945.36418
2011-11-01"A European Initial Training Network on the History, Archaeology, and New Genetics of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade" EUROTASTparticipant4.304.06410
2011-11-01REstoring rivers FOR effective catchment Management REFORMparticipant6.997.60327
2011-10-01R & D in Sustainable Building Energy Systems and Retrofitting R-D-SBES-Rparticipant606.9007
2011-09-26Examination of alveolar and trabecular morphology and how it relates to masticatory forces EATcoordinator45.0001
2011-02-01Vectors of Change in Oceans and Seas Marine Life, Impact on Economic Sectors VECTORSparticipant12.484.83540
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