

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2023-03-01Playing urban mobility games with intelligent machines. Framework to discover and mitigate human-machine conflicts. COeXISTENCEcoordinator1.494.4051
2023-01-01The next step towards the elimination of iodine deficiency and preventable iodine-related disorders in Europe EUthyroid2participant2.567.16515
2023-01-01Operator Algebras that One Can See Graph Algebrasparticipant496.80026
2023-01-01Psychiatric disorders and Comorbidities caused by pollution in the Mediterranean area PsyCoMedparticipant1.159.20014
2023-01-01Communities and Artistic Participation in Hybrid Environment CAPHEcoordinator1.449.00010
2022-11-01Bringing molecular photomagnets to light - achieving magnets through visible light excitation at room temperature LUX-INVENTAcoordinator1.751.2501
2022-10-01EIT Culture & Creativity EIT CCSI SUGAparticipant5.995.36229
2022-10-01European Centre of Excellence on Inclusive Gender Equality in Research & Innovation: Creating Knowledge & Engaging in Collaborative Action INSPIREparticipant4.996.75814
2022-10-01Rethinking and Reshaping the EU’s democracy support in its Eastern and Southern Neighbourhood SHAPEDEM-EUparticipant2.748.75812
2022-10-01Reclaiming Liberal Democracy in Europe RECLAIMparticipant2.756.06513
2022-09-01Food systems transformation towards healthy and sustainable dietary behaviour PLANEATparticipant11.392.81825
2022-09-01Alliance for Research on Cultural Heritage in Europe ARCHEparticipant2.913.13629
2022-09-01Implementation and evaluation of a Navigation Intervention for People with Cancer in Old Age and their Family Caregivers: an international pragmatic randomized controlled trial EU NAVIGATEparticipant5.993.22212
2022-09-01Rebuilding governance and resilience out of the pandemic REGROUPparticipant2.999.99714
2022-09-01enabling Clinical Research in Emergency and Acute care Medicine through automated data extraction eCREAMparticipant7.294.24911
2022-07-01Identification and characterization of cellular DeUrmylases MSCA_dk_2021coordinator139.9541
2022-06-01What does your blood remember? The memory of hematopoietic stem cells. StemMemocoordinator2.500.0001
2022-04-01European Researchers' Night 2022-2023 in Malopolska ERN4Changeparticipant299.37211
2022-04-01Chiral Metal-Based Luminophores for Multi-Field Responsive Bistable Switches LUMIFIELDcoordinator1.710.8751
2022-01-01Autonomous and Unmanned Vessels in International Law: Yara Birkeland as a Challenge to the Law of the Sea P-ADMIRALcoordinator149.6261
2022-01-01FrAmework for ClInicaL trIal participants daTA reutilization for a fully Transparent and Ethical ecosystem FACILITATEparticipant3.260.00029
2022-01-01advanced Muon Campus in US and Europe contribution aMUSEparticipant1.899.80015
2021-06-01Deciphering the role of RNA modifications during ribosomal decoding and protein synthesis tRNAslationcoordinator1.997.5001
2021-06-01Individualized CARE for Older Persons with Complex Chronic Conditions at home and in nursing homes I-CARE4OLDparticipant5.832.53614
2021-04-01LEAPS pilot to foster open innovation for accelerator-based light sources in Europe LEAPS-INNOVparticipant9.999.99122
2021-04-01RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE TRAINING PLUS RItrainPlusparticipant2.000.00019
2021-03-01Addressing vaccine hesitancy in Europe VAX-TRUSTparticipant2.971.67510
2021-03-01Mechanistic links between rheumatoid arthritis and cardiovascular complications: investigation on inflammation induced alterations in induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes CVD in RAcoordinator149.6262
2021-02-01European consortium for communicating gene- and cell-based therapy information. EuroGCTparticipant1.999.78447
2021-02-01Gender-based violence and institutional responses: Building a knowledge base and operational tools to make universities and research organisations safe UniSAFEparticipant3.198.54010
2021-02-01Modifying Institution by Developing Gender Equality Plans MINDtheGEPsparticipant2.936.02310
2021-02-01Towards a common Una Europa RESearch and INnovation ecosystem Una.Resinparticipant1.999.7648
2021-01-01Legality Attentive Data Scientists LeADSparticipant3.823.3757
2021-01-01Synchrotron Light Industry Applications Sylindacoordinator899.0594
2020-09-01Cartilaginous tissue regeneration by non-viral gene therapy; taking the hurdles towards efficient delivery CARTHAGOparticipant4.002.42712
2020-04-01Corona Accelerated R&D in Europe CAREparticipant36.559.18643
2020-04-01Mereological Reconstruction of the Metaphysical System in the Daodejing Mereodaoparticipant229.5002
2020-01-01Personalized Prevention for Coronary Heart Disease CoroPreventionparticipant19.970.82724
2020-01-01EXposome Powered tools for healthy living in urbAN SEttings EXPANSEparticipant11.993.90721
2020-01-01Differentiation: Clustering Excellence DiCEparticipant1.428.26814
2019-11-01From Super-Kamiokande to Hyper-Kamiokande SK2HKparticipant575.0009
2019-06-01The strong interaction at the frontier of knowledge: fundamental research and applications STRONG-2020participant10.000.00045
2019-06-01Giving Beekeeping Guidance by cOmputatiOnal-assisted Decision making B-GOODparticipant7.961.17017
2019-05-01COllective action Models for Energy Transition and Social Innovation COMETSparticipant3.000.00012
2019-04-01Energy Social sciences & Humanities Innovation Forum Targeting the SET-Plan Energy-SHIFTSparticipant1.014.5607
2019-02-01EU Differentiation, Dominance and Democracy EU3Dparticipant2.999.85610
2019-02-01Deep uncertainties in bioethics: genetic research, preventive medicine, reproductive decisions BIOUNCERTAINTYcoordinator1.499.6251
2019-02-01(Re)constructing a Bible. A new approach to unedited Biblical manuscripts as sources for the early history of the Karaim language KaraimBiblecoordinator1.484.0752
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