

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2022-10-01Dismantling, REdialing, personalizing, and implementing task SHIFTing psychosocial interventions to treat and prevent common mental disorders in low-resource settings RE-SHIFTparticipant265.0992
2022-09-01Digital Observatory of Political Discourse DIGIPOLparticipant277.1592
2022-05-02New Horizons for Holography SPINBHMICROparticipant251.0032
2022-03-15The ‘right’ in human rights: Aristotelianism and Neo-Confucianism at the basis of the EU-China Dialogue RIGHTparticipant269.0032
2022-02-01Musicians in the “Republic of Letters”: For a Social Network Analysis of Giambattista Martini’s Correspondence MARTINETparticipant269.0032
2022-02-01Global Excellence in Modeling Climate and Energy Policies GEOCEPparticipant2.254.00022
2021-11-01Antibiotic persisters during infection: a tail of intestinal dominion PERSISTparticipant257.6202
2021-11-01Emotion Regulation Deficits among People at Risk for Suicide ERDSparticipant269.9982
2021-11-01Stratospheric Ozone Loss from Volcanic Eruptions SOLVEparticipant286.9222
2021-10-01Back to the sea: Axial evolution in secondarily aquatic mammals Back2Seaparticipant271.7332
2021-09-15Nations Reversed. National Imaginaries, Images of Migration in Greece and Mexico STREAMparticipant241.8092
2021-09-01Surface for Urban Innovation: The Politics of Designing Poverty in Colombia and Czechia SURBANINparticipant246.6692
2021-09-01Exploit population imaging to unravel resistance to Alzheimer's disease DIVERT-ADparticipant253.0522
2021-09-01Style Matters: Scientific Pluralism and its Early-Modern Sources EPISTYLEparticipant251.0032
2021-09-01Parallel Lives: Dependency and Backwardness PARALLEL LIVESparticipant251.0032
2021-08-01Marriage, Migration and Sexuality: African Migrants in Interracial Same-sex Partnerships MARMIGSEXparticipant271.0522
2021-05-01Unifying Neutrino Observatories Searches UNOSparticipant204.4162
2021-04-01Design of biomaterials with enzymatic logic gates BioMaGicparticipant253.0522
2021-03-01A background-free experiment to discover the nature of neutrinos based on single Barium Atom Light Detection BOLDparticipant9.373.5879
2021-02-01Weaponizing Social Housing in Medellín and Rio de Janeiro Social Housingparticipant253.0522
2021-01-01An intuitive entrepreneurial gender ceiling and its impact on entrepreneurial success and access to finance ROLLER COASTERparticipant260.8412
2020-10-01Using cell-cell interactions to unlock new cancer treatments: Forcing neural crest tumors back onto the developmental path KILL-OR-DIFFERENTIATparticipant9.377.1516
2020-09-16Unravelling the role of scleral events on a novel treatment for Myopia using microscopy techniques MYOMICROparticipant263.7322
2020-09-01Opening a new window onto medieval glass trade and technology WINDOWGLASSMEDparticipant271.7332
2020-09-01International Pregnancy Safety Study InPreSSparticipant219.8762
2020-09-01Acquisition of Mathematical Concepts in the Human Brain NeuroMathparticipant246.8442
2020-07-01Measuring and Modelling Air Pollution Within Vehicles – Implications for daily EXposure and Human Health. MMAP-VEXparticipant271.7332
2020-04-01Following the paths of itinerant professionals of the arts in the epigraphic sources of the Hellenistic period PTANOIS POSINparticipant269.0032
2020-03-01Secondary organic Aerosols Production in pre and post-Industrial-like ENvironments : The Impact of biogenic and Anthropogenic emissions on cliMate SAPIENTIAMparticipant168.3702
2020-02-01Assessing Climate TransItion OptioNs: policy vs impacts ACTIONparticipant269.0032
2020-02-01Coherent Optomechanical and Hyperfine interactions Engineering with Silicon-Vacancy impurities in diamond for quantum networks COHESiVparticipant253.0522
2019-11-01The Role of Prefrontal Cortex in Functional Brain Organization of Number Processing in Infants NumBraInfparticipant264.6692
2019-10-01ZEbrafish Neuroscience Interdisciplinary Training Hub ZENITHparticipant4.096.01422
2019-10-01Holography for Asymptotically Flat Spacetimes HoloFlatparticipant270.3492
2019-09-01Mechanical regulation of cellular behaviour in 3D viscoelastic materials MECHANOSITYparticipant239.1912
2019-07-01Cartilage progenitor cells for growth plate regeneration Grolariesparticipant204.4162
2019-06-01Capitalising Public Narratives in the organising of Grassroots Roma Women Narratives4Changeparticipant245.7322
2018-10-01directed EVOlution in DROPS EVOdropsparticipant3.452.42319
2018-10-01Advanced Laboratory Phantoms for Soft Tissues in Engineering and Medicine: ALPHA-STEM ALPHA-STEMparticipant244.2692
2018-09-01Coherent Optomechanical Nonlinear Systems for Evolving Quantum and Electronic Nano- Technologies CONSEQUENTparticipant261.2092
2018-08-01Precursors to Modern Aerobic Ammonium Oxidation: Oxygenic and Electrogenic Anaerobic Pathways PAERADOXparticipant278.2282
2018-08-01Foraging Behavior in children: A new way to understand attentional development FORAGEKIDparticipant257.1913
2018-08-01Re-emerging Magic Molecules: The Medicalization of Psychedelics in the United States ReMedPsyparticipant261.2093
2018-07-30Predicting Suicide PSparticipant242.9302
2018-04-01Molecule design for next generation solar cells using machine learning approaches trained on large scale screening databases MolDesignparticipant208.9643
2018-01-01Immersive Visual Technologies for Safety-critical Applications ImmerSAFEparticipant3.957.57714
2018-01-01A European Training Network for Functional Hybrid Coatings by Molecular Layer Deposition HYCOATparticipant3.898.79826
2017-10-01Spirits of Displacement and Diaspora SDDparticipant269.8582
2017-08-01Mechanisms of cellular fatty acid homeostasis TGDNLparticipant265.0592
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