

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2023-05-01Intelligent design of adenovirus vectors (iAds) iAdsparticipant3.443.1378
2023-03-01Advancing understanding of Cumulative Impacts on European marine biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services for human wellbeing ACTNOWparticipant10.632.00035
2023-01-01Elucidation of risk factors and health determinants associated with PROGRESSION of Monoclonal Gammopathies to Multiple Myeloma ELMUMYparticipant9.951.07814
2023-01-01HIGH performing uLtrA-durable membraNe electroDe assEmblies for tRucks HIGHLANDERparticipant3.331.24812
2023-01-01SUSTAINCELL: Durable and Sustainable component supply chain for high performance fuel cells and electrolysers SUSTAINCELLparticipant9.993.65211
2023-01-01Embodied Social Experiences in Hybrid Shared Spaces SHARESPACEparticipant5.947.57416
2023-01-01STormwAteR and WastewAteR networkS heterogeneous data AI-driven management STARWARSparticipant1.196.0008
2022-12-01Sustainable tecHnologies enablIng Future Telecommunication applications SHIFTparticipant18.700.38443
2022-12-01Breakthrough Fuel Cell Technologies for Aviation BRAVAparticipant19.986.84214
2022-12-01AgriLoop: Pushing the frontier of circular agriculture by converting residues into novel economic, social and environmental opportunities AgriLoopparticipant7.825.29738
2022-11-01Metal Organic Frameworks for Hydrogen production by photocatalytic overall water splitting MOF2H2participant2.998.72110
2022-10-01DNA replication at the heart of cell fate decisions and cancer development RepliFateparticipant2.650.31321
2022-10-01User-oriented Solutions for Improved Monitoring and Management of Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in vulnerable European Seas B-USEFULparticipant4.609.98113
2022-09-01Porous Networks for Gas Sensing SENNETparticipant3.162.45619
2022-09-01Ecosystem-based Adaptation and Changemaking to Shape, Protect and Maintain the Resilience of Tomorrow’s Forests eco2adaptparticipant9.788.45231
2022-09-01Functional Nano-Scaffolds for Regenerative Medicine NANOREMEDIparticipant3.413.32619
2022-09-01Problem-based learning trajectories in discrete mathematics education ProDiMEcoordinator195.9151
2022-06-01Exposure To electromAgnetic fIelds and plaNetary health ETAINparticipant6.635.05313
2021-09-01COntrolling and progressively Minimizing the Burden of Animal Trypanosomosis COMBATparticipant5.901.06221
2021-09-01Long-range electrodynamic INteractions between proteinS LINkSparticipant3.090.5759
2021-07-01International cooperation for selective conversion of CO2 into METHAnol under SOLar light METHASOLparticipant3.999.63417
2021-06-01RADiation facility Network for the EXploration of effects for indusTry and research RADNEXTparticipant5.000.00031
2021-03-01Training European Experts in Inflammation: from the molecular players to animal models and the bedside INFLANETcoordinator3.977.11713
2021-01-01Transforming Open Responsible Research and Innovation through CHARM TORCHparticipant2.163.0115
2021-01-01IMproved lifetiMe stacks fOR heavy duty Trucks through ultrA-durabLe components IMMORTALparticipant3.825.92810
2021-01-01Smart technology for MArinE Litter SusTainable RemOval and Management MAELSTROMparticipant5.988.29615
2021-01-01Drug-coated balloon simulation and optimization system for the improved treatment of peripheral artery disease DECODEparticipant3.612.3407
2021-01-01Secure and Assured hardware: Facilitating ESTonia’s digital society SAFESTparticipant895.4196
2021-01-01Proto-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Hybrid Systems for Generation-Next Bionic Devices PROGENYparticipant3.609.7559
2020-12-01Digital Healthcare ECOosystem research and innovation capability building DiHECOparticipant899.9085
2020-09-01Foundations of Trustworthy AI - Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization TAILORparticipant12.000.00059
2020-06-01Marine Coastal Ecosystems Biodiversity and Services in a Changing World MaCoBioSparticipant6.980.65818
2020-05-01Open Innovation Test Bed for nano-enabled Membranes INNOMEMparticipant14.716.87234
2020-05-01Photoelectrocatalytic device for SUN-driven CO2 conversion into green CHEMicals SunCoChemparticipant6.617.64518
2020-04-01Network of Leading Ecosystem Scale Experimental AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities Connecting Rivers, Lakes, Estuaries and Oceans in Europe and beyond AQUACOSM-plusparticipant9.999.56335
2020-02-01European long-term ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological systems research infrastructure PLUS eLTER PLUSparticipant9.999.99039
2020-02-01Detecting, Predicting and Protecting Pelagic Megafauna Hotspots in the Coral Sea MEGAFAUNAcoordinator196.7081
2020-01-01Anion Exchange Membrane Electrolysis for Renewable Hydrogen Production on a Wide-Scale ANIONEparticipant1.999.9958
2020-01-01Further Understanding Related to Transport limitations at High current density towards future ElectRodes for Fuel Cells FURTHER-FCparticipant2.199.56713
2020-01-01MOnitoring Outbreak events for Disease surveillance in a data science context MOODparticipant13.910.74727
2020-01-01European Joint Doctorate Programme on Optical Sensing using Advanced Photo-Induced Effects OPTAPHIparticipant3.761.7645
2019-12-01Socio-physical Interaction Skills for Cooperative Human-Robot Systems in Agile Production SOPHIAparticipant6.548.62012
2019-12-01HighlY performing proton exchange membrane water electrolysers with reinforceD membRanes fOr efficient hydrogen GENeration HYDROGENcoordinator150.0001
2019-10-01Teaming to Upgrade to Excellence in Environmental Biology, Ecosystem Research and AgroBiodiversity BIOPOLISparticipant14.988.5253
2019-06-01Unlocking the potential of Sustainable BiodegradabLe Packaging USABLE PACKAGINGparticipant4.813.04525
2019-02-01Exhumation mechanisms of deep crust and formation of metamorphic domes in orogens: a Synergy between naturalistic and numerical approaches DOMEScoordinator226.3232
2019-01-01Induced pluripotent stem cell-based therapy for spinal regeneration iPSpineparticipant14.959.78121
2019-01-01EnTimeMent - ENtrainment and synchronization at multiple TIME scales in the MENTal foundations of expressive gesture EnTimeMentparticipant4.188.88611
2018-11-01Integrating chemical and biological approaches to target NAD production and signaling in cancer INTEGRATAparticipant3.738.57315
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