
CARL ZEISS - Germany 

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2023-01-01Beyond Bad Apples: Towards a Behavioral and Evidence-Based Approach to Promote Research Ethics and Research Integrity in Europe BEYONDparticipant2.541.52014
2023-01-01DIgital DYnaMic and respOnsible twinS for XR DIDYMOS-XRparticipant5.500.20814
2022-12-0114 Anstrom CMOS IC technology 14ACMOSparticipant21.859.93225
2022-10-01An advanced surveillance platform to improve the EURopean Multi Authority BordeR Security efficiency and cooperation EURMARSparticipant5.884.21519
2022-10-01improving Research Ethics Expertise and Competences to Ensure Reliability and Trust in Science iRECSparticipant3.794.37418
2022-10-01improving Research Ethics Expertise and Competences to Ensure Reliability and Trust in Science iRECSparticipant3.794.37418
2022-10-01Advanced versatile artificiaAdvanced versatile artificial intelligence technologies and interconnected cross-sectoral fully-operational national focal points for combating illicit firearms trafficking Ceasefireparticipant4.999.80921
2022-10-01Transdisciplinary methods for societal impact assessment and impact creation for security research technologies TRANSCENDcoordinator1.751.3159
2022-10-01Transdisciplinary methods for societal impact assessment and impact creation for security research technologies TRANSCENDparticipant1.751.3159
2022-10-01Federated Data Sharing and Analysis for Social Utility HARPOCRATESparticipant4.015.55013
2022-10-01iMmersive gamEs for Museums as vehicles to Engage visiTOrs in Empathetic reSponses MEMENTOESparticipant3.295.2548
2022-09-01Climate Monitoring and Decision Support Framework for Sand Fly-borne Diseases Detection and Mitigation with COst-benefit and Climate-policy MeasureS CLIMOSparticipant9.038.53029
2022-09-01Pro-active Pandemic Crisis Ethics and Integrity Framework PREPAREDparticipant4.201.75916
2022-09-01deVEloping scientific Research with ethIcs and inTegrity for shAred benefitS VERITAScoordinator1.847.5627
2022-09-01deVEloping scientific Research with ethIcs and inTegrity for shAred benefitS VERITASparticipant1.847.5627
2022-06-01Data hub for the Creation of Energy communities at Local Level and to Advance Research on them DATA CELLARparticipant6.954.06331
2022-06-01Data hub for the Creation of Energy communities at Local Level and to Advance Research on them DATA CELLARparticipant6.954.06331
2022-02-01Reshaping European Advances towards green Leadership Through Deliberative Approaches and Learning REAL_DEALparticipant6.795.55016
2021-12-01Novel Strategies to Fight Child Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking Crimes and Protect their Victims HEROESparticipant4.999.50029
2021-12-01Novel Strategies to Fight Child Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking Crimes and Protect their Victims HEROESparticipant4.999.50029
2021-11-01Cross-sector dialogue for Wildfire Risk Management FIRELOGUEparticipant3.259.37115
2021-10-01Field -testing and demonstration of digital and space based technologies with agro-ecological and organic practices in systemic innovation PestNuparticipant6.000.96022
2021-10-01A European Positive Sum Approach towards AI tools in support of Law Enforcement and safeguarding privacy and fundamental rights pop AIparticipant1.599.61813
2021-09-01Integrating Risk Perception and Action to enhance Civil protection-Citizen interaction RiskPACCparticipant5.460.79120
2021-07-01Tracking illicit money flows TRACEparticipant6.980.08318
2021-07-01Tracking illicit money flows TRACEparticipant6.980.08318
2021-06-01Integration of processes and moDules for the 2 nm node meeting Power Performance Area and Cost requirements ID2PPACparticipant24.855.41427
2021-06-01Enhancing Digital Security, Privacy and TRUST in softWARE TRUST aWAREparticipant4.645.03112
2021-04-01Intelligent Total Body Scanner for Early Detection of Melanoma iToBoSparticipant11.683.08121
2021-02-01Pandemic Preparedness and Response PANDEM-2participant8.705.65023
2021-02-01Pandemic Preparedness and Response PANDEM-2participant8.705.65023
2021-01-01Ethics for Technologies with High Socio-Economic Impact TechEthosparticipant3.994.59317
2021-01-01Ethics for Technologies with High Socio-Economic Impact TechEthosparticipant3.994.59317
2021-01-01Optimizing Manufacturing Processes through Artificial Intelligence and Virtualization OPTIMAIparticipant8.359.08816
2021-01-01Multifunctional, adaptive and interactive AI system for Acting in multiple contexts MAIAparticipant4.013.4387
2020-11-01COronavirus Vulnerabilities and INFOrmation dynamics Research and Modelling COVINFORMparticipant4.941.65617
2020-11-01COronavirus Vulnerabilities and INFOrmation dynamics Research and Modelling COVINFORMparticipant4.941.65617
2020-09-01Demonstration of intelligent decision support for pandemic crisis prediction and management within and across European borders STAMINAparticipant9.494.32640
2020-09-01Demonstration of intelligent decision support for pandemic crisis prediction and management within and across European borders STAMINAparticipant9.494.32640
2020-09-01Facilitating EU pre-Standardization process Through stReamlining and vAlidating inTeroperability in systems and procEdures involved in the crisis manaGement cYcle STRATEGYparticipant5.997.29324
2020-09-01Deep AR Law Enforcement Ecosystem DARLENEparticipant6.954.86017
2020-09-01Deep AR Law Enforcement Ecosystem DARLENEparticipant6.954.86017
2020-06-01IC Technology for the 2nm Node IT2participant20.815.59334
2020-05-01Understanding the drivers of cybercriminality, and new methods to prevent, investigate and mitigate cybercriminal behaviour A Research CC-DRIVERcoordinator4.997.63013
2020-02-01TRansport Innovation for vulnerable-to-exclusion People needs Satisfaction TRIPSparticipant2.831.17514
2020-01-01Handheld optical coherence tomography HandheldOCTparticipant5.985.9799
2019-10-01Pilot Integration of 3nm Semiconducter technology PIN3Sparticipant26.759.24024
2019-09-01Intelligence Network and Secure Platform for Evidence Correlation and Transfer (INSPECTr) INSPECTrparticipant6.997.91019
2019-09-01Prediction and Visual Intelligence for Security Information PREVISIONparticipant8.001.18029
2019-09-01Active Matter: From Fundamental Science to Technological Applications ActiveMatterparticipant4.012.08022
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