

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2023-01-01OPEVA - OPtimization of Electric Vehicle Autonomy OPEVAparticipant7.600.32437
2022-12-01Novel health care strategies for melanoma in children, adolescents and young adults MELCAYAparticipant8.013.21925
2022-12-01Multi-sensory solutions for increasing human-building resilience in face of climate change MuSICparticipant2.655.82111
2022-09-01Welfare systems and labour market policies for economic and social resilience in Europe WeLaRparticipant2.999.74310
2022-09-01Depicting the impact of an invasive alien crop pest on local ecological networks PESTNETcoordinator255.7682
2022-07-08Hodgkin Lymphoma: Insights from genomic studies of mutations in coding and non-coding regions HodgkINsightscoordinator275.2101
2022-05-01the new generation of scalable urban HEat isLand mitigatIOn by means of adaptive photoluminescent radiative cooling Skins HELIOScoordinator1.498.1251
2022-04-01SHAring Researchers’ Passion for Enhanced Roadmaps - The European Researchers’ Night in Italy 2022-2023 SHARPERparticipant982.0009
2022-01-01INnovation in Truffle cultivation, preservAtion, proCessing and wild truffle resources managemenT INTACTparticipant1.357.00018
2021-11-01Storage Research Infrastructure Eco-System StoRIESparticipant6.999.98034
2021-08-01Biomarker and AI-supported FX06 therapy to prevent progression from mild and moderate to severe stages of COVID-19 COVendparticipant9.994.97818
2021-06-01INnovative Tools for Assessment and Authentication of chicken meat, beef and dairy products’ QualiTies INTAQTparticipant6.126.65124
2021-06-01Smart and secure energy solutions for future mobility Energy ECSparticipant8.253.16834
2021-04-15Sharing Researchers' Passion for Engaging Responsiveness - The European Researchers' Night in Italy in 2021 SHARPERparticipant692.00011
2021-02-01Untangling the impacts of technological transformations, globalisation and demographic change to foster shared prosperity in Europe UNTANGLEDparticipant2.993.45914
2021-01-01LETHE (λήθη) – A personalized prediction and intervention model for early detection and reduction of risk factors causing dementia, based on AI and distributed Machine Learning LETHEparticipant5.999.88915
2020-12-01Intelligent plug-and-play digital tool for real-time surveillance of COVID-19 patients and smart decision-making in Intensive Care Units ENVISIONparticipant4.874.11122
2020-12-01Mechanisms of Apomictic Developments MADparticipant952.20011
2020-10-01Tailored Materials for Sustainable Technologies: Programming Functional Molecular Components Through Boron-Nitrogen Doping STiBNiteparticipant3.893.18310
2020-09-01Towards a new generation of EU peer-to-peer Energy Communities facilitated by a gamified platform and empowered by user-centred energy trading mechanisms and business models. NRG2peersparticipant1.998.43515
2020-09-01Commercialization of catalytic enhancers targeting IDO1 for multiple sclerosis ENHANCIDOcoordinator150.0001
2020-06-01Challenging environments tolerant Smart systems for IoT and AI CHARMparticipant7.306.53639
2020-05-15SHAring Researchers’ Passion for Evolving Responsibilities SHARPERparticipant447.50010
2020-05-01Airborne data collection on resilient system architectures ADACORSAparticipant11.869.48252
2020-04-01Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science IPERION HSparticipant6.162.71168
2020-02-01Implementation and Sustainability of Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure for 21st Century IS_MIRRI21participant4.914.85621
2020-01-01Host directed medicine in invasive fungal infection HDM-FUNparticipant9.998.17018
2020-01-01Development of a demonstrator for the Penetrating Particle Analyser (PAN) technology PANparticipant2.637.5004
2019-11-01Multi-omics Interdisciplinary Research Integration to Address DEmentia diagnosis MIRIADEparticipant4.015.37611
2019-09-01Poultry and PIg Low-input and Organic production systems’ Welfare PPILOWparticipant9.999.58023
2019-05-01AstroChemical Origins ACOparticipant4.138.45313
2019-01-01Advanced Technologies for future European Satellite Applications TESLAparticipant3.977.3538
2018-11-01Design, Manufacturing and Qualification up to TRL5 of Innovative Electro-Mechanical BRAKE actuation System for SAT Application E-BRAKEparticipant1.073.0415
2018-09-01MicroTher: Drug Discovery from the Microbiota MicroThercoordinator150.0001
2018-06-01Development and Validation of an Innovative Solar Compact Selective-Water-Sorbent-Based Heating System SWS-HEATINGparticipant4.994.92616
2018-05-10Sharing Researchers’ Passion for Evidences and Resilience SHARPERparticipant790.4008
2018-05-01Deployment of novel GEOthermal systems, technologies and tools for energy efficient building retroFITting. GeoFitparticipant7.896.94026
2018-03-01Sustainable, Accessible, Safe, Resilient and Smart Urban Pavements SAFERUPparticipant3.878.86930
2018-02-01Commercialization of a first in class multiple sclerosis drug DIDO-MScoordinator150.0001
2018-01-01How to best meet the needs of people with dementia with severe behavioural disturbances. Toward a respectful and cost-effective model RECAGEparticipant2.824.03819
2018-01-01MW Fuel Cell micro grid and district heating at King’s Cross ELECTROUparticipant6.000.0006
2018-01-01European Infrastructure Powering the Internet of Things EnABLESparticipant5.213.4819
2017-11-01Networking, partnerships and tools to enhance in situ conservation of European plant genetic resources Farmers Prideparticipant2.000.00019
2017-11-01Improving therapy of NPM1-mutated AML TREAT-NPM1-AMLcoordinator2.895.8361
2017-07-01NEw WindowS on the universe and technological advancements from trilateral EU-US-Japan collaboration NEWSparticipant1.566.00031
2017-05-01Biopolymers with advanced functionalities for building and automotive parts processed through additive manufacturing BARBARAparticipant2.603.86111
2017-04-01Dissecting to hit the therapeutic targets in nucleophosmin (NPM1)-mutated acute myeloid leukemia ContraNPM1AMLcoordinator1.883.7501
2017-03-01Novel Education and Training Tools based on digital applications related to Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology NET-Toolsparticipant1.596.0088
2017-01-01Art / culture / economy to democratize society. Research in placemaking for alternative narratives trans-makingparticipant1.858.50024
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