

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2023-04-01Wireless deep BRAIN STimulation thrOugh engineeRed Multifunctinal nanomaterials BRAINSTORMparticipant2.524.1006
2022-12-01Discovering chronic inflammation biomarkers that define key stages in the Healthy-to-NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis) transition to inform early prevention and treatment strategies halt-RONINparticipant6.348.92723
2022-11-01Supervised morphogenesis in gastruloids SUMOparticipant3.337.7257
2022-10-01Digital Innovations and Diagnostics for Infectious Diseases in Africa DI-DIDAparticipant5.969.23915
2022-09-01STOP SPREAD BAD BUGS: novel antimicrobial approaches to combat multidrug resistance in bacteria STOP SPREAD BAD BUGSparticipant4.060.35423
2022-09-01Preparatory Phase for the Einstein Telescope Gravitational Wave Observatory ET-PPparticipant3.450.00016
2022-09-01Cellular Homeostasis ANd AGing in Connective TissuE Disorders CHANGEparticipant2.692.17415
2022-09-01Reaction robot with intimate photocatalytic and separation functions in a 3-D network driven by artificial intelligence CATARTparticipant2.383.7508
2022-06-01RIVEr emissions of greenhouse gases from warming landSCAPEs RIV-ESCAPEparticipant2.246.2953
2022-05-01Groups, operator algebras, and dynamics GOADScoordinator212.9341
2022-03-01Probes of new physics and technological advancements from particle and gravitational wave physics experiments. A cooperative Europe - United States - Asia effort. PROBESparticipant2.079.20027
2022-02-01Integrated Services for Infectious Disease Outbreak Research ISIDOReparticipant20.998.624154
2021-12-01Towards the discovery of cellular RNA-binding proteins with master regulatory roles in virus infection vRNP-capturecoordinator1.999.9161
2021-11-01Intergenerational transfer of ageing: effects of maternal age at breeding on offspring performance InterAgecoordinator2.499.9551
2021-10-01Collaborative development of renewable/thermally driven and storage-integrated cooling technologies CO-COOLparticipant639.40017
2021-09-01Mitochondrial efficiency as a mechanism for local adaptation in a changing climate MITOCHADAPTcoordinator277.9402
2021-09-01Collectivism in the Digital Era: Novel Approaches to Worker Mobilization and Interest Representation CODEcoordinator224.9341
2021-07-01Health Initiatives in Psoriasis and PsOriatic arthritis ConsoRTium European States HIPPOCRATESparticipant10.210.99327
2021-06-01SFTS virus-tick cell interactions in a vector system. TICKITScoordinator224.9341
2021-06-01Energy Citizens for Inclusive Decarbonization ENCLUDEparticipant2.882.05814
2021-06-01Exploitation of enzyme promiscuity to generate ribosomal natural product diversity EXPLOREcoordinator1.977.1251
2021-06-01MMP and Mirrors via Maximal Modification Algebras MMiMMacoordinator1.889.1311
2021-06-01Dynamic Network Reconstruction of Human Perceptual and Reward Learning via Multimodal Data Fusion DyNeRfusioncoordinator1.996.0431
2021-05-01EXPLORATHON 2021 - European Researchers' Night in Scotland EXPLORATHON 2021participant209.6065
2021-01-01SONICOM - Transforming auditory-based social interaction and communication in AR/VR SONICOMparticipant5.651.04311
2021-01-01Pancreatic cancer AI for genomics and personalized Medicine PANCAIMparticipant8.236.37910
2021-01-01Health Equity and its Economic Determinants (HEED): A Pan-European Microsimulation model for Health impacts of Income and Social Security Policies HEEDcoordinator1.499.7733
2021-01-01Knowledge-First Social Epistemology KNOWLEDGELABcoordinator1.469.9551
2021-01-01Mechanistic Integration of vascular aND endocrine pathways for Subtyping Hypertension: an Innovative network approach for Future generation research Training MINDSHIFTparticipant4.124.3856
2021-01-01Accurate, Reliable and Optimized functional MAgnetic resonance imaging at unprecedented field strength for unique exploration of the human brain AROMAparticipant3.601.5266
2020-12-01Enhancing Global Clean Energy Services Using Orbiting Solar Reflectors SOLSPACEcoordinator2.496.3921
2020-12-01Titles of the New Testament: A New Approach to Manuscripts and the History of Interpretation TiNTcoordinator1.498.4512
2020-11-01Autonomous multimodal implantable endoscopic capsule for the gastrointestinal tract AUTOCAPSULEparticipant3.992.8605
2020-11-01Dead or Alive: Finding the Origin of Caldera Unrest using Magma Reservoir Models DEFORMparticipant201.1342
2020-09-01Understanding (harmful) virus-host interactions by linking virology and bioinformatics VIROINFparticipant3.896.54316
2020-09-01Interglacial Collapse of Ice Sheets revealed by Subglacial Drilling of Bedrock INCISEDparticipant3.430.3173
2020-09-01Democracy under Threat: How Education can Save it DEMEDcoordinator1.995.0242
2020-09-01Wireless, Scalable and Implantable Optogenetics for Neurological Disorders Cure WiseCurecoordinator224.9341
2020-06-01EXPLORATHON 2020 EXPLORATHON 2020participant215.8925
2020-06-01A modular strategy for the repair of critical sized bone fractures HEALIKICKcoordinator5.243.5366
2020-04-01Human Brain Project Specific Grant Agreement 3 HBP SGA3participant150.000.000162
2020-04-01Towards Effective Flow Control and Mitigation of Shock Effects in Aeronautical Applications TEAMAeroparticipant3.955.10412
2020-02-01Modelling to Optimize Vector Elimination: Destabilising mosquito populations MOVEcoordinator1.259.7631
2020-02-01ONCOgenic Receptor Network of Excellence and Training 2.0 ONCORNET2.0participant4.099.78210
2020-01-01Cryogenic 3D Nanoelectronics SEQUENCEparticipant4.466.27710
2020-01-01Fine tune of cellular behavior: multifunctional materials for medical implants Bio-TUNEparticipant814.20010
2020-01-01Rethinking digital copyright law for a culturally diverse, accessible, creative Europe reCreating Europeparticipant3.087.92911
2020-01-01Trafficking transformations: objects as agents in transnational criminal networks TRANSFORMparticipant1.498.9014
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