

Project overview (since 2010-01-01):

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Start dateProjectacronymrolefundingpartners
2023-05-01Cognition and Neurocomputations of motivation and planning FORAGINGCORTEXcoordinator1.652.9501
2023-05-01Intelligent design of adenovirus vectors (iAds) iAdsparticipant3.443.1378
2023-01-01European Partnership on Transforming Health and Care Systems THCSparticipant91.574.57366
2023-01-01Understanding Gene ENvironment Interaction in ALcohol-related hepatocellular carcinoma GENIALparticipant11.996.75314
2023-01-01Early Interception of Inflammatory-mediated Type 2 Diabetes INTERCEPT-T2Dcoordinator8.090.97313
2023-01-01Open Science to Increase Reproducibility in Science OSIRISparticipant1.688.4339
2023-01-01smart and multiFunctional 3D printable prO-Regenerative biologiCal matrix modulating mEchanotRansduction as advancEd theraPy to treAt skIn chRonic wounds FORCE REPAIRparticipant5.083.46616
2023-01-01CArdiovascularREsolution of INflammation to promote HEALTH CARE-IN-HEALTHcoordinator6.993.39710
2023-01-01Enhancing endogenous regenerative response in mammals by redeploying Cranial Neural Crest Cells pluripotency developmental programs and positional identity remodeling REGENECRESTcoordinator1.497.5001
2023-01-01Efficient and rapidly SCAlable EU-wide evidence-driven Pandemic response plans through dynamic Epidemic data assimilation ESCAPEparticipant2.420.9308
2023-01-01Range-adapting reinforcement learning and memory RaReMemcoordinator1.995.8261
2022-12-01Biomarkers affecting the transition from cardiovascular disease to lung cancer: towards stratified interception. PREVALUNG EUparticipant6.521.31212
2022-12-01Discovering chronic inflammation biomarkers that define key stages in the Healthy-to-NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis) transition to inform early prevention and treatment strategies halt-RONINparticipant6.348.92723
2022-11-01Centre for Excellence in Diagnostic and Advanced Therapeutics based on Extracellular Vesicles EVCAparticipant1.487.2095
2022-11-01Retinal Mesh Optoelectronics MESHOPTOparticipant2.000.0003
2022-11-01Towards new treatments of psychiatric disorders - a systems-oriented approach TrePsyparticipant1.339.2054
2022-10-01New Prime Editing and non-viral delivery strategies for Gene Therapy EdiGenTparticipant3.912.8355
2022-10-01Defining an integrated model of the neural processing of speech in light of its multiscale dynamics SPEEDYcoordinator1.861.1001
2022-10-01Environmental Exposure Assessment Research Infrastructure Preparatory Phase Project EIRENE PPPparticipant2.883.57020
2022-10-01A perturbative approach to model retinal processing of natural scenes DEEPRETINAcoordinator1.998.2801
2022-09-01Climate Monitoring and Decision Support Framework for Sand Fly-borne Diseases Detection and Mitigation with COst-benefit and Climate-policy MeasureS CLIMOSparticipant9.038.53029
2022-09-01Drivers of spatiotemporal variation in temperature-related morbidity and mortality in Europe: analysing early adaptation to climate change TEMP-MOMOcoordinator195.9152
2022-09-01Assessing efficacy and safety of genome EDITing approaches for Sickle Cell Disease EDITSCDparticipant6.001.2508
2022-09-01Whole-organ 3D ultrasound micro-flow imaging: from basics physics to clinical proof-of-concept on cardiac and cerebral diseases MicroflowLifecoordinator1.500.0001
2022-09-01Discovering Collagen I degradation process in chronic diseases with fibrotic component DisCo-Icoordinator1.648.9159
2022-09-01Deciphering the dialogue between intestinal macrophages and their tissular niches DIALOGcoordinator184.7082
2022-08-01Therapeutic discovery for cholangiocellular carcinoma CANDYcoordinator150.0001
2022-08-01Epromoters in health and disease Epromcoordinator211.7551
2022-07-01SARS-CoV-2-induced activation of pathogenic endogenous retrovirus envelope HERV-W: towards personalized treatment of COVID-19 patients HERVCOVcoordinator6.846.1579
2022-07-01Targeted strategies for prevention and treatment of fibrosis-associated liver cancer FIBCANcoordinator2.430.0002
2022-06-01Partnership for european research in radiation protection and detection of ionising radiation : towards a safer use and improved protection of the environment and human health. PIANOFORTEparticipant29.414.41158
2022-06-01Building a European strategic Research and Innovation Area in Direct Synergy with EU and International Initiatives for Pandemic Preparedness BE READYcoordinator1.998.89423
2022-06-01The human genetic and immunological determinants of the clinical manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 infection: Towards personalised medicine UNDINEparticipant6.718.13921
2022-06-01Advancing The Clinical Development Of Placental Malaria Vaccines In The Context Of Capacity Building and Use Of Digital Health Technologies ADVANCE-VAC4PMparticipant9.999.99510
2022-06-01Lectibodies to Eliminate Tumours Lectibodiescoordinator150.0001
2022-06-01NEUROendocrine SENSor for Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) prediction and prevention NEUROSENSEparticipant3.739.7249
2022-05-12Prediction of Children's Math Learning Disability Using Longitudinal Brain Data and Machine Learning MathDevBMLcoordinator184.7081
2022-05-01Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals PARCparticipant200.000.000199
2022-05-01A game changer for the treatment of osteoarthritis: a cost effective combined advanced therapy to treat knee osteoarthritis SINPAINparticipant5.387.55712
2022-04-01Therapeutic Antisense Oligonucleotides Targeting NUMB Alternative Splicing in Lung Adenocarcinoma TAONas-LUADparticipant2.899.5534
2022-04-01Bottom-up reconstruction of a Synthetic Erythrocyte SynEryparticipant3.292.8274
2022-04-01MetaCil: Unveiling the molecular interplay between primary cilia and metabolism in cancer METACILcoordinator196.7081
2022-02-01Integrated Services for Infectious Disease Outbreak Research ISIDOReparticipant20.998.624154
2022-01-01Circuit mechanisms underlying sensory-evoked navigation EXPLORATOMEcoordinator2.000.0001
2022-01-01Deciphering creativity: A neuro-computational approach to the investigation of creative abilities. CreHackcoordinator196.7082
2021-12-01Sleep microstructure in Parkinson's Disease and REM-sleep Behavior Disorder Sleep_PD-RBDcoordinator196.7081
2021-11-01SARS-coV2 variants Evaluation in pRegnancy and paeDIatrics cohorts VERDIparticipant9.999.99823
2021-11-01EU-Africa Concerted Action on SAR-CoV-2 Virus Variant and Immunological Surveillance CoVICISparticipant10.048.97115
2021-09-01RESilience to Early Developmental Adversity: can children's environment help them overcome the odds? RESEDAcoordinator1.541.6171
2021-09-01Long-range electrodynamic INteractions between proteinS LINkSparticipant3.090.5759
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